Ren Luofei added next to her:

"It's definitely too much to say this, but it is indeed the core of the power of the God Envoy."

"Bidolu is very powerful and can affect the laws of reality to a certain extent."

"Having absorbed the disaster-level spiritual core, he is now a talent that all countries are clamoring for."

"Commander Cui, I, a junior, don't need to say anything about what's going to happen next."

Cui Zhenjun sighed helplessly, stood up and said:

"Hey, I'm going to have a chat with Ye Xiaoshu."

Feng Yingyi said with a smile next to him:

"Don't sigh so much. That boy Ye Xiaoshu has his own thoughts and is not easily impressed by people from other countries."

"You should talk to him carefully when the time comes. If he makes a request, try to satisfy it as long as it is not excessive."

Cui Zhenjun did not look back and waved his hand:

"I have a sense of proportion."

After that, he walked towards the physical examination area.

Half an hour later——

Ye Xiaoshu walked out of the CT room.

Behind him, the heavy iron door was about to close. The medical staff inside looked horrified. They couldn't understand Ye Xiaoshu's perspective view at all.

"Bang." The iron door closed.

Ye Xiaoshu took out the X-ray film from the bag, glanced at it twice and put it back.

He knew whether he was healthy or not.

The system will automatically prompt that the heart rate is too low or the body is abnormal. Ye Xiaoshu is already considering whether to dye his conspicuous white hair.

Ye Xiaoshu looked up and saw a familiar person.

The old eyes were full of guilt, and his lips moved and he didn't know how to speak.

"Hey, isn't this the Commander-in-Chief? Long time no see. How are you?"

When Cui Zhenjun heard this, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand, forced a smile and said:

"Yeah, long time no see, kid."

"Do you have time? I want to talk to you."

Ye Xiaoshu raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile:

"Okay, let's talk."

Afterwards, the two walked to a secluded place and found no one on the bench, so they sat on it.

This is where hospitalized patients rest and exercise on weekdays.

After the war, hospitalizations also surged.

He saw a young man in a wheelchair happily playing chess with an old man.

The boy's leg was amputated, and the bandage covering the wound showed some blood.

The young man noticed the sight, smiled and waved to Ye Xiaoshu.

Ye Xiaoshu also smiled and said hello to him.

"What's the test result? Are you feeling well?" Cui Zhenjun asked, breaking the silence.

"It's okay, everything is normal, but the blood oxygen concentration is low." Ye Xiaoshu replied.

Cui Zhenjun couldn't find the topic and twisted his collar with his hand.

The two were silent for a while.

In the past, Ye Xiaoshu seemed to have endless things to say, but now he is much calmer than before.

"You didn't come to me just to reminisce about old times. Just say what you have to say." Ye Xiaoshu said.

Cui Zhenjun cleared his throat:

"Ahem, okay."

"You have made great achievements this time, and the military has decided to make an exception and promote you to second lieutenant."

"If it's a matter of mobilizing the army, I can settle it as soon as I open my mouth, but in terms of honor..."

"I originally wanted to give you a greater reputation, but unfortunately the commander-in-chief alone does not have the final say in the military. All major military regions must agree."

Ye Xiaoshu chuckled and said:

"It's okay, I don't care."

Cui Zhenjun: "..."

The two fell into silence again, and the atmosphere fell into an awkward moment.

Perhaps, this is the last chance to chat with Ye Xiaoshu.

If this is just a waste of time, China will lose such an outstanding talent.

Cui Zhenjun cleared his thoughts and said seriously:

"I feel very sorry for Zhang Jin. His death represents the glory of the Chinese army."

"I know you blame me for asking Team Dragon to do such a dangerous mission."

"But you have to know that the superpower team has been performing extremely dangerous missions for a long time."

"At that time, all the supernatural groups were wiped out, and only the dragon group remained. Only they could save the people of Ze'an City."

Ye Xiaoshu listened and nodded gently, not sure whether he heard these words.

Cui Zhenjun continued:

"I understand how you feel, but please put yourself in my shoes."

"What would you think if... [The God of Death] was going to kill your relatives, but the army didn't do anything?"

"But if there is no if, the Chinese army would rather die than put the people in danger first."

Ye Xiaoshu understood, so he didn't blame anyone.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too weak.

He just hated why the hero who died on the battlefield ended up like this.

"Commander-in-Chief, you just said that Brother Zhang's death is an honor." Ye Xiaoshu said.

"Yes, that's right." Cui Zhenjun nodded.

"Then I demand that Team Zhang must be named a martyr!"

This is Zhang Jin's dream. He wants to gain merit in the army and have a few medals on his chest.

Ironically, he never received an honor until his death.

Cui Zhenjun suddenly became embarrassed.

Although controlled by Bidolu, Zhang Jin massacred tens of thousands of civilians.

At first, Biduolu's flesh was not attached to Zhang Jin's face, so his killing of innocent people was witnessed by many people.

Cui Zhenjun suddenly became embarrassed and could only bite the bullet and said:

"Okay, I will go back to the military headquarters to discuss this matter, and I will definitely give you a complete answer."

"I came to see you this time because I have a favor to ask of you."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Say."

Cui Zhenjun said slowly:

"Now China has a huge amount of spiritual cores on hand, a quantity that other countries can hardly imagine."

"Currently, all spiritual realms around the world are closed, and only China can produce spiritual cores."

"Now China needs funds, but the price offered by the federation is difficult for us to accept."

Ye Xiaoshu joked: "Are there no talents in China? Send a young guy like me?"

Cui Zhenjun said helplessly: "That's the fact. Too many technical talents died in this war."

"You are a eloquent guy and your deception skills are top-notch. If I had to choose a negotiator, I would definitely choose you."

"In the next month, if the price is still so low, then we will have to sell at a low price."

After speaking, Cui Zhenjun rubbed his dark circles.

"Okay, I'll help Hua Xia, you help me." Ye Xiaoshu stood up, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Cui Zhenjun, saying:

"I want to start a new organization."

Cui Zhenjun glanced at the note and said seriously:

"Are you planning to form a private army? Absolutely not!"

Ye Xiaoshu said in a deep voice:

"The nature of the organization is not under the control of the military, but it can solve China's troubles

For example, clearing the spiritual realm, cleaning up traitors, and dealing with supernatural crimes. "

"But I have the right to refuse the military commission."

"Now is the recovery stage just after the war in China. It is the golden period for the invasion of agents from other countries."

"The formation of a superpower team takes time. Let me do the dirty work for Huaxia. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"This is what I say, cherish it."

After saying that, Ye Xiaoshu left the activity area.

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