Chapter 355 Hunting the warlords!

The black memory card, with a faint crack on the surface, was inserted into the SD port of the notebook by Su Rou.

A video file pops up on the notebook.

Su Rou looked back at Ye Donghe and laughed wildly, seeming to be asking whether to open it.

This video file must have been left by the person who killed Sun Lao. No one knows what the content is, but it is by no means good content.

While moving the mouse to the play button, Su Rou said, “People in the dark sequence won’t leave us with any nutritious content. You’d better be mentally prepared.”


Click on the play keyboard.

The picture in the video is in a small dim room, just like where they are now.

You can clearly see that something seems to be moving in the rear window.

But it is impossible to tell what it is.

There are five stools in front of them, and currently four people are sitting.

These four people wear white masks on their faces. From the clothes and body shapes they wear, it can be determined that an old man, a little girl, two men, and one person are walking towards the chair in the middle.

Ye Dong faintly felt that the strong man sitting on the left seemed a bit familiar, but he couldn’t remember who it was for a while.

The man walking towards the middle chair is very easy to confirm, because he has long hair, which is now braided.

Seeing this scene, he laughed wildly and shocked, “This dress…Is he…”

Su Rou also frowned, but only Ye Dong was kept in the dark. What are they talking about?

However, Ye Dong did not ask.

Because the man in the picture has already begun to make a sound.

I believe he will be able to solve all kinds of questions in his happiness soon.

A coldness appeared in his eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly. Was it the old grandson who was killed by these five people!

He didn’t even dare to show his face!

After sitting on the seat, the man in the middle saw him sitting on a stool with a straight back, hands on his thighs, and slowly said, “Sun Wu.”

Immediately there was the eldest old man among the five, “Poisonous Scorpion.”

“Candy.” The little girl made a crooked scissors hand.

“Hai Daqiang.”

Ye Dong just remembered who he was!

Hai Daqiang!

The iron castle on the water, the lord of the sea and the dragon!

He is actually in its array!

“Stone Heart!”

The last man said in a very dull voice.

Sun Wu chuckled and said, “As you can see, Sun Chu was killed by the five of us.”

“So, from now on, we have decided to continue hunting and killing the warriors, and we will challenge the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom!

Just start with his apprentice, Ye Dong, then laugh wildly, and then hehehe…In short, we will kill the warlords of the Long Kingdom one by one. ”

He laughed wildly and snorted, “If you want to die, let go and see how I can clean you up!”

“Perhaps you may find it strange why we suddenly chose to kill and take this kind of action at this time.”

Hai Daqiang answered at this time, “Ye Dong! It’s because of you! Woke up early in the morning, and it was all your news. You turned out to be the thirteenth warlord of the Dragon Kingdom. I thought it would be so fast.”

“My people also told me a piece of news. It is said that you worshipped Sun Chu as a teacher at the Iron Fort on the Water. This also contributed to our choice of Sun Chu as our first target.”

Sun Wu answered at this time, “Of course, the biggest reason is that he is a member of my Sun’s family, and he is also the Sun family. It is very simple to date an old thing like Sun Chu.

Next, we would like to meet Ye Dong, who is known as the treasure of the Dragon Kingdom for a while.

I think as Sun Chu’s apprentice, Ye Dong is also anxious to avenge him?

Why don’t you come to the Iron Fortress now, maybe you are fast enough, we can still meet there. ”

The video screen is interrupted.

Su Rou first said, “This Sun Wu is a great-grandchild of Sun Chu. He joined the Dark Sequence twenty years ago, but she has grown to this point now.

I never dreamed that he would organize people to kill Sun Lao. ”

Ye Dong said calmly, “I think what they have said is very clear. Because I became the warlord of the 13th Dragon Kingdom, they had the idea of ​​killing Sun Lao. The guy called Hai Daqiang I also have some grievances. I drove him out of the Iron Fortress. They were forcing me out!”

He frowned and raised his brow slightly, and said, “Perhaps it is possible, but this is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Since they have the ability to kill warlords, it shows that their strength is not weak.

Moreover, the iron castle on the water may also be a cover. No one is stupid enough to tell others that you are there. Even if you are in the past, you may not meet them.

Even if you meet them, you are not necessarily their opponent. ”

The elemental energy in Ye Dong secretly activated.

Su Rou suddenly frowned, grabbed Ye Dong’s arm, and warned, “What do you want to do? I haven’t given you an order yet! Don’t act without authorization!”

Ye Dong faintly looked at Su Rou and asked, “Then what do you think I should do? I am their next target. Instead of being attacked by them during the mission, I should go and meet them for a while now. If they are not in the Iron Fortress on the Water, I will come back. If they are there, it is just right. The old and the new hatred are counted together! Someone has to pay the tragic price for the death of my Master!”

Su Rou shook her head helplessly, “You little fool, can’t you see that this is a trap, a conspiracy? Their purpose is to force you out! You know it yourself.

Why do you want to go inside if you know it is a trap? ”

Kuan laughed and then said, “The Dragon Kingdom has already lost a war fighter. If something happens to you, it will be a very heavy blow to the Dragon Kingdom! The whole Dragon Kingdom learned this news. People who are going to panic!”

Ye Dong sneered and said, “If I kill them, will the whole Dragon Kingdom feel excited about it? Don’t worry too much about me, the one who can kill me is not born yet!”


Ye Dong disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Su Rongfeng was shocked and angry.

“This little bastard! I dare not listen to my orders! If something happens, I won’t bother to care!”

He laughed wildly and said in astonishment, “What happened just now? Did Ye Dong go there? Is he a space system supernatural person?”

Laughing wildly is obviously the first time to see Ye Dong teleport, and shock is the most true reaction.

Su Rou was too lazy to answer the laughing nonsense, but said to him, “I will go to Dr. Qin and ask him what we should do by the way. Don’t be like Ye Dong. I want you to stay in Dragon City. Don’t go!”

He sighed in his heart and nodded.

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