
Zhang Jin angrily said:

"I don't need it, get out of my head."

(You will need it. When you need my strength, you can always call me.)

"Get out!" he shouted, then grabbed the clothes on his chest with his hands.

Clothes were clenched together in fists, trying to ease the pain of losing his wife.

But these... are just in vain.

Biduolu's voice disappeared in his ears. Zhang Jin shook his head and walked in the direction of his teammates...

All teams with special abilities, including the dragon team, are fighting on the front line.

At this time, they are China's most solid defense.

January 22, the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Lin Xinxue returned to China, and the entire military was excited about this huge reserve of forbidden spirit iron.

The laying work of the Forbidden Spirit Iron has begun. As long as the Forbidden Spirit Formation is completed, there will no longer be a tide of beasts that can affect China!

The saint-level experts went to the borders of other regions to set up forbidden spirit formations, while the army and supernatural power teams resisted the tide of beasts in the Zhejiang Sea.

At noon, the members of the Dragon Group gathered together.

Everyone stayed in the trenches in disgrace and prepared to have lunch.

"The Forbidden Spirit Iron is back, but that kid hasn't come back..." Brother Ludan said, looking in the direction of the beast tide.

"He will be fine. As dangerous as the vampire incident in China, he can come back safe and sound, and he will do the same this time." Qi Yasu said seriously.

She said this, making everyone in the dragon group laugh.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious!" Her pretty little face frowned.

Jia Shun shrugged helplessly and said, "Oh, all the good girls have been kidnapped by Little Leaf."

"Nonsense!" Qi Yasu defended.

Everyone saw through it but didn't say anything, and smiled while stuffing self-heating rice into their mouths.

Tai Wanrong looked at Zhang Jin who was silent and a little lonely, sat next to him and said softly:

"Ye Xiaoshu will be fine over there."

Zhang Jin didn't speak, just ate his rice with red eyes.

As he ate, he lowered his head and trembled slightly, sobbing slightly.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and focused on Zhang Jin.

"Team Zhang?"

"Captain Zhang, are you okay?"

"If you have any questions, tell me and my brothers and see if they can help you solve it. After all, there is strength in numbers."

Zhang Jin raised his head with tears in his eyes.

"I still have you...and you brothers."

"I'm fine...it's fine."

Zhang Jin refused to say anything. The members of the Dragon Group didn't know what happened and didn't know how to comfort them. They could only stay by their side silently.

January 23, the second day of the Lunar New Year.

"Wake up, don't sleep!" Jia Shun shouted in the trench.

As soon as Zhang Jin opened his eyes, he was shocked and widened by the scene in front of him.

In the distance, a huge gray cloak appeared at the border. Inside the cloak was a skeleton.

The cloak blocks out the sky and the sun, and he holds a broken scythe.

It stretched out its hand, bowed deeply to all the superpower teams, and said:

"Hello, Chinese warriors."

"Let me introduce myself, I'm from Aion."

"Ranked 13th, named [God of Death]."

Everyone in the Dragon Group stared at the God of Death. The last time they heard the name Tower of Eternity was in the Xiang Kingdom, Ye Xiaoshu said it himself.

When Brother Ludan heard its name, he suddenly thought of something.

"I remembered, do you still remember Alves?"

Jia Shun: "The one that caused the Guanghai spiritual disaster last year?"

Brother Lu Dan: "Yes, that's the undead superpower. He comes from the Shadow Mercenary Group."

"We later investigated Alves' information and finally found a name - the God of Death."

The supernatural team did not sit still and used long-range spiritual skills to shoot in the direction of death as quickly as possible.

In an instant, the trenches were filled with colorful lights, and auras of light shone on the battlefield.

Fireballs, lightning, ice cones, countless attacks hit the God of Death from all directions.

Death held the scythe and swung it forward.

The gray smoke dispersed the spiritual skills, and the smoke spread out, leaving no grass growing wherever it passed.

Different from Ye Xiaoshu's evil spirit, these smokes cut off vitality, while evil spirits eat away at life.

This is the power of the Death Tarot card, which is death.

Any life with less strength than the God of Death will turn into dust.

Death smiled in his cloak and said:

"I am here to help you. In order to avoid unnecessary killing, except for children, warriors below the platinum level should commit suicide."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Death's unreasonable words...

If people below the platinum level commit suicide, how many people are left in China?

The leader of the Asuka team: "What the hell! Why don't you commit suicide!"

"Where did the skeleton come from? Blow it down for him!"

The short-range missile vehicle was launched and shot in the direction of the God of Death. The warhead collided with it and caused a violent explosion.


The God of Death waved his sickle to disperse the smoke, and he said politely again:

"This is a plan set up for the survival of mankind. I hope you will not let down the tower master's kindness."

"The First Apostle is like this, do you really think you can defeat the will of the world with technological means?"

"The weak will die and the strong will survive. Only the elite of human beings can have a chance of survival!"

He pointed the sickle at the superpower team and said coldly:

"I'll give you one last choice."

"Should I kill you, or should you do it yourself?"

How could the superpower team succumb to a guy of unknown origin and rise up to resist?

But in this battle... they encountered a powerful enemy.

I forgot the specific details.

Zhang Jin only remembered that the god of death waved his scythe and took away most of the lives of the supernatural team in an instant.

Qi Yasu reacted in time and led the dragon group to activate group teleportation and quickly evacuated to the rear.

The God of Death nodded with satisfaction after harvesting these lives.

Before leaving, he left a message.

"I will come again tomorrow until the tower master's plan is fulfilled."

As this sentence ends.

The front line collapsed.

January 24th, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

All the soldiers and special ability teams stationed in Zhehai were killed, and only the dragon team survived.

The military headquarters learned about the collapse of the front line in the Zhejiang Hai area and initiated an emergency communication to the Dragon Group.

The one who answered the message was Zhang Jin.

Military: "The God of Death is killing innocent people indiscriminately from Zhejiang to Ze'an City. Now I can only rely on you."

"Now I give you a new task, to assassinate the God of Death."

Zhang Jin said helplessly: "Report, the God of Death is too powerful and the task will be difficult to complete."

"This time we can send experts who have reached the Saint level to make it easier to complete the task."

Military: "No, the Forbidden Spirit Iron is currently limited. All saint-level people are currently laying out the Forbidden Spirit Formation. It will take four hours before the formation is completed."

As long as the formation is formed, China will be protected from the invasion of the beast tide. Everyone knows the importance of this matter, but the strength of the dragon group is not enough to kill the god of death.

Military: "We will turn the power of the AI ​​defense matrix to the maximum. By then the God of Death will be suppressed at the gold level, and at the same time we will release the authority of the artificial runes on your body."

"Dragon Group...the lives of the Chinese people are in your hands."

Zhang Jin sighed, and then said loudly:

"Promise to complete the mission!"

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