At the same time, the military department——

Supplies from various countries have been delivered and are now being utilized.

Huge orders one after another were sent to China, giving China a huge advantage in international trade.

With the funds in hand, Cui Zhenjun began to reorganize the special ability team.

In the office, the commander-in-chief said to the chief of staff:

"This is very troublesome. We have to first train recruits into veterans in each military camp, then select them into various special battalions, and finally select members of the special ability team from the special battalions."

"Now is a critical period for trade exchanges, and we don't have much time."

The chief of staff sighed and said:

"Hey, we can't rush this matter. If we are really in a hurry, the new superpower team will only be mixed with water."

"At that time, let alone tracking down supernatural crimes, even if we let them explore the spiritual realm, they may be wiped out."

Cui Zhenjun pressed his temples with a headache and asked:

"Then what do you think we should do?"

The chief of staff also had a headache. This was the first time he had faced such a situation.

Suddenly, something occurred to him.

"By the way, Ye Xiaoshu asked me to do something for him in the past two days. It seems that the organization has been established."

"I'm in Shangjing right now. I think it's called... a quick takeout."

Cui Zhenjun asked doubtfully: "Sent it quickly?"

The chief of staff nodded: "Just call him this name. After all, this is his own organization, and we don't pay him a salary. There must be some way to make money."

Cui Zhenjun said with a smile: "This brat really likes to deliver food, and he created a company to deliver it."

"So... you want Ye Xiaoshu to help?"

The chief of staff nodded: "Yes, this is what he asked for. He said that this organization can worry about the current military department."

Ye Xiaoshu mentioned this matter before when he asked him to handle the procedures for the Shadow Guard.

Cui Zhenjun was thinking, hesitating whether to let Ye Xiaoshu do this...

"Otherwise, let's do some simple things for him first, then check the situation and then assign him important tasks." The chief of staff gave a suggestion.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Cui Zhenjun replied helplessly.

If you don't look at the process and only look at the results, then Ye Xiaoshu is simply a god of war, able to complete any dangerous mission.

But if you look closely at the process, it will give the military a headache.

Everything he did had a huge impact. Although the ending was good, all kinds of big things always happened in the process.

When Zhehai faced the beast tide, a huge deep pit was blown up. During the battle at Tianxuan Mountain, it was directly blown up by Tianxuan Mountain.

Leaving aside what happened abroad (the Xiang Kingdom's blood was drawn), isn't it a little too reckless to let him cause trouble at home?

The chief of staff smiled and comforted: "Don't worry too much, Xiaoshu will have a sense of proportion."

Cui Zhenjun: "I hope so..."

the next day--

Ye Xiaoshu woke up from the bed in a daze.

He noticed that the screen of the mobile phone beside the bed was flashing. He picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was a message from the military department.

Chief of Staff: Now organize the first mission for your Purifiers.

It's best if you can capture them alive. If you want to kill them, remember to deal with them cleanly.

[Investigating the spy organizations of foreign powers lurking in Beijing]

[Mission target: Yolanda (ice power user)]

[Task time limit, 7 days]

Ye Xiaoshu looked at the empty row of mission rewards and shook his head helplessly.

Now I am the leader of the organization, but no one pays me a salary.

Ye Xiaoshu got up and put on his clothes. After touching the sleeping Lilith, he sent a message to all core employees.

Brother Shu: "Everyone gather."

Ten minutes later, the company conference room——

The shadow guards stayed in Ye Xiaoshu's shadow, while the others sat in the conference room.

Everyone gathered, which meant that Nie Qiuling and Zhang Kuang were also present.

Ye Xiaoshu projected the information on the big screen and said in a deep voice:

"Actually, I have never told you that our company is not only a food delivery company, but also an organization that deals with threats to China, called the Purifier."

"To put it mildly, it's just doing the dirty work that the military can't do. It's commonly known as wiping the butt."

Hua Yu said excitedly: "I know this! I've seen it in comics!"

Xue De, who was next to him, quickly pushed him down and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, my brother is not very smart. He was kicked by a donkey when he was young. Now I take him with me wherever I go."

Just when Hua Yu was about to retort something, he quickly closed his mouth when he saw everyone in Class E looking like they wanted to eat him.

This kind of situation is really not suitable for making nonsense.

Ye Xiaoshu waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and then continued:

"This is the first task. We must take it seriously and not let the people in the military laugh at it."

Class E nodded excitedly. They were all prepared to work for Ye Xiaoshu delivering food in the future, but they didn't expect that they would actually have something serious to do!

Isn't this more exciting than a team with special abilities?

Ye Xiaoshu waved his hand and called up the satellite image, and an aerial view of the entire Shangjing appeared on the screen behind him.

"Lan Xinyu (electromagnetic power), Xue De (omnipotent eye), you two go to the Internet to filter information about Yolanda."

"From now on, you will serve as the organization's investigators."

Lan Xinyu: "Yes!"

Ye Xiaoshu continued:

"Zang Kuang, take Shen Xingchen and Xiao Sanshuang to see if there are any local houses that you can live in without identity verification."

"You will be the attacking team from now on."

Arrogant: "Yes, boss!"

The two of them are still fresh graduates and need to be taken out by Zhang Kuang to see the world.

Ye Xiaoshu: "Madam, you, Yin Sui and Lilith are on standby at any time. If an accident occurs, rush to the rescue in time."

"You will be the medical team from now on."

Nie Qiuling returned softly: "Listen to the young master's arrangements."

Lilith can use light elements for healing, Qiuling has Nuwa's runes, and Yin Sui can sign contracts with healing-related spiritual beasts, and even if things go bad, he can be a porter.

At this time, Hua Yu noticed that everyone had work to do, except himself.

He stood up with some dissatisfaction and said:

"Sir, what about me? I am a key front-row tank who can protect my teammates. You can't do missions without me!"

Huayu's special power is sword and shield, and his attack and defense are both good, especially his defense. Since he learned "Yuan Tong Immortality", his defense is even better.

The only drawback is that I can no longer do this or that with the young lady.

Ye Xiaoshu walked to him with a smile, patted his shoulder and said.

"You are different. You have a difficult task."

Hua Yu asked excitedly: "Sir! I knew you would never abandon me!"

"Tell me, what's the mission?"

Ye Xiaoshu: "It's up to you to protect the safety of the company's property."

"Okay, now that the tasks have been assigned, now..."

"The action begins!"

After that, each team leader left with the members.

The students in Class E gave Hua Yu a meaningful smile when he passed by.

Hua Yu looked confused. He didn't hear anything at all in Ye Xiaoshu's words.

Xue De shook his head beside him and said, "Oh, I can only blame you for talking nonsense."

Shen Xingchen also looked like this: "Remember not to complain on key occasions in the future."

Hua Yu couldn't understand their words at all and watched them leave in confusion.

After everyone left, he was still there savoring it.

"Protecting the safety of the company...isn't that the security guard?"

"No sir, you can't let me be a security guard!!!" He said and chased after him.

[Negative emotion value from Huayu +1000]

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