This time, I lost my wife and lost my troops.

International treaties state that any troops crossing the border are not protected by the federation.

These cross-border ships were hijacked by China and there was no reason to come back.

If they really go to the Federation to cause trouble, they will probably be labeled as invading other countries' territories by China.

The cabin is closed, and even if Ye Xiaoshu has all his skills, he can only destroy one battleship.

"How on earth did he hijack all the ships?" Santo Takashi said, slapping his palm on the table.

"Ningtian family shadow guard?"

"No...impossible. A big family will not give away the Shadow Guard Token for no reason."

"And even the Shadow Guards are not strong enough to kill so many captains!"

Santo Takashi could never figure out what was going on.

Because who would have thought that Ye Xiaoshu has such a powerful ability to ignore the rules.

The Grand Administrative Officer sighed and once again divined the fate of Sakura Kingdom.

The starry sky changes, leaving behind a big word - [flat]

From then on, he was finally convinced that Ye Xiaoshu was the disaster!

Although he was extremely reluctant, he still decided to serve Ye Xiaoshu well the next time he came.

If something like this happens again in Sakura Country, the country will probably be destroyed.

The magistrate once again performed a divination, and the object of this divination was Yamata Sakura.

【Good luck】

These two words shocked him. In order to make sure that he had read it correctly, Santeng Takashi quickly rubbed his eyes.

You read that right, the words haven’t changed in any way.

He often performs divination on the Moon Emperor, but since Ye Xiaoshu negotiated with her, his luck has actually reached great auspiciousness!

"Perhaps Ye Xiaoshu should have been sacrificed from the beginning?" Santeng Takashi said doubtfully.

This divination had a huge impact on his world view.

He picked up a piece of rice paper and wrote a line of words on it with a brush.

(In the future, Ye Xiaoshu will be a guest of Sakura Country, I hope everyone knows.)

After one hour--

Magic City venue.

The venue was not damaged, and just in time for all the officers to be here, the military decided to hold an emergency meeting here.

Ye Xiaoshu had arrived five minutes early, but still seemed to be late.

More than forty senior military officials seemed to be waiting for him.

Cui Zhenjun saw Ye Xiaoshu arriving on time, smiled and nodded, then stood up and walked to the podium and said:

"Now that everyone is here, the meeting will start early."

"Time is limited. Let me make a long story short. This is the topic of this issue."

""Pidorus, has been resurrected""

As soon as this was said, the venue began to commotion.

The news about Biduolu losing his vital signs had been spread in the military department before. Why did his ghost appear again this time?

Ye Xiaoshu's pupils widened and he looked at the title on the big screen behind Cui Zhenjun.

At that time, after killing Biduolu, he dug three feet into the ground but could not find the spiritual core. In addition, the half of the burned paper in the ancient book was Biduolu's third ability.

"Resurrection..." Ye Xiaoshu muttered.

At this time, Ren Luofei stood up from the audience and walked up to the podium step by step. She was carrying a silver box in her hand.

Walking onto the stage, she began to talk about the theme of this meeting:

"After the Forbidden Spirit Formation was completed, Biduolu carried out killings in four places."

"It can become stronger by absorbing spiritual veins and the flesh and blood souls of the people."

"Every time it appears, its strength is improving."

"'s already platinum level."

At this time, someone in the audience raised his hand and spoke with the permission of Ren Luofei:

"Now that the defense matrix has been closed, why not send in saint-level experts to kill it quickly?"

Ren Luofei explained: "After the last battle, the resurrected Biduolu seems to have mastered some tactics."

"It will avoid the location of strong people and launch indiscriminate attacks on civilians. Whenever a strong person surrounds and kills them, it will disappear without a trace."

Concubine Ren Luo's words made the military officials present speechless.

It was unheard of for a Abnormal to learn tactics.

Ren Luofei continued: "He is still growing stronger, absorbing the spirits and souls of civilians."

"If we don't seize the time and allow its strength to rise to diamond level, then no one in China will be able to truly kill him."

"At that time, the only thing that will greet us is destruction."

At this time, someone else raised their hands and asked:

"What do you mean... there is currently a way to kill disaster-level abnormality?"

Ren Luofei nodded: "Yes"

"After a month of hard work and hard work in the laboratory, the God Killer plan is gradually being implemented."

"Now, the first generation of God-killer products is born."

As she said that, she picked up the box from the side, entered the password and opened it.

The box was made of black shock-proof material, with two injections that emitted huge amounts of energy laid flat on it.

The pink energy above is exactly the same color as Bidolu's energy.

"This is the research institute that has been developing special equipment for the apostles. The first-generation product is an injection."

"The research institute named it - [001A Heart of Disaster]."

"This is made from the fragments of the wreckage left behind by Bidoro after his death, and it contains factors of the disaster-level abnormality."

"After injecting it into the heart, the gene sequence in the body can be activated at any time, and the body and mind can reach the strength of a disaster-level abnormality in a short period of time."

"So the institute also calls this experiment - [Artificial Apostle Project]."

"After using the potion, you can avoid being noticed by Bidolu. As long as you hold it back during this period and wait for support, you can kill it in one fell swoop!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was no need to be afraid if there was a way to deal with it.

But before they could relax, Ren Luofei's next words disappointed them:


"We were given too little time to experiment."

"I only got one square millimeter of Biduolu's corpse sample on the battlefield, which is not enough to support the subsequent research."

"These two potions are first editions and have not undergone any experiments."

"To put it bluntly, as long as this medicine is injected into the body, you may die on the spot."

At this time, someone else raised his hand tremblingly and asked:

"Do we have a second option?"

Cui Zhenjun stood behind Concubine Ren Luo and said helplessly:

"There is no other way. There is really too little time for China to prepare."

"If you can give us half a year, no... three months."

"I am confident that I can kill Biduo before he appears! But..."

No one knew the reason for Biduolu's resurrection, and who could have imagined that after experiencing a disaster in China, there would be another heavy blow.

Really proves that old saying.

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

"So, who will inject the medicine?" Ren Luofei finished speaking and looked at the entire venue.

Nearly half of the people present are saint-level experts, and they are all good experiment recipients.

However, the power of the disaster-level abnormality is so huge that even with their physical strength, it is difficult to withstand it.

"I'll do it." Ye Xiaoshu prepared to stand up and take the initiative to take on this responsibility.

But before he could stand up completely, he was pushed down by the people around him.

This person is none other than Tao Bin, commander of the North China Military Region.

"Stop it, now is not the time for you to be in the limelight," he scolded.

Tao Bin is a man who cherishes talents. Like the commander-in-chief, he does not want to see promising young people in their prime take risks on such things.

Ye Xiaoshu explained: "It's not about showing off. This time it's dangerous. Your physique is not as good as that of a young man like me..."

"Leave it to me." As he spoke, Tao Bin raised his hand.

These four simple words symbolize the determination of soldiers.

Feng Yingyi tugged on his clothes and shouted in a low voice:

"Calm down!"

"This is not a trivial fight, you will really die if you go up there!"

Tao Bin smiled and said:

"I understand, but we veterans cannot let young people take risks."

He left his seat and walked towards the stage as he said:

"Since I first joined the military camp when I was young, my name has been used as a joke by my comrades."

"Everyone calls me a deserter (Tao Bin)."

"I'm not angry either. Everyone is very close to me because of this nickname."

"It's a pity that all my comrades died on the battlefield, and now I am the only one left to survive until now."

"Looking at it this way, I really look like a deserter."

He walked to the stage, picked up the Heart of Calamity under the gaze of everyone, and said with a smile:

"On the battlefield that year, what the squad leader said before he died has made me remember it to this day."

"Don't forget the martyrs who laid down their loyal bones, and the Dragon Kingdom will revitalize the soul of China!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and inserted the injection into his heart.

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