At this time, the regicide was rushing to the Zhehai battlefield.

The road was very bumpy.

Most of the railway equipment was destroyed by the abnormality, and the city's traffic was once in chaos.

Fortunately, there are carefully selected engineers on the Kingslayer, and their abilities can quickly repair and construct temporary rails.

The soldiers standing on the base of the giant cannon were fighting against the incoming abnormality.

"Don't be nervous! Take your time and use the Mozambique shooting method!"

"A group of four people, the front row suppresses fire, and the back row focuses on the missed fish!"

"Remember! It is forbidden to point your gun at your teammates during a ceasefire!"

The commander commands these logistics soldiers.

Now that manpower is scarce, it is completely impossible to get special forces to help.

There are also shooting trainings in the logistics department, but it is completely different when it comes to the battlefield.


The abnormality rushed up and dragged the soldier down with its tentacles.

The monsters swarmed up and ate away at human bodies.

The fast moving train (regicide) will not stop.

In the face of crisis, tasks are far more important than individual lives.

It wasn't just the lower ranks of soldiers who suffered.

Some monsters with extremely long tentacles grabbed several second-floor engineers and dragged them off the train.

During the dragging process, the huge force of the tentacles directly crushed the caught person's body into a ball of flesh.

Blood splattered everywhere, it was horrifying.

The engineers suddenly did not dare to move...

Their legs kept shaking, and some people even peed on the spot.

They are just ordinary people, who have never seen such a scene before!

"There is a damaged rail track 1,400 meters ahead, repair it quickly!"

"Where's the engineer?"

No one responded to the officer's words.

The engineers were horrified, and it was the best they could do without shouting.

The chief walked up to the second floor and said earnestly:

"As long as you die here today, it will be recorded in the annals of history!"

"Your family will receive a huge compensation payment and also receive lifelong support."

"If you can deliver the cannon to its destination alive, the compensation will be credited to your account."

"It's up to you how you behave in a cool way then!"

When the engineers heard these words, their fighting spirit suddenly ignited.

Isn’t the purpose of living to give your family and children a more decent and generous life?

If the mission fails, not only will you not be able to survive, but your family will not be able to survive either.

They don't want their children to face these tentacled monsters.

"What the hell, make money alive, make money dead!" an engineer shouted.

"Yes, it's a waste of money. Anyway, you will die, but you will gain blood if you die!" another engineer shouted.

"For the sake of China, we will regard death as home!" one person shouted.

"For China, we will regard death as home!" a group of people shouted.

All engineers raised their hands in the air, and their collective will allowed them to defy fear.

With a country building a high wall behind them, what else do they have to fear?

after an hour---

Zhehai battlefield.

Their support is waiting.

The Kingslayer cannon arrived on the battlefield.

In the operating position of the giant cannon, a soldier covered the wound on his right arm and forced himself to reach the destination.

His face was pale, and it was obvious that he had lost too much blood.

After completing his goal, he lost his breath and fell to the side.

Before the mission was completed, he didn't even dare to die and relied on his willpower to get here.

Everyone looked at the regicide.

The originally green-painted cannon was dyed blood red, and the red five-pointed star on the barrel reflected light.

So sparkling!

All members of the Shangjing Logistics Department support team were killed in action.

All the soldiers on standby on the battlefield straightened their backs unconsciously.

They unanimously stretched out their right hands and saluted.

"This is the hope that the soldiers have gained in exchange for their blood and flesh. Check it out as quickly as possible."

"We can't let their heroic souls down!" Cui Zhenjun ordered.

All the scientific researchers picked up the scanner and quickly checked the inside of the cannon.

five minutes later.

The scientific researchers completed the inspection just in time for Ye Xiaoshu to return to the defense line to replenish the state.

He listened nearby.

The researchers said:

"There is only one shell brought from Shangjing."

"The shells are very well preserved, but the aging of the cannon cannot be ignored."

"The barrel has been slightly bent, and the inside is covered with rust. It is extremely easy to deflect during firing."

"And the guidance system is damaged, so it can only be aimed manually."

Cui Zhenjun understood.

This cannon had been left for too long, and it was covered in mottled rust, and the steel frame had long been oxidized and corroded.

The traces of time show on it.

Since people began to rely more on Reiki, the development of science and technology has all been researched in the direction of Reiki.

This kind of old antique has become something that has been eliminated and abandoned by countless researchers.

But now, they have to rely on the regicide, which is extremely ironic.

At this time, Ye Xiaoshu murmured beside him:

"What you mean is that this cannon may not be able to be fired, and even if it is fired, it may not be able to hit."

"And there's only one shot. If it fails, it's all over?"

The researchers didn't want to admit it, but nodded helplessly.

Cui Zhenjun raised his head and looked at the regicide heavy artillery, deep in thought.

If the guidance system is damaged, humans will need to operate this giant cannon.

Let’s not talk about whether we can physically control this giant cannon. Even if we can lift it, we may not be able to hit it...

Everyone hesitated.

Who will operate the Regicide?

Who can resist this mountain-like responsibility?

At this time, a loud noise came from the battlefield.

"Buzz buzz-"


The huge energy fluctuations were even felt by everyone behind. This spiritual pressure was so familiar.

This can only mean one thing!

The disaster-level abnormality... has broken through to the silver level!

A researcher picked up the equipment and exclaimed:

"The monster's mind control area has expanded again, and the radius of this expansion is twice the last time!"

"Based on his previous breakthrough time, there are still thirty minutes left before he reaches the gold level!"

Time is running out!

Once you reach the gold level, let alone the warriors in the front.

That huge domain can even expand to the Magic City, and everyone present at the gold level will be slightly affected.

And what about most of the black iron-level civilians in the city?

When that time comes, the whole of China will become a tragedy.

There was no time to hesitate. Cui Zhenjun looked around, took a step forward and said:

"No matter what the outcome, someone must control the Regicide!"

As soon as he raised his right foot, Ye Xiaoshu raised his hand to stop him.

"I come."

These two simple words made everyone in the audience stunned.

No one can refute these two words of his.

The title of the King of Soldiers of South China is well-known in the military. In the firearms competition during the armament period, he beat the King of Soldiers of North China with a perfect score of all firearms.

His marksmanship is unparalleled.

The member of the dragon group next to him quickly grabbed him and whispered.

"You are stupid, if the shot misses, you cannot bear the responsibility!"

"Xiaoshu, put your hands down quickly!"

What his teammates said was right, failure would not do Ye Xiaoshu any good.

Maybe he will be regarded as a sinner by the whole of China.

Ye Xiaoshu didn't take it to heart and said with a smile as usual:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Everyone: "You have a fart!"

[Negative emotional value from the dragon group +6000]

Cui Zhenjun smiled and patted Ye Xiaoshu on the shoulder and said:

"Whether you succeed or not, you are a great contributor to the country!"

"My old bones can bear the responsibility for failure."

Ye Xiaoshu said seriously: "I am sure that I will not fail."

At this time, the sound of the system appears in the ear.

[Your skill, world-class marksmanship, is being activated]

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