Chapter 343 My name is Liu Yingying!

The gravity slowly disappeared, and Ye Dong didn’t feel so uncomfortable.

He slowly sat up from the ground.

Liu Yingying squatted in front of him, holding his chin in both hands, and looking at him grinningly, “You must be surprised, I’m actually awakened to domineering, right?”

Ye Dong looked at Liu Yingying coldly and said, “What do you want to say?”

Liu Yingying sighed faintly, and said, “Why are you so boring? I just want to say a few more words to you. Usually no one listens to me. Can’t you just listen to me? ?”

Ye Dong sneered, “Then you’d better be vigilant at all times, otherwise, I might say goodbye to you at any time.”

Liu Yingying smiled lightly, “You must be very interested in what I am going to say next. Do you know why?”

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t speak.

“You should stay in the Death Forest this year? You also got a strange spear. That spear seems to have a strong restraint against ghouls? Don’t do anything, don’t talk, you just need to know , We all know your every move, including when you and that bitch went to bed, the dark sequence is all clear!”

Ye Dong clenched his fists abruptly, his body was trembling slightly, he had never been so angry!

“Your father and mother both work in a weaving factory in Iron Fort. Your father ordered a box of chicken drumstick rice yesterday. Your mother ate plain noodles, as if she knew that your father would give her chicken drumsticks. I really envy you!”

“They Wu You live a simple and happy life in the iron castle without worry, but they don’t know what their own son is doing outside.

I really want to tell them that their son is battling the most terrifying dark organization in the world, and he may lose his life at any time.

I don’t know if they will worry about you after hearing this sentence. ”


Ye Dong yelled and fisted Liu Yingying.

Liu Yingying’s eyes flashed!

Domineering outside!

Gravity is coming!


Ye Donggang got up and knelt on the ground again under the weight of gravity.

“I haven’t finished speaking yet, what are you excited about?”

“Liu Yingying! Don’t let me live, you’d better kill me now!”

Liu Yingying sneered, “I said, I haven’t finished speaking, you seem to be very angry? Oh? I want to continue to say, anyway, your every move, every move of your family, are all in the dark sequence. Under surveillance.

It’s like we’re talking now, and in fact, under the surveillance of the Dark Sequence, the more painful you behave, the more you look at me, thank you Ye Dong, for working so hard for me, struggling so hard.

I don’t know what to say.

It’s better to tell you one thing. In fact, as long as I want to, I can kill your father and mother at any time. They are just ordinary people, as long as I impose a little psychological hint on them.

For example, let them jump into the waste water, or dye the vat, others will at most think it is an accident. ”


Ye Dong stubbornly carried hundreds of times of gravity, and stood up from the ground trembling, his eyes were terrifying like a bloodthirsty lion, and his eyes were covered with scarlet blood.

“What… how is it possible?”

Liu Yingying kept backing backwards with a look of astonishment.

Ye Dong looked at Liu Yingying with murderous eyes, and said word by word, “You are not allowed to touch my parents!”

Liu Yingying calmed down a little, and said, “You said you don’t want to move, don’t move? I’ll give them psychological hints later and let them both jump into the boiling water. You should feel fortunate that they were together when they died. ,Hahaha.”




It seems that something has reached the tipping point.

Ye Dong’s brain crackled, he didn’t know what happened, he only knew that he was very angry!

He is going to kill Liu Yingying!


A blood shadow suddenly appeared on Liu Yingying’s side, Ye Dong’s eyes were red, as if crazy.

“Blood and evil? It seems that the bastard surnamed Zhang is right. The Lan family’s blood and evil can slightly hinder the domineering invasion, but what is the use of that!”

Liu Yingying’s eyes became cold, and Ye Dong’s raised fist suddenly hovered over her face.


This punch didn’t know how terrifying the power was, and bursts of fierce wind continued to blow towards Liu Yingying’s face.

Liu Yingying’s blushing face paled, but soon calmed down.

Ye Dong just kept his punching posture, standing still on the spot.

Liu Yingying took out a saber from behind, the tip of the knife hit Ye Dong’s heart, and with a light force, the sharp knife went in about an inch.

Liu Yingying’s face looked very calm, released the dagger, and gently hugged Ye Dong, with the hilt of the knife against her chest. The tighter she held, the closer the blade was to Ye Dong’s heart. !

Liu Yingying leaned her mouth against Ye Dong’s ear and whispered quietly,

“You have been in Death Forest for a whole year, and we all know what you are doing there, but you still failed in the end. A powerful force requires a price. This will be the last time I will help you. If you die, you will Don’t die, if you die, then die, the dead will not feel it.

Goodbye, Ye Dong. ”

Liu Yingying pushed her chest forward, and the tip of the knife pierced Ye Dong’s heart fiercely!

Ye Dong also woke up from Liu Yingying’s powerful Mental Energy the moment he was stabbed in his heart.

He looked at the knife stuck in his heart with an incredulous expression.

His eyes were blurred, Liu Yingying seemed to be crying, and also seemed to be laughing.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

He just can’t live anymore.

However, at this moment.

A familiar voice came from Ye Dong’s ear.

[Detected that the host’s life is dying, the ice core is activated! 】

Ye Dong’s body was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture, and the cold air quickly spread in all directions.

Liu Yingying felt the cold air from the front, and felt his body freeze quickly in the cold air.

A voice came from Liu Yingying’s cochlea, “Dream demon, congratulations on killing Ye Dong, please continue to complete your mission.” The dream demon is Liu Yingying’s code name for joining the dark sequence.

Liu Yingying smiled miserably and said, “What do you call me?”


“But someone called me Liu Yingying! My name is Liu Yingying.”

“What are you talking about? Dream Demon! If you dare to disobey my orders, I will…”

“He’s so noisy.” Liu Yingying took the cochlear earphones from her ears and squeezed them.

He looked at Ye Dong with a slight smile, and then slowly squatted on the ground, with his hands around his body, his head lowered, and he was frozen a little bit by the cold into an ice sculpture.

“Ye Dong, if you die, on Yellow Springs Road, we can just go together. If you are not dead, then you should have awakened domineering. Then, I want you to remember for the rest of your life who helped you awaken domineering. !

Maybe you will hate me, maybe you will thank me, but those are not important anymore.

The important thing is that you will remember me for the rest of your life, hehe…”

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