Ten minutes later, the Dragon Team members gathered together——

Zhang Kuang and Xue De were still swaying in society. Although they could resist shaking their hands, they couldn't restrain the twisting of their bodies.

"Pfft-" Ye Xiaoshu covered his mouth with his hand.

"Brother, don't laugh! It's not your biscuits that are to blame!" Zhang Kuang shouted with a red face.

"I didn't laugh, I just thought of happy things."

"Fart, you guys never stopped laughing!"

[Negative emotion value from Crazy +1000]

After a long time, they got used to the social turmoil between the two arrogant people, and began to discuss countermeasures against Bruno.

Ye Xiaoshu: "He is diamond level and has special abilities. He can activate several runes at the same time. He is a difficult enemy."

"It's hard for me to just rush in and fight, so..."

He said, focusing his gaze on Zhang Kuang.

Following Ye Xiaoshu's gaze, everyone stared at Zhang Kuang.

"Um...look at what I do. At times like this, isn't it always the big brother who gives the idea?" Zhang Kuang said helplessly.

He felt that the eldest brother was being modest on the surface and must have a back-up plan, especially the self-destruction. Not to mention diamond-level or higher-level enemies would be severely damaged by that move.

As for why the eldest brother doesn't use it, there must be his reasons.

Ye Xiaoshu didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Kuang with a smile.

"Oh, okay, I'll do it if I do."

"Brother, don't you have that big gold brick that can break defenses? Qi Yasu used that thing to forcefully interrupt the enemy's moves while they were activating their skills."

"Then Xue De will observe the situation in advance. According to the situation, I will rush forward and bite the enemy. The elder brother will take this opportunity to defeat the enemy with one blow."

"How about this method...?"

Ye Xiaoshu: "I'll just listen to you."

[Negative emotion value from Crazy +100]

"Brother, I just said this, don't take it seriously!" Zhang Kuang dissuaded.

"This operation is also to train you, so I will listen to you." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

Zhang Kuang is the leader of the Purifier combat team. He must have good judgment on the situation.

With the damage reduction provided by the melon seeds and the defense bonus brought by the ability to transform into a beast, it may not be able to withstand one or two diamond-level attacks.

Anjie reminded from the side:

"There are many self-defense robots inside Nettle Leaf Company. There are also small machine guns installed inside the surveillance probes. The bullet casings are all made of forbidden iron."

"I rushed in rashly. Judging from the strength of everyone present, the probability of success is only 17.39%."

Ye Xiaoshu patted her shoulder and said:

"So, it's because of you. The ability of mechanical intrusion and code copying will come in handy now!"

Anjie's eyes flashed with white codes, then she tilted her head and said:

"But I can only copy the basic code and cannot deal with complex environments. Regarding intrusion, I need deeper construction capabilities..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Xiaoshu took out the USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to her hand.

Anjie was confused and didn't understand why Ye Xiaoshu gave her such an old-fashioned mobile hard drive.

Ye Xiaoshu explained: "This is the intrusion code I rewrote myself. It's up to you to operate it during the battle."

Anjie looked at the battered USB flash drive and couldn't believe that there was something particularly powerful inside.

After all, Ye Xiaoshu's ability is close combat ability. A person with such well-developed limbs has always ignored information technology.

Anjie opened her palm, and a USB interface appeared on her wrist.

Most of her body is made up of flesh and blood tissue, but a few parts still retain mechanical structures, and this interface is one of them.

The USB flash drive was inserted, and countless information entered Anjie's mind.

She suddenly blushed and looked at the influx of information shyly.

"This... why are there so many..."

Ye Xiaoshu suddenly noticed something was wrong with the USB flash drive. It had his own mark on it, but it had been worn away by the coating for too long.

"Anjie, it's not this one, take it back quickly." Ye Xiaoshu rushed to her side and grabbed it, handing over another USB flash drive.

Anjie's red face rose and fell slightly, she took a deep breath and took the piece from Ye Xiaoshu's hand.

Nie Qiuling couldn't help but wonder, and asked Ye Xiaoshu:

"Master, is there something you can't let her see? Is it a military secret?"

Ye Xiaoshu scratched his head and said, "Ah, yes, almost. It's [learning materials]."

Zhang Kuang and Xue De saw through it but refused to say anything. Only the remaining two girls nodded thoughtfully.

With the blessing of Ye Xiaoshu's [world-class hacker] ability, the code in Anjie's brain is completely different from before.

Especially for network attacks, the efficiency is several times higher than before.

"The copying is complete, the probability of success of this operation is 41.33%" Anjie said after calculation.

The Dragon Team members looked at Anjie and wanted to say something, but they didn't.

She didn't know Ye Xiaoshu's ability, so she came to this conclusion based on her spiritual power level alone.

If she knew her master's full strength, Anjie would never make such rash judgments.

"Then the action begins."

After saying that, all members of the dragon group disappeared.

Nettle Leaf Pharmaceuticals -

Bruno (index finger) placed a special jar filled with green slurry in the liquid nitrogen safe.

"Zi——" A sudden mechanical sound came.

"Who!" Bruno yelled, several places on his body flashed with the light of runes.

Looking around, he found that the camera was pointed at him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The defense here is very strict, and any disturbance will cause the camera to be locked.

He pressed the button on the safe, and the door closed and transformed into a cylinder.

Bruno lifted the safe and said through the communication device:

"The things have been received. The production capacity this time is very impressive. Please rest assured."

"What? You want to give me new runes?... To serve you!"

On the other side of the camera, Anjie has completely taken over the entire pharmaceutical company's security system.

The network in this place is not connected to the Internet. If you want to invade, you must connect directly to this area.

Anjie forwarded the information to Ye Xiaoshu and said:

"The entire company is run by automated machinery, and there is only one living being, Bruno."

"Bruno's location has been discovered so far. What are your orders?"

Ye Xiaoshu answered through his earphones: "Let me see how much the machinery in Eagle Country weighs."

"Anjie, use all security measures and focus on attacking Bruno!"

Anjie: "Receive the order, my master."


Bruno walked to the door with his things, scanned his fingerprints and prepared to leave.

When I put my finger on it, I saw a red prompt.

【Authentication failed】

Bruno: "???"

"That's not right. The authority should be valid for fifty days. Why..."

Suddenly, all the cameras were focused on Bruno, with a machine gun muzzle sticking out from below the lens.

Then it launched suddenly!

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