Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 389 The Fourth Spiritual Skill Absolute Command

The letter in my hand seemed so hot for some reason.

Like a blazing torch, it was passed into his own hands.

Qi Yasu looked at him with trembling fingers and comforted:

"Ye Xiaoshu... don't blame yourself so much. The demise of the Dragon Group has nothing to do with you."

"No, it does matter." Ye Xiaoshu put the letter down and then asked:

"Have you read the letter?"

Qi Yasu shook her head. She had no habit of prying into other people's privacy.

The letter was delivered to Ye Xiaoshu intact and had not been opened.

"The Dragon Group is not dead, at least there are still you and me." Ye Xiaoshu said.

Qi Yasu smiled bitterly and said:

"The establishment of a supernatural team requires at least five soldiers, and there are only two...wait, do you mean...!"

Ye Xiaoshu said seriously: "Yes, it's what you think."

Immediately, he shouted:

"From today on, I am Ye Xiaoshu, the leader of the Dragon Team, codename - Black Dragon!"

[Favorable sentiment value from Qi Yasu +1000]

Qi Yasu looked at Ye Xiaoshu with dull eyes when he straightened his body and shouted these words.

In a daze, I seemed to have returned to the time when I first reported to the Dragon Team.

Zhang Jin's voice seemed to ring in his ears.

"I am your captain Zhang Jin, codenamed Black Dragon!"

The strong body in the memory is combined with the solid body in front of me.

The boy who once shouted that he didn't want to join the dragon group now inherits the name of the black dragon and continues to move forward.

Nie Qiuling took out some toilet paper and handed it to Qi Yasu, asking her to wipe away her tears.

"Thank you." Qi Yasu took the tissue.

Suddenly, she thought of something and quickly took out a coupon from her pocket.

"During the beast tide in Zhejiang, Captain Zhang suggested that you go for a physical examination, so a few of us paid some money to ask you to go to the hospital and take a good look at it to prevent any illnesses."

"It's definitely not normal for your hair to be this color. A check-up can also help you...let your wife worry less. It doesn't cost any money anyway, so go ahead."

After Qi Yasu finished speaking, she handed over the ticket.


Ye Xiaoshu took the ticket, which had a QR code printed on it.

Qi Yasu breathed a long sigh of relief, wiped away her tears, grabbed the walking stick next to her and lifted herself up.

"After everything is said and done, just give me a call after the new dragon formation is established."

Ye Xiaoshu saw her limping and said quickly:

"Shall I see you off?"

Qi Yasu smiled and waved her hand: "No, no."

"Don't forget that I am a person with space powers. I can teleport back even if I go unfavorably."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Okay, then walk slowly."


[Favorable sentiment value from Qi Yasu +100]

After finishing talking, Qi Yasu left.

Ye Xiaoshu completely lost his strength and collapsed on the sofa.

Lilith came over cautiously and rubbed her snow-white face against Ye Xiaoshu's dirty collar.


Nie Qiuling put her legs together and sat elegantly next to Ye Xiaoshu, leaning gently on his shoulder.

"Master, how are you feeling? Do you want Qiuling to serve you and relieve your fatigue?"

Ye Xiaoshu forced a smile and stroked their hair.

"I'm fine, I've always been fine."

"I'm just obsessed with practicing lately and can't help myself. I'll take a shower first and go out later."

"You two have been working hard lately."

Nie Qiuling shook her head gently and wiped Ye Xiaoshu's tears with her hand:

"Young master is the one who works hard."

"Qiu Ling has prepared a meal and is waiting for you to come back."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and nodded, kissed her on the cheek, then stood up and went to the bathroom.

Nie Qiuling's cheeks turned slightly red, recalling his smile just now.

There seemed to be some bitterness in the young master's innocent smile before.

after an hour--

Ye Xiaoshu finished taking a shower, changed her clothes and walked out of the house.

In the distance, the soldier holding a telescope for reconnaissance suddenly widened his eyes and shouted to his sleeping companion next to him:

"Hey, hey, hey, don't sleep!"

"Ye Xiaoshu is out!"

The soldier next to him was awakened and shouted in disbelief:

"Damn it, it's been a month! This kid is finally willing to go out after staying at home for a month!"

"Quick, don't be stunned! Call the headquarters immediately!"

The scout quickly picked up his cell phone to call, but was stunned when he picked it up.

A light red light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he stared blankly at the comrades in front of him.

"Why are you just staring at me? Call me quickly! You..."

The next moment, the same color of light flashed in the eyes of the soldier who was speaking, and his eyes became dull.

Ye Xiaoshu put his hands in his pockets and looked in the direction of the two soldiers.

The fourth spiritual skill: Absolute command.

His eyes glowed with the same light red light, almost the same color as Bidolo's energy.

This is a spiritual skill given after absorbing the disaster-level spiritual core.

Unlike pure mental control, this ability is to directly issue instructions.

During this month, he conducted experiments on the Shadow Guards.

The command can only have an effect on people below one's own strength, much like Bidoro's field of mind control.

At the same time, after the command is started, the target will continue to execute the command unless it is forcibly terminated.

The next command cannot be issued until the previous command is completed.

You can give the command three times a day without any consumption. If you release it again, you will feel some discomfort in your head.

As for whether it would take effect on targets stronger than himself, Ye Xiaoshu didn't know yet.

Ye Xiaoshu's order to the two soldiers was to simply stay there for a day.

Give them a small punishment for invading other people's privacy.

At this time, the shadow guard contacted Ye Xiaoshu through a spell:

"Lord, there is no progress in what you asked us to investigate."

"We searched the entire population of Sakura Kingdom and China respectively, and checked all the people named 'Rou Mengyao', but we did not find the person the Lord was looking for."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Hire some people to continue investigating. You can get away from this matter."

Shadow Guard: "Yes!"

Ye Xiaoshu: "By the way, how did you go about hiding your identities?"

Lian said with some embarrassment:

"The subordinate is incompetent and it is difficult to appear in public without identity information."

"If you show up without permission, you will be considered as illegally entering the country..."

Ye Xiaoshu: "I understand, I will find a solution for you on this matter."

Lian: "Thank you, Lord!"

Thirty gold level, all shadow power users who are proficient in assassination.

For them to gain a foothold in China, they need some interpersonal relationships.

But Ye Xiaoshu doesn't want to see anyone from the military department yet.

After turning off the spell communication, Ye Xiaoshu took out the ticket from his pocket and scanned the QR code on it with his mobile phone.

With a beep, the code scan was successful.

The screen of the mobile phone scanned out the detailed information of the hospital. Ye Xiaoshu stepped forward and disappeared into the wind.

Ye Xiaoshu has the power of law, and the world will be his help.

The wind will carry him forward, the light will heal his injuries, and the fire will become his strength.

Every move is accompanied by the will of the world.

Laws can temporarily dominate nature for one's own use.

This is the power of platinum level.

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