These three tasks cannot be completed in one time.

Ye Xiaoshu planned to deal with the shadow mercenary group after the organization was established.

It is still too dangerous for one person to go into battle alone, and the strength of the shadow guards needs to be improved.

Ye Xiaoshu, who has experienced disasters, understands that the more peaceful the times, the more quickly he must improve his strength.

Ye Xiaoshu turned off the panel, jumped up slightly, and turned into a bird in the air.

Su Mei knew in advance that disaster would come, and took Rou Mengyao to find her past strength.

Pidoro, who was not good at fighting, had such great power, but what about the subsequent apostles?

Ye Xiaoshu couldn't imagine it, he could only move towards the top step by step.

At this time, in an underground neighborhood of Eagle Country——

"81! 81! 81! Fake!"

"There must be something evil about this rotten turntable! There is a magnet underneath to control it, right?" a gambler cursed loudly.

At this time, two strong black men in suits and leather shoes stood next to him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Hahaha, I was just kidding, just kidding..."

Even if he relented, the two big men would not spare him and knocked him out with one punch.

Several people in black robes sat in the corner, drinking wine and watching the excitement.

The entire underground neighborhood is very prosperous, completely different from the dark streets of Sakura Country.

Most of the people here are civilians who come here to vent when they encounter difficulties in life.

Except that the consumption is ten times that of normal places, everything else is good.

The service, environment, and the beauty of the ladies are all top-notch in the entire Eagle Kingdom.

Eagle Country has a high degree of autonomy among its states, and any facilities in underground neighborhoods are legal in Asanback State.

The man in black robe picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp. He said with a smile:

"Since the death of the leader, this place has become more and more prosperous."

The companion next to him said helplessly:

"Who told the God of Death to always invest all his funds in scientific research and personnel recruitment?"

"We have been fighting everywhere for so long that we no longer have time to take care of this underground neighborhood."

This is the territory of the Shadow Mercenary Group.

After Death was buried in China, the second in command inherited the Shadow Mercenary Group.

This new leader actually climbed all the way to the position of governor, using the power of the entire state to keep the mercenary group fat and strong.

The current corps is stronger than before.

"By the way, what was the name of the team that killed the leader?" the man in black robe asked.

"Dragon group." The woman in black robe answered.

"Currently, I only know that there are two members of the Dragon Group left. I don't know their names."

The thin man next to him sneered and said:

"Lord Death has been kind to each of us. If I hadn't been taken in by the mercenary group, I would still be begging for food on the street."

"I will completely kill the members of the Dragon Group and hang their heads in the capital of China!"

The man in black robe reminded:

"Be patient for now, now is not the time to take action against China."

"When the research on the new generation of Terminator Armor is completed... let China know what fear is."

"I heard that China is now rich in spiritual cores... I've been coveting them for a long time! Hahaha!"

The woman in black robe smiled and took a sip of wine and said:

"I will talk to the leader about this."

"I hope China can withstand the artillery fire of the Shadow Mercenary Group and not make us too bored."

"To the wealth of the world, cheers!"

Everyone picked up the wine glasses together and clinked them.

"For the wealth of the world!"


The wine glasses clinked against each other, and the hops swayed in the glasses.

The threat to China has never been just disasters, but also hungry wolves sniffing out profits.


the next day--

Ye Xiaoshu woke up in bed at home and saw two girls sleeping beside him.

It was normal for Lilith to sleep in, but Nie Qiuling got up surprisingly late today.

After thinking about it, she had just broken through to the platinum level and needed to replenish her mental power a lot.

Treasures that restore mental power are extremely rare to find on the market, but fortunately, you can restore them while sleeping.

Ye Xiaoshu knew nothing about the control of mental power.

There are no martial arts skills at hand that use mental power, only the spiritual skill 'Absolute Command' can be consumed.

It seems that I need to find a big person related to mental power to ask for advice in the future.

He picked up his phone out of habit, glanced at it and saw the message from the military department.

[The awarding ceremony of the Dragon Group will be held in three days. Comrades who have received the news must be present. 】

Ye Xiaoshu looked at the phone and fell into silence.

He quietly got out of bed, walked to the sofa in the living room, sat down, and called someone.

Soon, the call was connected.

Ye Xiaoshu said calmly:

"Yasu, have you received the news from the military department?"

The person who answered the phone was Qi Yasu. She seemed to be choked with sobs. She wondered if she had just cried.

After all... it was Zhang Jin's dream to have his chest covered with medals.

It's a pity that he is no longer here.

Qi Yasu sobbed and said:

"Received...I got it. What's the matter with calling?"

Ye Xiaoshu looked bitter and frowned as he said:

"Can you please help me contact Captain Zhang's parents when the time comes?"

"His father asked...if my son was a martyr."

"It's been so long, the couple must have been criticized for a long time."

"I want to...give them an explanation."

Qi Yasu said seriously: "The destruction of the Dragon Group was not your fault, you..."

"I know." Ye Xiaoshu interrupted her and continued:

"I just wanted to do something for the Dragon Group."

[Favorable sentiment value from Qi Yasu +1000]

"That's it, see you then."


The phone was hung up, and Ye Xiaoshu breathed a sigh of relief.

A pair of jade hands stretched out from behind him and hugged him tightly from behind.

"Master, what do you want to eat in the morning?" Nie Qiuling asked softly.

"I want to eat... pancake fruit."

"Qiu Ling will do it for you right now."

She has always been like this, a woman as gentle as flowing water, silently taking care of Ye Xiaoshu's life.

At first, Ye Xiaoshu thought that she was following him due to the influence of his [world's top charm], but he did not expect that she had a marriage in her previous life.

Nie Qiuling, who was busy in the kitchen, asked:

"Master, are you going out today?"

Ye Xiaoshu nodded and replied: "Well, go to the spiritual tool shop recommended by an acquaintance to forge some equipment."

"By the way, does Madam need any spiritual tools?"

Nie Qiuling said expressionlessly:

"If the young master is rich, you can prepare some protective inner armor for Qiu Ling. If it's too much trouble, that's all."

"Qiu Ling has the white chi jade given by the young master, which is enough for protection."

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile:

"You are my wife, and you are outspoken by saying such things!"

He looked at his phone and used a search engine to find the name on the note given by Ren Luofei.

(Kong Xuan Sword Address: Intersection of Xichang Street and Huadong Avenue)

After entering the name, I saw several news reports.

[A genius forging girl is born! 】

[It’s the rich second generation again, and it’s the forged second generation again! 】

[Kongxuan Sword won first place in the youth category of the International Blacksmith Competition! 】

Ye Xiaoshu couldn't help but become interested when looking at these reports.

"This girl is pretty awesome!"

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