"Woooooo! Woooo!" Ye Xiaoshu roared loudly.

I don’t know what he is talking about. It is difficult to make a sound through these two giant objects.

Psychic Skill: Dimension Travel

Ye Xiaoshu disappeared, broke free from Diana's restraints, ran to the wall and clung to the wall (fear.jpg).

Fortunately, he has the skill [World Class Lung Capacity], otherwise he would definitely be suffocated to death.

Diana's beautiful eyes moved, staring at Ye Xiaoshu.

In her eyes, it was as if there was only Ye Xiaoshu in the whole world.

Ye Xiaoshu turned his head and noticed a dignified woman sitting on the sofa.

She wore the same pure white veil as Diana before her.

[Negative emotional value from the sacrifice +100]

[Favorable mood value from the sacrifice +2]

The woman nodded to Ye Xiaoshu, then stretched out her hand and said:

"Mr. Ye, please sit down."

Ye Xiaoshu stared at the flushed Diana and slowly leaned towards the sofa like a crab.

‘This is strange. I obviously captured her alive, so she should be full of hatred. ’

‘Why are you treating me like this? ’ Ye Xiaoshu muttered in his heart.

After careful consideration, he came to a conclusion - there was definitely a scam!

Ye Xiaoshu sat opposite the priest.

Diana ran over with a smile on her face, stood close to him and said softly:

"Master Ye Xiaoshu, are you thirsty? Do you want some tea?"

"Are you tired? Do you want to lie on Diana's lap?"

Ye Xiaoshu pushed the piece of brown candy away with difficulty, frowned and shouted:

"Be quiet!"

"Okay~" Diana smiled happily and sat aside obediently.

[Negative emotional value from the priest +1000]

Before Ye Xiaoshu arrived, the priest had been chatting with Diana.

During her imprisonment, Diana was treated with good food and drink without any slightest care.

It looked very normal, but the three words in his mouth couldn't be separated from a person named Ye Xiaoshu.

She originally thought that Diana and Ye Xiaoshu were just friends.

But now...she has turned into this!

The priest wanted to know what kind of ecstasy soup had been poured into that innocent and beautiful girl!

Ye Xiaoshu calmed down, his eyes gradually became sharp, he stared at the sacrifice and said:

"You, the Tower of Eternity, participated in this spiritual disaster in China."

"I have read the confidential information of Sakura Kingdom, and it clearly states that this spiritual disaster is concentrated in China, and it is your fault."

"Although China has suffered heavy losses, but..."

"A disabled dragon cannot be bullied by any beast!"

[Favorable mood value from Diana +1000]

"Master Ye Xiaoshu, you are so handsome~" Diana acted like a nymphomaniac, her body kept trembling.

The priest did not reply directly to Ye Xiaoshu's words. She twisted her fingers, and the golden bracelet shone slightly.

A card appeared in her hand.

"What is written on this card is the location of the Shadow Mercenary Group. They are the subordinates of the God of Death."

"I want to use this to get Diana back."

Ye Xiaoshu picked up the tea and took a sip, then put it back on the glass table and asked:

"Why would you betray your own organization?"

"Organization?" the priest asked doubtfully, and she explained:

"Although the people at Aion are all working towards the same goal, they cannot be said to be a group."

"Before the Tower Master was resurrected, everyone was only working hard for the survival of mankind."

Ye Xiaoshu remembered that in Zhang Jin's memory, the God of Death also said similar words.

"For the survival of mankind...?"

Jianye Xiaoshu was still confused, so the priest explained, the general content is as follows:

Each tarot card holder of Aion is an independent individual.

They have their own organizations and their own areas of activity.

The goals are the same, but the interests are not.

Holders will decide whether to cooperate or fight depending on their goals.

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoshu nodded, and then asked:

"Can you tell me how you plan to achieve the purpose of human survival?"

The priest shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't explain."

Ye Xiaoshu asked again: "Who is the tower owner?"

"Sorry, can't explain."

The two fell into silence...

Ye Xiaoshu really wanted to know what was going on behind this. Now he only needed to stuff a throat-locking peach into the sacrifice and he would understand everything.

But no, this woman is really terrifyingly strong.

[Name: Sacrifice]

Strength: Xuanwang One Star

Special physique: (none)

The reason why she could talk to Ye Xiaoshu so calmly was because she was wary of Ye Xiaoshu's backhand.

Being able to capture the extraordinary Diana alive with gold-level strength must have some special ability that the world cannot understand.

The priest slowly opened his mouth and said:

"How about it? Have you thought about it clearly?"

"Use the address of the Shadow Mercenary Group in exchange for the saint of our religious order."

Ye Xiaoshu looked at the card in her hand and then at Diana, and a bad idea suddenly came to her mind.

He hugged the beautiful woman next to him, leaned on the sofa and smiled:

"It's definitely possible to change, but your 'sincerity' isn't very good."

Diana was startled by this sudden reward and buried her face in Ye Xiaoshu's arms.

[Negative emotional value from the sacrifice +1000]

Diana, whom she loved deeply, was held in the arms of a young boy!

The priest has lived with Diana since childhood.

Eat together, play together, wash together, sleep together.

The biggest purpose of founding the Church of Light is to be with Diana.

The priest lied to her that her body was divine and she could never fall in love with a man.

The purpose is to monopolize it for yourself.

But now...

The fruit that I worked so hard to raise was actually picked by others!

The priest completely gave up his elegant temperament and shouted loudly: "Let go of your hand first!"

"What exactly do you want?"

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and said frivolously:

"You should know what I want."

This is a great time to make money! How could we let go of this big fat sheep in front of us!

The leader of an organization is still a Xuanwang-level leader, and he must have a lot of money in his hands!

The commander-in-chief said that all the money you want here can go into your own pocket!

Ye Xiaoshu didn't explain clearly, but it was to give the other party room for maneuver.

If he wants too much, the other party will get angry and start fighting directly. This is not what Ye Xiaoshu wants to see.

If you want less, wouldn’t that mean you’re losing money?

The priest couldn't guess what the man in front of him was thinking, but he could judge what he wanted based on his current actions.

'he wants……'

The priest's eyes glanced at Ye Xiaoshu's hand, and the thick big hand tightly hugged Diana's slender waist.

She understood it all at once!

This person...is a lecher!

'He wants a woman! I want a woman more beautiful than Diana! ’

But the only one who can compare with Diana here is herself.

As the leader of the Holy See of Light, she was actually threatened in this way.

But what can she do? Diana was obviously controlled by him!

Although it was very shameful to do this, I didn't know why I felt that Ye Xiaoshu in front of me looked very pleasing to the eye.

...It was all worth it for Diana!

The priest trembled all over. She looked at the gorgeous and charming Diana, and then at Ye Xiaoshu.

"I see!"

After saying that, the priest licked his red lips, stood up and came to Ye Xiaoshu's side, and then suddenly sat down!

She said with a trembling voice:

"I...I will trade my body for her!"

[Negative emotional value from the sacrifice +1000]

Ye Xiaoshu: (´-﹏-`???)

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