Jia Shun took out another pistol from his waist and held it in his hand.

He held the gun in his left hand and pointed it at his head, while the gun in his right hand was pointed at the God of Death, and he pulled the trigger with both hands at the same time.

"No!" Zhang Jin shouted.

After the "bang" gunshot, Jia Shun turned into smoke and dispersed.

And another bullet went straight to Death's face.

The God of Death's gaze was focused. He was not prepared to dodge, but was frightened by the dangerous aura brought by the bullet.

In a thousandth of a second, the God of Death disappeared, and the red and white bullet also disappeared!

The next moment, Death appeared at the streetlight.

The bullet followed closely behind, with no intention of letting it go.

This is a blow that Jia Shun exchanged for his life. This skill is - exchanging life for life.

The God of Death didn't believe that the bullet had such tyrannical power, so he slashed at the bullet with his sickle.


The sickle was shaken off and flew towards the sky.

Death's right hand that originally held the scythe was shattered by this force.

He wanted to use his full power to escape, but the speed of the bullet was too fast to give him time to react.

"call out--"

Red and white bullets penetrated Death's head. The bones under the Death's cloak shattered in unison, and gray bone fragments peeled off.

Half of his body began to disintegrate, and only white bones remained on the face of the God of Death that was still partially flesh and blood.

Ironically, the God of Death was almost killed by someone else.

In terms of strength, Jia Shun is the weakest in the Dragon Group.

But in terms of superpower potential, his ability is not even weaker than Ye Xiaoshu.

The ability he gained at the cost of his own life is to kill the enemy with one blow regardless of any rules.

Unfortunately, the enemy we faced this time controlled the power of death.

If he didn't control the power of death, he wouldn't be able to withstand this shot no matter what.

The God of Death was severely injured, and the broken skeleton kept trembling, and he said in disbelief:

"How is that possible!? Even a platinum-level person can seriously injure me!"

"If my strength hadn't been suppressed...if I had killed you with all my strength from the beginning..."

"Forget it, it's over."

"For the survival of the human race, China must perish!"

Death calls back weapons that have fallen far away.

Zhang Jin looked at the corpses of his comrades in front of him and said with a trembling voice:


(Have you finally figured it out?)

"How can you help me?"

(As long as you recite my name silently in your heart, you can gain my power.)

He turned around and tried his best to squeeze out a smile on his haggard face and said:

"Yasu, get out of here and I'll help you wean yourself off."

Qi Yasu said sternly: "No! We must die together!"

"This is an order!" Zhang Jin put away his smile and shouted loudly.

The God of Death didn't care whether they were alive or dead, and used his last bit of strength to lift the sickle and strike at Zhang Jin.


A tentacle shot out from Zhang Jin's heart, blocking the sickle's attack.

Zhang Jin turned around and said softly:

"Tell Ye Xiaoshu something for me..."

"The future dragon group will be left to him."

After saying that, his body was wrapped in pieces of meat and he started fighting with the God of Death.

With tears in her eyes, Qi Yasu wrapped the severed leg with the power of space and teleported towards the military headquarters.


The memory stopped abruptly, and Ye Xiaoshu's consciousness returned to reality.


A sound made Ye Xiaoshu suddenly widen his eyes.

The window was blown open by the wind, and rain poured in from the window and fell on him.

After absorbing the disaster-level spiritual core, huge power poured into all parts of his body.

Taotie's law is integrated with the body. The red thread is not only in the Dantian and spirit, but has now spread throughout the body.

Breaking through to platinum is a matter of course, and it is not as painful as breaking through to gold before.

My strength has become stronger, but I can’t laugh no matter what.

Nie Qiuling opened the bathroom door, saw the window blown open by the wind, and quickly stepped forward to close it.

Although several days passed in my memory, in reality it was only a moment.

Ye Xiaoshu sat cross-legged on the ground without saying a word, feeling surprisingly cold all over.

Nie Qiuling didn't say anything. She stretched out her hand and brushed away his tears with a handkerchief.

Stay by his side quietly.

Three days later——

Going to Beijing, the Martyrs' Tomb.

The soldiers surrounded the grave and shouted:

"The martyrs died for their country, and their souls bless the mountains and rivers!"

Some people cried, some were sad, and some were silent.

This war was too brutal and countless soldiers died.

Some people even died at the gunpoint of their comrades.

The power of the first apostle was deeply engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

At this time, an old couple was looking for a person's name on the martyrs' monument.

But I couldn't find it anywhere.

"You are Zhang Jin's father?" A voice made the two old men turn around.

In front of him, a handsome white-haired boy appeared.

He was holding an urn and a red plastic bag in his hand.

"Are you... Ye Xiaoshu?" The old man didn't believe his eyes.

After a short time, the boy's originally black hair turned completely white. This pale hair color did not look like it was dyed.

What happened during this period of time to make him like this.

The old woman looked at the urn in Ye Xiaoshu's hand and suddenly understood something in her heart.

"Second elders, my condolences..."

After hearing Ye Xiaoshu's words, the old woman picked up the handkerchief and touched the tears she shed.

The old man took the ashes from Ye Xiaoshu's hand with both hands, sighed and asked:

"Is my son a martyr?"

Ye Xiaoshu remained silent, just looking at the two of them guiltily.

He picked up the plastic bag and handed it to the two elderly people.

"Please accept this thing I prepared for you."

Inside the plastic bag were black cards, a few magic pills, and some longevity-prolonging herbs.

The two old men were about to refuse, but Ye Xiaoshu disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving the plastic bag on the ground.

Only parents understand the pain of losing a child.

The old couple hugged each other and cried bitterly, clinging to each other.

After that, Ye Xiaoshu walked in the Martyrs' Tomb, looking for the name of the dragon group based on the number.

He looked up and saw a girl on crutches.

Qi Yasu looked at Ye Xiaoshu, her lips moved, but she said nothing with tears in her eyes.

Ye Xiaoshu nodded guiltily to her and took out a bottle of wine from his pocket.

After opening the wine, Ye Xiaoshu looked at the graves of several people and thought for a long time, then said aloud:

"Sister Wanrong, who will take care of Yasu after you leave? If she is bullied by others, you will not be able to stand up for her."

"Dong Chen, Dong Mu, brothers, I didn't tell you a wife until my death. You don't know, the girl over there at Xiao Yinghua is called Jun."

"And you, Jia Shun..."

Ye Xiaoshu stretched out his hand, and a charge sniper rifle appeared in his hand.

"We agreed to be the strongest sniper of the Dragon Group. I brought the gun. Where are you guys..."

Ye Xiaoshu muttered to himself and spilled the wine in his hand to the ground.

He had no strength left and knelt on the ground shouting:

"Sorry, guys."

"I'm sorry, brothers..."

"I'm late."

Qi Yasu couldn't bear it anymore, tears burst out of her eyes and fell on the ground. She dropped her walking stick and hugged Ye Xiaoshu from behind.

She sobbed and buried her face in his back.

"I don't blame you, I really don't blame you..."

Ye Xiaoshu was silent and took out a cigarette from his pocket. The cigarette that was originally used as incense was now hanging on his hand.

He wanted to put it in his mouth, but was afraid that the smoke would choke him and make him shed tears...

The disaster is over.

This is a victory for all Chinese people.

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