Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 411 Qing Jin’S Ambition Is Carried Out To Achieve Great Results

after one day--

Great Hall.

It's eight o'clock in the morning and there are already many people in the venue.

Although there are many people, it is not noisy.

What will be held next is the award ceremony of the dragon group and a public speech to all the people.

All the prominent figures in China are here now, waiting for this speech.

Qi Yasu brought Zhang Jin's parents to the venue. The old couple did not expect that they would be able to attend such an occasion.

They wondered why the sinner's parents were invited here.

The second elder timidly found a corner and sat down, not daring to make a sound.

Time passed little by little, and many people arrived one after another. Judging from their aura, I knew they were big shots, but I didn't know what field they were in.

At this time, an old man came to the old couple and was helped by his assistant to sit down.

This person is none other than Cang Angxiong.

He turned around and said hello to the old couple:

"Sorry to ask, can I sit here?"

"Okay, okay, sit down." The couple quickly said politely.

Cang Angxiong sat down, looked at the photos on the podium, sighed and said:

"Oh, it's such a pity that an upright young man died in battle."

"But... they sacrificed their lives for the country. If I were their parents, I would be very proud."

The old couple didn't speak. They held hands tightly and intertwined their fingers.

At this time, a white-haired boy wearing a red scarf walked into the venue and found a place to sit down.

His hair color changed so much that no one recognized him.

As the investiture ceremony is about to begin, everyone has arrived.

Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving only the beam of light on the podium.

Feng Yingyi's figure walked in from outside the light, his aging face not showing any signs of decay.

He is the commander of the South China Military Region, and the Dragon Group members all came from Feilong Camp in South China. He awarded the medals to the Dragon Group members.

Feng Yingyi looked at the photo behind him, sighed and shook his head, then turned to the microphone and said:

"Although today is a medal ceremony, it seems a bit sad."

"China suffered a huge blow in this war. We encountered the apostles, resisted the beast tide, and fought against foreign enemies."

"Countless attacks have not destroyed China. The heroes of all this are the few dead members of the Dragon Team behind me and the thousands of warriors!"

"Everyone should have heard about the fact that the captain of the Dragon Team transformed into Pedro."

"He is not a devil, but a hero! It was he who sacrificed his body to buy time for the people to evacuate, and it was he who resisted the invasion of foreign enemies."

"The hero's name cannot be hidden, we decided to make this matter public!"

"With platinum-level strength, they forcibly killed powerful enemies who reached the saint level, and burned away foreign enemies with their fierce blood!"

"So the military has decided that the names of all the superpower groups will be engraved on the stone tablets of the military headquarters. In the future, the Dragon Team will serve as representatives of the superpower groups and will be praised for generations to come!"

"Special honorary medals are awarded to Zhang Jin, Tai Wanrong, Dong Chen, Dong Mu, and Jia Shun!"

The music started, and several soldiers walked out holding medals and hung them on their photos.

The couple shed tears and said with sobs:

"My son...my son is a hero!"

"I know, I know, but no one believes it...my child is a real martyr."

Everyone present saluted the members of the Dragon Group.

Qi Yasu's eyes were moist, and she sobbed gently.

The former comrades seemed to be still around, laughing and joking.

But now, there are only two people left in the Dragon Group.

"Goodbye, my comrades..."

She saluted towards the podium and said her last farewell.

After the awarding of honors, Feng Yingyi stepped down and Commander-in-Chief Cui Zhenjun appeared on the podium.

He took a deep breath and said into the phone:

"There is an ancient saying that breaks and then stands, which means new life."

"We will always remember the heroic souls who died fighting for China. They will turn into flames on the other side, illuminating the future of China."

"After experiencing failure, we restarted the Kingslayer Plan, now called the Godslayer Plan."

Offstage, countless cameras were focused on Cui Zhenjun, and the scene was now broadcast live nationwide.

"During the war, we set up a forbidden spirit formation, developed a defense matrix, developed space-based weapons, and carried out artificial apostle experiments."

"This is the time to break out of the cocoon and be reborn!"

"I declare that from today on, China will no longer be afraid of the apostles."

"Fight head-on with the will of the world!"

The only way to survive is to gather the strength of the whole country to fight against the disaster.

Chinese people do not pray to gods or worship Buddha, because the Chinese gods are humans themselves.

Today, the ancestors of China are regarded as gods, and in future generations, descendants will also call the heroes of this world gods.

The audience burst into applause.

Cui Zhenjun's words were very brief, but these few words carried great weight.

These related studies by China are a huge deterrent to all countries in the world.

These few words are spoken not only to the people, but also to the world.

The implication is: ‘If you are not afraid of death, just come. ’

Cui Zhenjun stepped down, and others began to praise these fallen soldiers.

Ye Xiaoshu, who was sitting in the audience, suddenly received a message.

Ye Xiaoshu picked up the phone and took a look.

Cui Zhenjun: Come out and tell you about the organization.

Brother Shu: OK.

After replying the message, his body disappeared from the seat.

ten minutes later--

The two met outside the door and walked outside.

On the way, Cui Zhenjun said:

"Due to confidentiality reasons, I did not read out your and Qi Yasu's names."

Ye Xiaoshu nodded: "I know."

The two of them continued walking in silence, both thinking about things in their minds.

After thinking for a while, Cui Zhenjun asked:

"Ye Xiaoshu, what is the purpose of setting up the organization?"

Ye Xiaoshu replied softly:

"Some things can never come back after they are lost. I just want to hold on to everything around me and don't want them to leave me."

"After this disaster, I understand that to protect the ones you love, you can't rely on others, you have to rely on yourself."

Cui Zhenjun murmured: "Protect the one you love..."

Ye Xiaoshu nodded and said, "It's not just that."

"After this disaster, I discovered that there are many rats hiding in the dark side of China. If they hadn't been responsible, this war wouldn't have been so tragic."

"I will do the dirty work for you that the military cannot do."

Cui Zhenjun asked:

"Have you decided on the name of the organization?"

Ye Xiaoshu stopped and said seriously;

"Since we are to eliminate threats to China, we are called... purifiers."

Cui Zhenjun smiled helplessly, patted his shoulder and said:

"I support you, but as someone who has been through this, I want to give you a piece of advice."

"You say."

"Qing Jin's ambition will go a long way if he practices it."

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