People in the audience were furious when they saw that the winners were three people wearing robber hoods.

"Refund the ticket! There is a shady secret!"

"These three rewards have been predetermined! What a competition!"

"The new competition system must be for Shadow's own people to cut leeks!"

The audience complained, who would have thought that these three people would emerge and win the battle with almost overwhelming force.

The host was also dumbfounded. He originally thought that the new competition format would make the audience excited and enjoy the thrill of this killing.

As a result, the game was ended by these three people wearing balaclavas!

"What...what should I do? This has never happened before." The host took a step back and looked around in a panic.

He was just trying to calm down the atmosphere in the audience below when he suddenly heard a voice coming from his ears:

"Let them come up. Ignore the scoldings and give each of them a coupon to send them away."

After receiving the order, the host immediately put on a smile, picked up the microphone and said:

"Dear guests, please be patient. Every guest who participates in the gambling battle will receive coupons for consumption in the dark street, and all purchases will be 50% off!"

"As for the three winners this time, they will receive prizes awarded by Shadow. The winners are invited to come up to the stage to receive their prizes!"

With the coupons, these onlookers groaned much less. After all, they came here to consume, just to eat, drink and have fun.

The host took advantage of this moment to lead Ye Xiaoshu and the others backstage. They took the elevator to a high platform.

The dark yellow light is as hazy as gauze, shining on the wall.

The owner of the shadow is a man in black robes. He wears a black mask, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

When Ye Xiaoshu saw him, he understood that this was the personal guard of Five Fingers. He turned on [World Class Observation] and checked the opponent's attributes.

[Name: Wilbur]

[Strength: Golden Ten Stars (Thunder Power)]

[Special constitution: none]

Although the peak gold level is not enough for Ye Xiaoshu, it can be regarded as powerful when looking at the whole world.

Wilbur lowered his head, bowed to Ye Xiaoshu, and said respectfully:

"Congratulations on winning. These are your prizes."

Wilbur waved his hand, and several maids took out their suitcases, and piles of banknotes were displayed in front of the three of them.

"This is just part of it. For the rest of the prizes, just give us the address and we will give them to you."

"However... the championship reward can only be obtained by one of the three of you." After Wilbur finished speaking, his eyes glanced at Ye Xiaoshu.

The reward is a ticket to join the Shadow Organization, which is exactly the purpose of Ye Xiaoshu's trip.

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile:

"Hehe, I have long wanted to join the Shadow Mercenary Group. I wonder if you can let me see the true appearance of the Five Finger Guards? Please let me worship you~"

Wilbur waved his hand and asked the maids around him to retreat and then said:

"Of course, but for the sake of confidentiality, please ask your two friends to leave."

"Shadow has always been cautious, please forgive me."

Ye Xiaoshu nodded and made an OK gesture behind him.

Although the two girls were worried about Ye Xiaoshu, they could only obey his order and leave temporarily.

After a while, there were only two people left in the room.

Wilbur put his hand on the mask and gently turned the button. As the mechanical sound came out, the mask was loosened.

He took off the black metal mask, revealing his face.

It's just an ordinary Western face, nothing special. It's probably just worn so as not to reveal the face.

"It's your turn," said Wilbur.

Ye Xiaoshu was not polite and directly pulled off the robber's hood, revealing his true identity.

Wilbur looked at his face and felt very familiar.

"Chinese...white hair, red energy are a red evil ghost!"

[Negative emotion value from Wilbur +1000]

He quickly stretched out his hand, and deep purple lightning appeared in his palm, preparing to strike Ye Xiaoshu!

But Ye Xiaoshu didn't give him this chance. The faint red light flashing in his pupils reflected the power of the apostle!

"Spiritual Skill: Absolute Command!"

"From now on, you are my personal bodyguard, Ye Xiaoshu."

After the order was given, Wilbur dissipated the spiritual light in his hand, put it on his chest, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully:

"Master Ye! What are your orders?"

His attitude has undergone a huge change. As long as his strength is lower than Ye Xiaoshu and he is not immune to mental control, he will be controlled by Ye Xiaoshu.

Ye Xiaoshu sat on the chair next to him, crossed his legs and said:

"Then next, I have a few questions to ask you..."

During the conversation, two girls walked in from outside the room to listen to the information about the shadow organization.

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "The first question is, is this underground street the headquarters of Shadow?"

Wilbur: "Yes and no."

Ye Xiaoshu asked doubtfully: "Why do you say this?"

Wilbur explained: "The five fingers are each entrenched in their own territory. Perfume Street is the territory of the 'index finger'. It is mainly used as an underground consumption place to harvest the wallets of citizens from other states."

"Perfume Street is one of Shadow's main sources of income. He earns huge amounts of eagle coins by opening casinos and black industries."

Ye Xiaoshu asked again: "What's the name of the index finger? What abilities does it have?"

Wilbur raised his head and replied:

"His name is Bruno. He is a wind power user. He is characterized by his extremely fast movement speed."

"Bruno has a special method that can activate multiple runes to act in battle. If a conflict breaks out, he alone has several diamond-level firepower."

Ye Xiaoshu kept all the information in mind and prepared to target this 'finger'.

It’s not easy to reach the diamond level in this position. Jamie is a space-based player, and Bruno has special means.

Five Fingers is not only a diamond-level powerhouse, but also has countless means at his disposal.

Ye Xiaoshu may be able to defeat ordinary diamonds by relying on plug-ins, but if the enemy has a backup plan, it will easily capsize.

If you can't kill the enemy during the invincible time, you will be the one who dies.

But Ye Xiaoshu is no longer as weak as before. With the new props, he is confident that he can defeat the five fingers one by one.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaoshu thought of something and asked:

"Have you ever heard of 'Terminator Armor?'

Wilbur replied: "Fortunately, I heard about it once, but I don't understand it well enough to give you the answer you want."

Ye Xiaoshu heard the name Terminator Armor from Zhang Tao, who was a mechanic affiliated with Shadow. The Terminator Armor was naturally a product of Shadow.

This trip was not only to get rid of the shadow, but also to get the armored core.

Ye Xiaoshu held his chin with his hand and said softly:

"So last question, where is Bruno now?"

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