Yin Sui knelt on the ground, and a warm current came from under his body, soaking the beach.

This time she was clearly frightened.

Ye Xiaoshu walked out of the sea, soaked to the skin. Without the water-avoiding beads, he could only summon Silver Candle in this way.

The water-avoiding beads are now integrated with Nie Qiuling's Dantian and are no longer in his place.

"Young Master, what are you calling me for?" Yin Zhu asked, kneeling on his knees.

Ye Xiaoshu took off his coat, wrung out the water and said:

"Two things."

"The first thing is that you were successful last time, and you will be rewarded heavily."

"The second thing is that I want you to sign a contract with my students."

After saying that, Ye Xiaoshu put on his coat, took out a pack of spicy chips from his pocket and threw it over.

After Yin Zhu took the spicy strips, he frowned and said:

"Young Master, I think this is inappropriate."

Ye Xiaoshu: "What's wrong?"

"Signing a contract with a creature whose strength is too different from yours will result in soul backlash."

"The more beneficial the contract content is to the other party, the greater the soul price the other party will have to bear."

"Although the soul power in this little girl is indeed extremely powerful, if she signs an equal contract with the old slave, she will become a fool on the spot."

Its words made Ye Xiaoshu fall into deep thought, and then he looked at Yinzhu playfully.

Yin Zhu deliberately concealed this matter.

Yinzhu immediately lowered his head even further. At that time, he really wanted to use this move to harm Ye Xiaoshu.

I didn't expect this kid's soul power to be so terrifying.

No negative status at all.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and patted Yin Zhu's body and said:

"Don't be so afraid."

"I pretend I don't know about your little thoughts. Anyway, you and I are like a grasshopper on the same rope now."

"After all, one thought from me will kill you."

Yin Zhu trembled all over and buried his head in the sand, like an ostrich.

"Old slave, I realize my mistake..." He made a voice in the sand.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and glanced at the frightened Yin Sui, patted her on the shoulder and said:

"Don't be afraid, this dragon is my friend."

"I asked you to come here today to sign a contract with him."

The silver candle in the sand suddenly jumped out and shouted:

"No, you can't give the old slave to others~"

Ye Xiaoshu frowned and pushed him away and said:

"There is no such thing."

"She can't bear to sign a normal contract, so sign some simple contracts."

"She has the ability to summon contracted beasts, so you only need to come out and use one move."

Yin Zhu asked: "Is one move enough?"

Ye Xiaoshu nodded: "One move is enough."

A gold-level competition for the youth group.

Suddenly a diamond emperor level spiritual beast came out with a full blow.

Who the hell can beat this?

Ye Xiaoshu helped Yin Sui up from the ground.

From beginning to end, she stared blankly at the conversation between Yilong and Yilong.

Didn't understand a word.

Ye Xiaoshu had forgotten that she couldn't speak dragon language.

Under Ye Xiaoshu's step-by-step guidance, she began to sign a contract with Yin Zhu.

The content of the contract is that you can use Yin Zhu's move - Jiao Breath Life and Death.

It can only be used once. After one use, the contract becomes invalid.

Even this consumes a lot of Yin Sui's energy.

As a result, the process of signing the contract was very slow.

During this process, Ye Xiaoshu kept feeling the smell of ammonia on the tip of his nose.


At this time, the students in Class E, Grade 1——

Everyone is already standing on the stage.

The referee gave the order:

"The competition is about to start. Please click the button on the necklace to activate the virtual device."

The ten players present pressed the button.

The scene changed in front of my eyes.

The original steel circular venue expanded instantly, the audience disappeared, and the noisy shouts turned into the sound of wind and sand.

The space also became huge, and the two teams were originally a hundred meters apart.

Now I can't see where the other person is.

The sun, the storm, the sand.

Xiao Sanshuang stretched out her hand, picked up some sand, and let it fall with the wind.

It's exactly like a desert in the real world.

At this time, a sandy building rose up in the middle of the six people. It was a small castle.

Fang Chang: "Now, let me tell you about the products of Yuanxu Technology Company."

"This technology allows players to participate in battles on preset terrains."

"The referee can not interfere with the progress of the game and allow the players to freely perform their best. Yuanxu Technology guarantees that there will be no casualties."

"While reducing the casualty rate, we will also enhance the players' ability to adapt to the environment."

Xiao Min: "Then, let me explain the rules of the competition."

"After discussion and decision by the National Education Commission, to strengthen students' ability to tackle the spiritual realm, the following rules will be implemented in the future."

"One, destroy the opponent's entire building to win."

"Two, kill all the enemy personnel to win."

"Third, destroy the core of the opponent's building to win."

The audience present was stunned.

This is the first time they have heard such a rule, and it is no different from having no rules at all.

How exciting can fighting without rules be?

Historically, many spirit warriors have been subject to many restrictions in competitions, especially those with grass-based abilities.

They need to summon vines or roots from the soil, but the sites are usually made of reinforced concrete, making it difficult to use their full strength.

And sometimes, when you are not sure whether it will hurt the enemy, you don't dare to use your full strength and miss the chance of victory.

That won't happen now.

Invisible black energy obscures the playing field, making it impossible for people to see what's going on inside.

Several large screens are projected at the top of the venue. These are the first-person perspectives of the players.

The audience was like, "F*ck."

"This kind of technology should obviously be used in the military and medical treatment first. Why is it used in competitions?"

"You don't understand this. This cutting-edge technology is probably a virtual scene calculated by AI. It requires a large amount of data to be fed. If it is used in the military, it will easily lead to big problems."

"It seems that we in China have to start building technology trees, and we can't be stuck by the Eagle Kingdom all the time!"

"Seriously, is there really such technology? Wouldn't it be possible to directly enter the virtual world and do shameful things in the future?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people near him suddenly fell silent.

Look at him with an 'I know you' expression.

At this time, the referee said:

"Game start!"

Class E, the first grade of high school, did not act rashly, and everyone gathered in the sand castle.

"I'm a substitute, and I can't seem to leave this castle," Shade said.

"The AI ​​prompts that I can only leave here if the main team members withdraw."

Shen Xingchen asked: "Old Xue, how many meters can your perspective extend at most?"

Xue De said helplessly: "500 meters."

He had some troubles and changed the competition system before the command was satisfactory.

This desert is so big, how can I see it with my own eyes?

"What should we do? It's all up to us?" Hua Yu asked.

"No, check the opening time on your kit first." Shen Xingchen reminded.

Xue De took out the rag bag from his arms and looked at the words written on it with a marker.

(Open directly after the game starts)

Everyone frowned immediately when they saw Xue De's bag of tips.

Everyone: "Go ahead!"

"I originally wanted to save it until the critical moment."

"Oh, let me open it and see what's inside..."

He opened the bag and found a chocolate, a mushroom-shaped chocolate lying quietly inside.

"Sir, you really know how to joke..."

"They really treat us like children." Xue De said with a wry smile.

Xiao Sanshuang shook his head and said seriously:

"The props given by sir can't be ineffective. You might as well eat them before talking."

Xue De nodded and stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

Just chew it twice, and the smoothness of the cocoa butter will leave a fragrance on your lips and teeth.

He closed his eyes and savored the silkiness.

Suddenly, he said:

"Old Yu, why are you standing behind me?"

"Don't mess around, I just want to be the attacker."

Hua Yu: "I guess, how did you see it?"

"Are there eyes in the back?"

Xue De closed his eyes and activated his spiritual skills, and said in shock:

"I don't know what this feels like."

"Within a radius of ten miles, I can see clearly with my vision!"

His special power is his eyes, and the effect of mushroom chocolate is greatly enhanced!

After saying that, he opened his eyes and came back to his senses. He found that the classmates in Class E were looking at him with wide eyes.

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"

Everyone: "You...your head."

Xue De picked up the small mirror he carried with him, and when he saw himself in the mirror, he was confused for a moment.

"Sir, you are cheating again."

"Why did my head turn into a mushroom!!!"

[Negative emotion value from Xue De +1000]

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