After the Moon Emperor discussed the relevant matters with the Tai Zhengguan who was still unconscious, he left the Baqi Mansion.

Sakura Country is in chaos these days, and a leader needs to step in to calm the situation.

Even though Ye Xiaoshu did a lot of bad things, she still got what she wanted.

Although it was a pity that I couldn't keep him, I got to touch the artifact with my own hands.

I have no regrets in this life.

With her ability to control people's thoughts, Sakura Country quickly returned to its former peace.

After that, Baqi Mansion fell into busyness.

Warships gathered at the seaside, and countless workers transported the Forbidden Spirit Iron to the port in batches.

It was not until evening that all the forbidden iron was transported to the battleships and destroyers.

Ye Xiaoshu stood on the port blowing the sea breeze, quietly watching the neatly arranged fleet on the sea.

"I'm really embarrassed to put on such a big show for me." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

"Master, I don't think these bad guys are so kind." Lilith said in the follower space.

Of course Ye Xiaoshu understands.

If you really want to send the Forbidden Spirit Iron back, just borrow a commercial ship.

But now there are so many warships at sea, and the gun barrels are polished.

As for who the gun barrel will be aimed at in the end, there is no need to say more.

Ye Xiaoshu thought about it, then thought of something and said: "I heard that the fleet of Sakura Kingdom uses the cutting-edge technology of Eagle Kingdom."

"There are so many warships, they look really good."

"It would be even better if it had red stars on it!"

Lilith asked in confusion: "Stars? What do you mean?"

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and said, "You will know later."

He stood by the dock and gave orders to the shadow guards.

Without the barrier of the Moon Emperor, countless shadows rushed into the ship.

Ye Xiaoshu didn't expect that he would be able to find such a fleet before leaving.

Sakura Country... is awesome!

I really have to come here more often in the future.

The next day————

January 27, the sixth day of the lunar month.

At dawn, I don’t know when it tore apart the clothes of the night, releasing a layer of white mist on the horizon.

Ye Xiaoshu didn't sleep and sat at the port all night.

At this time, a burst of cherry blossoms floated around him, seeming to cover him with a cherry-colored blanket. Although they were petals, they were exceptionally warm.

"Ye Jun, I can't bear to see you leave soon, but Yingying can't keep you."


A charming voice caressed his ears, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Ye Xiaoshu stood up and swept the petals off his body.

"Goodbye, Sakura."

After saying that, Ye Xiaoshu stood up and jumped from the port, and rushed to the largest battleship in a few steps.

At this time, Baqi Mansion——

"It's almost time. Has that kid boarded the ship?" the Grand Administrative Officer asked.

The divine official watched Ye Xiaoshu rush onto the battleship through the shikigami, and said with a smile:

"Fucked, this guy took the bait!"

"When we get closer to China, we only need to use the main guns on other ships to force him off the ship, and then fake his death!"

"If you leave Sakura Country, even if you die, Lord Moon Emperor won't know about it!"

The Grand Administrative Officer frowned and said, "If you keep your voice down, you won't be afraid that His Majesty will hear you."

The official Shen Zhiguan reacted immediately and shut his mouth tightly.

Soon, the boat started to move.

Almost the entire Sakura Kingdom fleet was dispatched with great fanfare.

Ye Xiaoshu stood on the deck and waited quietly for the opportunity.

At the same time, China——

Cui Zhenjun frowned as he read the battle report.

The number of casualties this time was too great, which greatly damaged China's vitality.

The Forbidden Spirit Array has been laid, and subsequent maintenance is also a huge expense.

War wastes people and money.

He looked at the chief of staff with dark circles next to him and asked:

"How is the forbidden spirit iron reserve going?"

The chief of staff sighed and said:

"Oh, it's still difficult."

"Now we need manpower to repair facilities, restore power, and repair houses. There is simply no manpower available to dig out the Forbidden Spirit Iron."

"It will also be a huge expense to dig it up and refine it."

"People are needed everywhere, and it has become a vicious cycle."

"If Ye Xiaoshu hadn't brought back these 270 tons, the current situation would have been worse."

Forbidden iron can only be mined when it is abundant.

In today's China, there is no such free time at all.

Cui Zhenjun tapped his forehead with his hand, frowned and said:

"Sorry... By the way, is there any news about that boy Ye Xiaoshu recently?"

The chief of staff shook his head: "No news."

"Except for some news from Lin Xinxue when he came back, I haven't received any more information from him."

"This operation is too dangerous, I think you should not have too high expectations."

"I'm afraid he will be in trouble this time."

Cui Zhenjun focused his attention on the screen. The signal that originally belonged to Ye Xiaoshu was dim.

Suddenly, a red dot flashed on the screen.

To make sure he wasn't mistaken, he rubbed his eyes.

The light spot is getting redder and redder, and is heading towards China.

"Ye Xiaoshu is back!" Cui Zhenjun was immediately moved to tears.

This guy is finally back!

Cui Zhenjun breathed a sigh of relief. This is the most promising child of the younger generation in China.

If he ends up in Sakura Country, he won't be able to survive even in the coffin.

The commander-in-chief spread out on his chair and said:

"It's good if nothing happens, it's good if nothing happens."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The next moment, a soldier rushed in from outside the door and shouted:

"Commander-in-Chief! Something happened!"

"Pfft--" Tea sprayed on the chief of staff's clothes.

The chief of staff was not angry. After knocking down the tea leaves, he asked:

"What's happening in such a hurry? Tell me quickly!"

The soldier said in panic: "Sakura Kingdom... sent a fleet to attack!"

"It's better to dispatch the whole army!"

China's navy suffered heavy losses in this large-scale spiritual disaster.

Now that the Chinese sea area is full of spiritual beasts, rebuilding the naval force is really not worth the gain.

"What good does it do to them to target China at this juncture?" Cui Zhenjun said angrily.

The chief of staff looked at the red dot moving slowly towards China, and contacted Sakura Kingdom's fleet for invasion. He suddenly thought of something and said:

"That kid Ye Xiaoshu has probably been tied up!"

"This time, Sakura Country wants to use Ye Xiaoshu as a hostage to blackmail our country!"

"These bastards, isn't it just that the coal sold was a little too expensive last time, so why are they so impatient?"

Cui Zhenjun asked in confusion: "Coal? What sells coal?"

The chief of staff explained: "A few days ago, Sakura Country said it needed a batch of emergency coal. After the repair of the Forbidden Spirit Formation was completed, we used space warriors to teleport a batch there."

Cui Zhenjun asked again: "How much did they charge?"

The chief of staff hesitated and said:

"One pound of silver can be exchanged for three pounds of coal."

Cui Zhenjun: "..."

The commander-in-chief immediately understood why these people from Sakura Country wanted to bring the army to fight.

This is not how people are killed.

This can’t be something you learned from Ye Xiaoshu!

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