The registration for the competition started soon, and people from all walks of life in the audience took out the bills in their hands and threw them towards the stage.

A black-haired girl quickly passed by the people who were throwing money, and recorded their information on the tablet in her hand. She had a very strange power, she could directly transfer the things in her eyes to the computer screen.

Portraits of people appeared one after another on the big screen in the middle, with nicknames given to them by girls at the same time.

Obviously this is not the first time a boxing match has been held. The audience is already familiar with the rules and is not afraid of losing their money.

Compared to what they earned from opening the casino, the money earned by this group of participants was just a drop in the bucket, and there was no need for Shadow to hack.

The purpose of the boxing match is to attract talents to Shadow. As for loyalty? Mercenaries don't need loyalty, just money.

At this time, three figures appeared in the corner, Ye Xiaoshu, Qi Yasu and Nie Qiuling.

The three of them wore the same robber's hoods in order to conceal their identity and act in a low profile.

But obviously, wearing a hood makes him more visible.

Noticing the gaze, Qi Yasu pinched the corner of her clothes and asked:

"Um...Ye Xiaoshu, are you sure this hood can prevent us from revealing our identities?"

Ye Xiaoshu nodded and said confidently:

"Of course, what do you think I, Ye Xiaoshu, rely on for being a chivalrous person, helping others, and doing good deeds without leaving a name? It's not just the equipment on my head~"

Of course, the equipment refers to the robber hood.

Like Ye Xiaoshu, Nie Qiuling didn't care about other people's eyes at all and stood there with her head held high.

Seeing the two of them being so frank, Qi Yasu suddenly felt that it was not them but herself who was strange...

At this time, a crazy voice came from the headphones.

"Hey, hey, hey? Brother, can you hear me?" It was very noisy over there, with a strong wind sound, as if there was a helicopter parked next to him.

Ye Xiaoshu pressed the earphone and said: "You can hear me, how do you feel in the sky?"

[Negative emotion value from Crazy +1000]

Arrogant: "Let's not talk about it for now. Xue De and I saw someone walking out of a secret passage in the underground street, wearing a very conspicuous black robe."

Ye Xiaoshu quickly asked: "Confirm, are you a member of Five Fingers?"

Xue De said with confidence: "Sir, I have used spiritual skills to see through it. His strength is at the diamond level, and his level is above Jamie."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Okay, follow him, remember not to follow him too closely, and be careful."

Xue De (arrogantly): "Understood!"

As soon as Ye Xiaoshu put down his hand, Qi Yasu asked:

"Nothing will happen to them. After all, flying in the sky is very conspicuous."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and shook his head:

"If you think about it carefully, the energy fluctuations in a diamond-level expert's body are very large. Especially when flying, you can feel a surge of spiritual pressure from a long distance away."

"But they are different. Two gold-level superpowers, as long as they don't look up, no one can detect them."

"Besides, Xue De has mushroom chocolate on his hand (to increase the range of perception), and he won't be able to detect it at that distance."

Qi Yasu complained in her heart (how to eat mushroom chocolate when you don’t have both hands free...)

After hearing his explanation, Qi Yasu fortunately ignored it and focused on the boxing match.

Ye Xiaoshu looked around and saw countless people throwing money towards the stage.

He quickly understood the situation. Just throwing three hundred eagle coins was equivalent to signing up.

Ye Xiaoshu raised his head and looked at the reward on the big screen.

[First place, one billion eagle coins, shadow tickets]

[Second place, 500 million eagle coins, beautiful android*1]

[Third place, 300 million eagle coins]

Ye Xiaoshu looked at the reward for second place and couldn't help but have some fantasies in his mind.

The androids... Shadow is really good at playing.

"Time is running out, hurry up and sign up." Qi Yasu urged.

Ye Xiaoshu came to his senses and took out nine hundred eagle coins from his wealth. Just as he was about to throw it out, he was pulled down by the people around him.

"Are we going to participate too?" Qi Yasu asked.

"Yes, look at the money above. The second place prize can be exchanged for at least two to three billion Chinese coins. Are you not tempted?" Ye Xiaoshu said with drooling eyes.

"Well, anyway, I eat and use yours. It's time to give you, the boss, some feedback." Qi Yasu said with a smile.

"Qiu Ling obeys the young master in everything he says." Nie Qiuling said obediently.

Ye Xiaoshu nodded, and in order to ensure that these banknotes could be thrown up, he shouted softly:

"Blood Madness!"

On stage——

The host fanned all the audience and wanted them to participate in the game.

This kind of underground black boxing is played very quickly, unlike official competitions, and the finals can often be reached in less than an hour.

No one holds back on the octagon stage. They always defeat the enemy with one strike, and there are often casualties.

The collision of blood and flesh makes the audience's blood boil, and they are willing to spend more money to gamble.

In order to get a commission, the host worked harder to promote:

"This competition not only has the above rewards, but as long as you get into the top ten, you can get additional bonus income!"

"We'll choose ten lucky contestants from the cash pool, and I - poof -"

Before he finished speaking, a thick stack of banknotes hit the host's stomach with the force of blood, knocking him away.

Everyone looked at the host spinning 360° in the air and started cheering enthusiastically.

"Hurry up and start! The host finally learned how to warm up the show!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Shadow to have such a sideshow. I can't wait to join the ring!"

Ye Xiaoshu apologized and scratched his head: "Sorry, I'm used to throwing gold bricks, so I forgot to stop."

[Negative emotion value from Qi Yasu +300]

The black-haired girl on the high platform glanced at the three people, recorded their portraits, and gave them a nickname - the three bandit brothers.

Black bandit (Ye Xiaoshu) Blue bandit (Nie Qiuling) White bandit (Qi Yasu)

Soon, the game started, and the organizer replaced a new host to participate in this grand boxing match.

"Then I declare that the 55th Tekken Cup has officially begun!"

As the flames bloomed behind the host, the door of the Octagon was opened.

"This time we will use a special competition system to determine the finalists, and that is - a big melee!"

Three other similar arenas rose up next to the huge octagonal cage. They were all powered on at this moment and the doors were open.

"After thirty minutes, the person who defeats the most people will be the semi-finalist and participate in the real reward competition!"

"Who is the winner? Who is the champion? Let's wait and see!"

"Game start!"

As the host shouted, the whole audience cheered.

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