Chapter 362 The Rules of Fengdu City

Fortunately, the spies of the Dragon Kingdom have all been dissipated, and the Dragon Kingdom began to counterattack.

Next, there will be a long and difficult battle.

No one knows what the result will be.

But this is indeed the best news that Dragon Kingdom has so far!

At the center of the alien beast battlefield and the border of the Dragon Kingdom, there is a small city called Fengdu City.

The area of ​​the small town is not large, but it is a safe zone recognized by the entire Dragon Kingdom!

The lord of Fengdu City is named Jin Ning, and Realm is unfathomable, but it is said that a seventh-order supernatural player once broke the rules of Fengdu City and killed a person here.

The city lord named Jin Ning hung the body of the seventh-order supernatural power at the gate the next day.

From then on, no one here dared to cause trouble in Fengdu City!

This gradually made Fengdu City an excellent place to hide from enemies.

As long as you have money, you can live well here. The only drawback is that you can’t leave the city for half a step.

Otherwise, it will not be protected by the rules set by the city lord of Fengdu.

At this time.

Suddenly a Daoist shadow flew from outside the sky, drew a perfect huge parabola in the air, and slowly landed at the gate of Fengdu City.

Ye Dong slowly raised his head and looked at the three large gold-lacquered characters of Fengdu City above the gate in the distance. This place looks a bit like a castle tower in ancient times, which is a bit interesting!

At the same time, this was the last place he looked for, and it was also a place that felt particularly suspicious.

His divine consciousness can’t scan this place, that is to say, there is a more powerful force that covers this place, and it will invalidate his divine consciousness.

I don’t know if Sun Wu and the others are here.

If Sun Wu and the others are not in this city, then he can only return to Dragon City first and make plans.

Two guards stood there at the gate of the city, and they also blocked the entrance to the city with an iron fence.

Ye Dong didn’t think much, and walked towards the gate of the city, but stopped in front of the iron fence.

One of the guards came with a smoker and asked, “Are you going to the city or seeking revenge?”

Ye Dong raised his brows slightly. How did this guy know that he was here to seek revenge?

The middle-aged guard saw him faintly surprised, and couldn’t help but smile, “Looking at your aggressive appearance, you know that you are here to seek revenge, but I have to remind you that Fengdu City has Fengdu City rules, and the rules are …”

Then the middle-aged guard told Ye Dong the rules of Fengdu City.

After Ye Dong heard this so-called rule, the whole person was stupid, and he was surprised, “Is there still such a rule?”

The middle-aged guard nodded and said, “You heard it right, there is indeed such a rule, so even if you really meet your enemy in Fengdu City, no matter what kind of grievance you have before, you can’t do it in the city.

Otherwise, you will break the rules of Fengdu City, and those who break the rules of the city, even if you are a warrior of the Long Kingdom, you will have to die! ”

After the middle-aged guard finished speaking, he took out a newspaper from his back, and then carefully compared it against the newspaper, “I should have read it right? Are you Ye Dong, the youngest warrior of the Dragon Kingdom?”

Ye Dong took a deep breath, ignored the guards, and walked directly into the gate of the city.

The middle-aged guard yelled from behind and said, “Remember! Don’t break the rules, otherwise, you are just having trouble with yourself.”

Walking into Fengdu City, within a few seconds, Ye Dong suddenly felt a dozen pairs of cold eyes swept toward him.

He didn’t care anymore, and began to look at the surrounding environment slowly.

Fengdu City is more like a small county town, surrounded by snack shops, and the whole street is filled with the fragrance of delicious food.

Don’t know what’s going on on the side of the road, sitting a group of ragged ‘beggars’?

It doesn’t look like a beggar, how can a beggar be in such a place?


Ye Dong smelled a peculiar smell, and there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him. The faces of these people looked sallow and sallow, but at the moment they were crazy in the direction of the smell coming from the front. Run away.

What is it that makes these originally listless people suddenly rush towards the distance like being beaten with blood!

Ye Dong looked towards the place where the head was surging in front of him.

Is that a porridge shed?

Congee shed?

Why is there a porridge shed here?

Those people turned out to be beggars just now?

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, come one by one, everyone has it, ha ha ha.”

Ye Dong was shocked suddenly, this voice!


This voice turned out to be a poisonous scorpion!

The killer poisonous scorpion of the dark sequence is actually doing porridge here?

“They are all people who have been squeezed out of this city. I advise you not to eat anything here, and don’t be curious about the porridge shop in front of you. Leave as soon as possible!”

A voice pierced into Ye Dong’s ears.

Ye Dong turned his head and looked at him. It was an old man in ragged clothes. He was a beggar alive, but he looked arrogant.

Behind the old man was a…a woman!

Young woman!

At this time, the young woman walked in the direction of Ye Dong and warned in a low voice, “I advise you not to get involved with this old man, otherwise, I will kill you together!”

Ye Dong raised his brow slightly, and asked in confusion, “What is your relationship with that old man? He just came over and said a word of warning to me, you are going to kill me?”

The young woman snorted coldly and said, “I am also admonishing you! As for what is my relationship with him, can you control it?”

After speaking, the young woman chased in the direction of the old man tightly.

The two people who appeared just now did not disrupt Ye Dong’s original plan.

He walked directly in the direction of the poisonous scorpion.

When the poisonous scorpion saw Ye Dong, he was slightly shocked, but soon returned to normal, and porridge was given as usual.

These people who came to receive the porridge didn’t even have a bite of the bowl, and the hot porridge was poured directly on their hands.

Perhaps because Realm is not low, the temperature of this hot porridge did not have any effect on their palms.


The ears were filled with the sound of absorbing hot porridge.

“Young man, do you want a bowl? Not much!” The scorpion smiled kindly at him.

Ye Dong looked at the poisonous scorpion coldly and said, “Thank you for your kindness, I’m not very hungry yet.”

The scorpion smiled softly, then ignored him.

The shoulder was clicked at this moment.

Ye Dong turned around, and it was the old beggar before.

The old beggar looked at him with a weird expression and said, “Didn’t I warn you, I can’t drink the porridge here!”


The old man’s stomach suddenly made a soft noise.

Ye Dong’s face changed slightly, and he thought to himself, “This old man is so hungry, but he didn’t come here to receive the porridge, and even told him not to drink the porridge here. Is this porridge weird? ”

Of course, the young woman who warned Ye Dong before was still behind the old man.

Ye Dong looked at the poisonous scorpion and then at the old man, remembering what the guard said to him before entering the door.

Fengdu City has the rules of Fengdu City.

Doing something here may cause him unnecessary trouble.

Then, without revealing his identity, let’s take a look first.

Ye Dong looked at the old man and said, “Master, shall I invite you to eat?”


The old beggar did not hesitate.

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