Chapter 347

Lightspeed fighters landed on a raised platform.

As the machine guns slowly turned on, Qin Hao and Ye Dong walked down the lightspeed fighter side by side.

Ye Dong looked around, slightly feeling the air a little dull, but he soon adapted.

The huge building hidden in the clouds before now also revealed its true face of Mount Lu.

The entire building is huge, with a total of thousands of square meters. The entire building reveals a strong sense of technology. The metal on the surface is made of unknown. The moment the lightspeed fighter landed, these four The square metal blocks slowly gathered at this moment, and the surface gradually became transparent.

Ye Dong was slightly surprised.

Qin Hao saw Ye Dong’s surprise, so he explained, “This is called Dragon City. Dragon City has three modes, attack mode, defense mode, and stealth mode.

If it were not for us to come up, even the dark sequence of satellites would be difficult to detect here. ”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he looked smug, “I created this invisible module.”

Ye Dong lacks knowledge of science and technology, and he doesn’t know what to say for a while.

I can only laugh and continue to look around.

There are not many people on Dragon City, it looks like an empty city, but there must be something in it.

Qin Hao said at this time, “Let’s go, my grandfather’s time is very precious. It is very rare to be willing to spare time to see you.”


Qin Hao led Ye Dong towards the Dragon City.

At first, everything I saw was fresher, but after seeing more, Ye Dong was gradually able to adapt to the environment here.

After Qin Hao walked into a circular transparent glass elevator, the elevator ascending at high speed, and then stopped in front of a flashing iron door.

The iron gate opened slowly at this time, and as a result, there was still a layer of iron gates inside. When the second layer of iron gates were opened, there was a third layer inside!

After opening the seven-story iron gate, Ye Dong saw a computer screen behind the iron gate.

Qin Hao smiled and said at this time, “Even if the world is destroyed, this room will not be affected in any way. It is also my grandfather’s laboratory and Dragon City’s control room.”

At this time.

An old voice came from inside.

“Qin Hao, go down, I just want to see Ye Dong.”

Qin Hao’s face suddenly became a little ugly when he heard this, and said, “Grandpa, we haven’t seen each other for several years, and I’m standing at the door of your laboratory now, can’t I see you?”

“When you come up with useful information about the Sea People, I will see you. Until then, you can only stop here.”

“Grandpa~” Qin Hao adopts the mode of acting like a baby.

“Go back quickly.”

Ye Dong looked astonished. Dr. Qin still has such a side? behave in a spoiled manner?

This is something he never dreamed of.

Seeing that Grandpa really didn’t want to see him, Qin Hao sighed helplessly, turned around and patted Ye Dong’s shoulder, and said, “It seems I can only accompany you here.”

Ye Dong is about to say some words of thanks.

A voice suddenly came from the room.

“Lightspeed fighters don’t know the way? Do you have to come over?”

Qin Hao stagnated slightly, shrugging his shoulders helplessly, and said, “Just as you see, how unwelcome I am. If you are ready, I will leave first. I wish you a happy chat!”

“Thanks to Dr. Qin.”

“He deserves to be called a doctor too? Has something invented? Only the guy behind the dark sequence’s ass.”

Qin Hao covered his ears and walked into the elevator, knowing he wouldn’t be coming.

After Qin Hao left, a sigh suddenly came from the room, and then he said, “Ye Dong, come in.”


Ye Dong walked into the room step by step, the iron door behind him also gradually closed.

Until he walked into the room, Ye Dong looked to the left and saw an old man with a white beard with an explosive head sitting on an imperial chair. The imperial chair was still swaying back and forth. There was a pot of tea next to him, looking at him. The leisurely.

This is the strongest brain of the Dragon Kingdom?

Ye Dong was taken aback for a moment, as if he was a little different from what he had imagined.

“Why are you still standing there? Come here? It’s rare for me to take my lunch break to see you.”

“Haha, it seems that I interrupted the old man’s lunch break.”

Ye Dong hurriedly walked over.

Dr. Qin smiled slightly and said, “Don’t bother me, I’ve long wanted to see what the child who inherited Li Wei’s power looks like, you are much more handsome than Li Wei.”

Ye Dong smiled awkwardly.

Dr. Qin pointed to a sofa next to him, Ye Dong walked over and sat down, and then said, “Dr. Qin, do you know ghouls?”

Dr. Qin frowned slightly, “You impatient boy, before I had time to ask you a question, you came up and asked me.”

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, and he said, “The Dark Sequence is always looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of the Corpse Realm. If they get in touch with the Lord of the Corpse Realm, I’m afraid it will be a disaster for the Dragon Kingdom!”

Dr. Qin stretched his brows slightly, and said, “The Dragon Kingdom is not as weak as this. It’s just that the Dragon Kingdom is huge, with many towns, and the people who suffer are just ordinary people. The true power of the argument is not necessarily the dark sequence. Is our opponent.

Perhaps, it is precisely because they understand this that they have been secretly doing something to accumulate strength so that they can wipe out the Dragon Kingdom. It is a pity that this kind of thing will never happen in this life.

Even if the dark sequence is united with the lord of the corpse domain, how about one more sky orc? ”

Ye Dong was slightly surprised. The old man in front of him was definitely not bragging or talking too high in the Dragon Kingdom. As the second person in the Dragon Kingdom after the chairman, what he said represented authority!

Ye Dong said in astonishment, “Master, who is the biggest enemy of our Dragon Kingdom?”

“Seaman.” Dr. Qin’s cloudy old eyes gleamed slightly, “We have spent thousands of years exploring the secrets of the ocean, but unfortunately we still know very little. The unknown is the most awe-inspiring existence, not to mention, don’t you Forget, our current land in Life was actually under the sea.

These unknown secrets are worthy of our awe. ”

Ye Dong nodded with a face like that.

Dr. Qin suddenly asked at this moment, “How did you know that the Dark Sequence was looking for the Lord of the Corpse Domain, and planned to win over the Lord of the Corpse Domain?”

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, “A friend of my rebel army told me that, and I almost found the Lord of the Corpse Domain, but I happened to meet the killer of the dark sequence, and I also got it from the killer of the dark sequence.了Verification.

They are indeed looking for the lord of the corpse domain in an attempt to alliance. ”

Dr. Qin narrowed his eyes slightly, “Do you know what you just said?”

Ye Dong’s eyes widened slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

What did he say?

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