the next day--

Ye Xiaoshu started making plans early in the morning.

He did three things in total.

One, use Xuesha to release news to all other organizations, saying that they have captured the core figures of China.

Second, use hacker capabilities to interfere with the signals of various organizations so that they cannot communicate with each other.

Third, I finally tell everyone a big news. The design drawings of space-based weapons have been obtained and will be handed over to an organization in the form of an auction. The highest bidder will win.

After the layout was completed, Ye Xiaoshu closed the laptop and waited for his prey to take the bait.

At this time, a snack street——

Several foreigners spoke fluent Chinese and shouted and sold various breakfasts.

This group of people are also agents lurking in China. They implement a Chinese motto of life - a small secret hides in the wild, a big secret hides in the city.

It's just that...this sentence made them misunderstand.

"Hey, your bean juice coke rings cost three yuan in total." The black man smiled and handed the thing over and took back the three yuan.

"The bean juice you buy here is still authentic! Come back next time!" The customer took the things, smiled and waved and left.

This is their second month of hiding.

The hardships along the way made them set up this food stall and they put in a lot of effort.

During this period of time, the organization seemed to have forgotten about them, and almost no communication was sent, leaving only one sentence.

(If you can’t bring back news about space-based weapons, then don’t come back.)

After living in China for a long time, they really succeeded in working for the food stall, and the money they earned gradually exceeded the meager salary given by the organization.

"Ding dong~" the mobile phone prompt sounded.

The black guy picked up his phone and looked at the message. He was shocked and said to his partner:

"You guys put aside what you're doing first, I've received news from Xuesa."

"They got the Heavenly Punishment Design Plan!"

Everyone looked startled, and then quickly gathered around.

"And I saw the second news on the news website. Xuesha has captured the red evil ghost!"

The member's eyes widened and asked: "Are you talking about the red evil ghost Ye Xiaoshu who slaughtered thousands of people, committed all kinds of bad things, and lost all conscience?"

The black guy nodded: "That's him."

After saying that, he showed the photo in the message.

Everyone shook their heads in disbelief and looked at the pictures on his phone. The captured person was Ye Xiaoshu from China!

He was sitting on a chair being interrogated, and the person next to him was none other than Edward, the captain of the Snow Sha team!

"Tomorrow they will auction the blueprints for space-based weapons. We don't have much time left."

"Contact the organization now, we need a fund for this auction!" the black man said seriously.

One of them reminded: "This time China was stolen from the design, but there is no movement at all. Do you think there is fraud in this?"

The black boy shook his head and said: "Even if it is a trap, we have to jump. If this design is true, we have missed a huge opportunity!"

"If we can get the design drawings, future prosperity and wealth will be waiting for us!"

Another person reminded:

"Besides, they can't take advantage of others. Everyone's strength is at the gold level. I don't believe that a dozen of them can go through so many organizations."

The members nodded and began to prepare for the auction, sending messages to their countries and asking for the fees needed for the auction.

Not only did this team receive it, but all the special agent teams lurking in China also received this message.

Because the news of the capture of the red devil was so shocking, if it weren't for the photos, they wouldn't have believed that Xuesha could kidnap such a ruthless person.

After all, that was the man who killed the apostle alone...

At the same time, another special agent team——

There were four girls gathered in the room. They had brown skin and long fiery red hair.

They come from the Fire Organization. As the name suggests, this organization has conducted very thorough research on fire-based superpowers.

"Have you all seen the news?" the tall girl asked.

The other three nodded and released the messages on their phones.

"Although the news is tempting, we must also be careful that this is a bait for the Chinese military."

"Go ahead and check if there are any Chinese spies near Dongshan Street."

"Be careful to make the Ten Thousand Years Ship, we still have dreams, we must not fail in this place!"

The other three girls: "Yes!"

They took action and rushed to Shangjing as quickly as possible.

Not only Huoyan, but all the special agent teams began to rush towards Shangjing. When this bombshell news was released, no one was not moved.

Even if it’s a trap, we have to find out!


On the trading day——

Location: Large underground garage on Dongshan Street.

Due to the redevelopment of Dongshan Street, residents in the area were moved to the city center.

It was also because there were so few people around that the garage was abandoned.

At the door of the garage, Yolanda received each team.

She put on a professional fake smile like a receptionist and said:

"Hello, you need to deposit funds with me before entering to prevent the price from being falsely marked."

Several special agent teams immediately became unwilling and asked:

"The amount is huge, how can I guarantee that you won't run away with the money?"

Yolanda explained:

"Since it is an auction, a certain order is required, which is essential."

"I will stay at the door. If you find me trying to run away, you can just kill me."

Yolanda said this, and everyone did not embarrass her and reluctantly handed her their suitcase.

"When the auction is over, I will return the items to you~" Yolanda said with a smile.

But that smile had a hint of cunning.

Team Fire handed over their things and walked in.

The tall girl in the lead asked: "How is it? Is the woman at the door from Xuesha?"

The Huo Yan team member replied: "Yes, it is exactly as described. Her body exudes a faint cold air, and she is a unique superpower from the Bear Country."

The girl nodded: "That proves that this auction has nothing to do with the Chinese military."

"Take out jamming equipment and block all nearby cameras. We must not let China know that we have been here."

Team member: "Yes!"

Just as each team handed over their things and walked into the parking lot, a discordant voice came out.

"Give money? Impossible!"

"I just want to break in today. I'll see what you can do to me!"

Looking around, he saw a tall and sturdy man.

There are always people who disrupt order, but Ye Xiaoshu had long expected this to happen.

Yolanda stopped him: "If you don't hand over the things, it will be judged that you have no funds, and you are prohibited from disturbing the order!"

The big man cursed: "Order? What does it have to do with me? Get out of here!"

Yolanda: "If you keep doing this, I will take coercive measures against you!"

When the sturdy man heard this, he smiled instead of getting angry:

"Hahahaha, okay."

"I want to see what your little gold can do to me..."

Before he finished speaking, the big man staggered back two steps.

Green lines spread upward from his legs, and the poison of the unclean god instantly eroded his body.

In just a few seconds, he was frothing at the mouth and fell to the ground with a plop.

The shadow guard took action and attacked the big man in the shadows. Several daggers were thrust into the man's legs at the same time. The excessive toxin instantly took away a life.

There was a sense of fear in the hearts of those present.

They understood why Xue Sha was able to capture Ye Xiaoshu...

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