The principal had no choice but to issue graduation certificates to them in advance.

Class E is a great hero, the teacher is also a war hero. If they really drop out of school, I, as the principal, will definitely be condemned by the society.

Wang Jianjun pulled out the drawer, took out several red notebooks, wrote the students' names on them, and handed them to them.

Shen Xingchen, who received his diploma, smiled and said:

"Then I'll thank you on behalf of Class E~"

Wang Jianjun waved his hands and cursed: "Go away quickly, go away quickly!"

"You students are really becoming more and more like that brat!"

Class E: "Thank you principal for your cultivation!"

The students were chattering noisily and left the principal's office after saying goodbye.

Wang Jianjun slumped in his chair and sighed softly.

He looked into the open drawer and noticed a photo inside.

The photo was taken when Ye Xiaoshu was giving a speech to the entire school after he got first place in the final exam last year.

It was his speech and his performance in the final exam that made Lingwu High School develop better and better.

"Bad boy..." Wang Jianjun smiled and put the photo back in the drawer and continued to rest his head.

after one day--

According to the address, the students of Class E took the train to the company that Master mentioned.

They got their diplomas and asked their parents for permission to come here.

Soon, the students formed a group and came to the door of the company.

They watched workers carefully install the company's logo on the high-rise glass building.

Three rustic big characters—Send quickly—came into their eyes.

Yin Sui looked at the building and said:

"On the way here, I was thinking about what kind of work Master would ask us to do. My guess is to clean up the spiritual realm. After all, Master is also an excellent finisher."

"But what does it mean to deliver quickly? To deliver a person's head quickly?"

Hua Yu shrugged: "Who knows? You'll know once you go in and take a look."

Several people nodded and walked in carrying large and small bags.

As soon as they walked in, they saw Ye Xiaoshu standing at the front of the hall like a leader, talking to several people in black clothes in front of him.

These men in black all have gold-level strength, and a huge blood energy can be felt from their bodies.

Ye Xiaoshu noticed the sight, looked back, smiled and waved.

"You guys take a tour first, I'm busy for a few minutes!"

Shen Xingchen nodded and looked around.

Buying such a piece of land in Shangjing is definitely not cheap, and in this building, the glass in many places is seamless. It was obviously made by hiring people with special abilities.

All these miscellaneous things were added together, and the amount was beyond his imagination as a boy from a poor family.

There are many people in the lobby, and they are busy, seeming to be arranging the placement of various facilities.

At this time, Ye Xiaoshu answered the phone:

"Hey, Chief of Staff, it's all thanks to you that this happened."

"What the hell! These things are my responsibility. After all, we are also considered a soldier of Feilong Camp, right?"

"Don't worry, you won't lose anything! If something happens to me, I'll hang up first."

Ye Xiaoshu put down his mobile phone, smiled and said to the shadow guards in front of him:

"It's done."

"From today on, you are also citizens of China!"

Shadow Guards: "Thank you, Lord!"

This incident did not cause any waves in their hearts, but as long as it was given by Ye Xiaoshu, they all cherished it extremely.

Ye Xiaoshu nodded, turned around and said to everyone in the hall:

"My students just happened to be here, so I'll announce it again."

""Fast Delivery" company is officially established!"

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the hall.

Shen Xingchen took courage, walked to Ye Xiaoshu and asked:

"Master, we students can't help you with the operation of your company. We have to learn everything from scratch, which will really cause you trouble."

Ye Xiaoshu said with a wicked smile:

"You don't have to be so polite. You can put down your luggage and start working now. There are no barriers to working in our company."

As soon as Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, several people's cell phones suddenly rang:

"You have a new takeout order, please check."

They suddenly understood that they had come all the way to Beijing to deliver food!

They were originally prepared to show off their grand ambitions, but they suddenly withered.

The enthusiasm I felt when I arrived was extinguished by the takeout prompt.

Sure enough, I was still tricked! As expected of a master, he has never let his students down!

Ye Xiaoshu patted Shen Xingchen on the shoulder and said:

"Food and accommodation are included, five days off and two days off, and five orders are delivered every day to achieve the goal. The basic salary is 30,000. You can get points for each additional order you send, and you will get one extra point for each five-star review."

“Points can be redeemed for items in the company’s warehouse.”

"If you don't need those props, each point can be exchanged for one thousand yuan. You are core employees, and this is your special benefit."

As soon as Shen Xingchen heard about the salary, he immediately became energetic and couldn't help but ask:

"Master, what's in the warehouse?"

Ye Xiaoshu thought and said:

"There are the props I gave you before, and some treasures I bought from abroad."

"You can't sell it for takeout anyway, you can only digest it internally."

Hua Yu asked in surprise: "Then the mineral water you gave us to drink before..."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and replied: "Enough!"

[Favorability from students +6000]

Xue De rubbed his hands and said excitedly:

"I'm already a little excited! What about monitor, let's go now..."

"Where's the monitor?"

Yin Sui pointed to the distance.

Shen Xingchen had already put down his luggage and rushed out. Given such a good condition, of course he risked his life!

Several students followed him out enthusiastically and formed a group to deliver takeaways.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and nodded, and murmured: "Boys can be taught."

He turned his head to the shadow guard and ordered:

"The same goes for you. The salary and benefits are the same. During non-task hours, you can also deliver food to earn points. This is of huge benefit to me."

"You can still use the money to buy what you want."

Shadow Guards: "Yes!"

After receiving the order, they turned into shadows and escaped into the ground and dispersed.

They do the same thing regardless of whether they are paid or not. As long as it is beneficial to the Lord, they will spare no effort.

Ye Xiaoshu breathed a sigh of relief. With these helpers, even if he didn't have time to send them, he would still have some lottery entries in his account.

Just as he was about to take some time off, he heard the system's beep.

[The host can obtain more stronghold experience by completing the assigned tasks]

[If you refuse to deliver food for a long time, your invincible food delivery function will be turned off]

Ye Xiaoshu: "Gan!"

He originally thought he could do well in the rear, but he was forced by Tongzi to run the order.

If I don't give it away at all, I won't be able to use it anymore. Who can bear this?

"System, take orders!"

[Invincible takeout system to protect you]

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