Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 448 This Kindness Will Never Be Forgotten

Shadow's team finally arrived, but they couldn't find any evidence even after searching everything.

The other party's hacking methods were very clever and did not leave any traces.

They can only bite the bullet and pass the report to the leader...

The dragon group relied on Qi Yasu to quickly leave Nettle Leaf and walk through the alley.

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile: "This time I have gained a lot. I got an entire production line of pharmaceuticals in the factory."

Arrogantly said with satisfaction: "I have a buddy in Shangjing who is very proficient in medicines. Our company can use this production line when the time comes."

Ye Xiaoshu nodded: "Okay, then you can arrange this yourself."

The Zhang family moved away from Guanghai, and it was beyond their reach to the industries in Guanghai. Although they still held the shares, the revenue every quarter was not very good.

With this production line, Ye Xiaoshu does not need to worry about the expenses of the Zhang family.

Ye Xiaoshu looked at Zhang Kuang and Xue De and used his spiritual energy to explore their bodies. They were both at the peak of gold level.

There are already signs of condensed runes in Xue De's body, so there is no need to worry at all.

But Zhang Kuang...his talent is limited. Without runes, it seems that he can only stay at the gold level in this life.

"Come here Zhang Kuang, I want to tell you something." Ye Xiaoshu waved and walked towards the corner.

Zhang Kuang scratched his head and walked over in confusion.

The two met at the corner, and Zhang Kuang asked first:

"Brother, why are you so mysterious and secretive?"

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and said: "It's just a small matter."

"When I used Devour just now, I severed the connection between the runes and Bruno. These six runes are of very good quality."

"Although the quality is not as good as the one I absorbed, it is worse than the one I absorbed, and it will not go wrong."

"Here, you pick one."

Ye Xiaoshu opened his palms, with six runes floating quietly on them.

The reason why Zhang Kuang was asked to speak alone was because he didn't want Xue De to hear.

That kid can condense the runes by himself, and does not need any external force to improve. If he hears a method that can improve quickly, he will definitely try it impatiently.

But this is always a shortcut, far less powerful than concentrating on your own.

Zhang Kuang looked at the runes in silence, then shook his head and said:

"Brother, I can't accept it, it's too expensive."

"Each rune can cause an uproar on the black market, six of them at once... and you let me choose by myself, that's not okay."

[Favorable mood value +100 from Zhang Kuang]

Ye Xiaoshu is the leader of the Purifiers, and the core members will never betray him. Making Zhang Kuang stronger is completely an investment, with no harm at all.

"You are my brother, of course I have to give it to you."

"Except for Xue De, the members of the Dragon Team have all reached the platinum level. You can't hold back the team." Ye Xiaoshu said sternly.

Although Ye Xiaoshu said so, Zhang Kuang understood that his eldest brother was doing it for his own good.

He originally wanted to rely on his own efforts to condense the runes, but he was not talented enough. He was able to cultivate to this level only by relying on Ye Xiaoshu's magical props.

He said with arrogant eyes shining brightly:

"Brother, I originally wanted to forget it like this. My cultivation will stay here and I will arrange your property behind your back."

"But I really want to become stronger with you..."

Ye Xiaoshu frowned and said: "Give me some pain relief, don't you want it? If you don't want it, I'll take it back~"

Zhang Kuang wiped his eyes with his hand, laughed, grabbed a rune that looked most pleasing to his eyes, and said:

"Don't give up such a good thing for free!"

What he took over was the rune that opened the shield.

Zhang Kuang changed the topic and said seriously:

"A complete rune is hard to come by. If I didn't have this rune, maybe I would stay at this level for the rest of my life."

"Brother...this kindness will never be forgotten."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and shook his head, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the dragon group.


after one day--

The news that the nettle leaves had been looted spread throughout the Asanback State. Without those medicines, the people's withdrawal reaction would be extremely terrifying.

The Shadow Mercenary Group also received two messages, Bruno on the index finger and Jamie on the little finger. The two completely lost contact.

Don't think about it, he must have been killed.

In a fortress, Shadow's senior executives gathered to discuss the incident.

"Two of the five fingers were severed. The remaining two people are unwilling to join forces and just want to stick to their own property."

It is the thumb that speaks - Felton.

His tall body sat on the chair, taller than some people standing.

The muscular body is filled with strong muscles, and it seems that it can easily crush a stone.

"Jamie died in the war in China, which is inseparable from the Chinese evil ghost."

"Bruno was also assassinated, which proves that Ye Xiaoshu has the ability to kill diamond-level people." Felton (thumb) finished analyzing the situation and came to a conclusion.

The senior executives present could not believe that they could cross half the planet in one day, from China to Eagle Country.

And on that day only, Bruno, who was known as the "Fire Monster", was killed!

But things just happened, no matter how outrageous they were, they could only accept it.

Felton said seriously: "If the order of murder is determined based on the order of combat effectiveness, then I might be next."

He didn't dare to neglect. It was pointless to discuss Ye Xiaoshu's strength now.

That was a man who could kill an apostle with his own hands. He could not be judged by common sense at all.

The senior executives didn’t think so and said with a smile:

"You are much stronger than the two of them. Not only do you have the strongest physical body in the entire Northern Eagle, but you also have a defense that can withstand even saint-level attacks."

"With the combination of the strongest spear and the strongest shield, who can fight with you?"

Another person echoed:

"Besides, the Termination Plan and the Mutant Plan are also being implemented, and China will suffer a huge disaster."

"Ye Xiaoshu has no choice but to return to defend China. At that time, he will be like the fish on the dinner plate and can only be slaughtered by others!"

Everyone laughed, they were not afraid of Ye Xiaoshu at all in this fortress.

At this moment, a vague shadow appeared in the center.

The phantom penetrated the space and appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

A handsome white-haired boy overlapped with the phantom and descended into the real world.

"You guys seem to be having a lot of fun talking, take me with you~"

The person speaking was none other than the red devil they were discussing!

The scene suddenly became tense, and everyone gathered up their spiritual skills to attack Ye Xiaoshu at any time.

But the next second.

"Evil Blood Annihilation Curse." Ye Xiaoshu said softly.

The entire fortress was like a burning sun coming down from the sky.

The blazing white light engulfed everything...

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