Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 454 Breaking The Army And Opening Up The Heavenly Power

As soon as Ye Xiaoshu entered the industrial area, he suddenly felt an invisible pressure all over his body.

It seems that the power of the space system has been banned, which should prevent space superpowers from stealing items.

Dimension travel was no longer useful and he had to think of another way. Ye Xiaoshu hurriedly hid in a corner and called out the system panel.

The nearby cameras have been hacked by Anjie, so he doesn't need to worry about being discovered.

He clicked on the skill list.

[Emotional values ​​have been converted into skill points]

[Remaining available skill points: 93w]

Seeing this number, Ye Xiaoshu felt quite dissatisfied.

I went to Sakura Country to cause trouble before, letting their citizens know what fear is, and earned more than three million skill points in a row.

I haven't been doing much lately, and I haven't done as much as I did last time.

Next, she may encounter the security here. If Anjie cannot hack into all the surveillance machines, she will have to rely on her strength to get in.

Ye Xiaoshu took a fancy to a skill and prepared to improve it.

[Juque Qianjun Sword (Unfamiliar lv3)]

Skill points required to upgrade: 5000

When the full power is exerted, the giant sword will be unsealed, and this sword will gain the strength bonus of this technique when using other types of sword techniques, which lasts for 60 minutes.

[Current strength bonus 13%]

After using this skill for so long, I have only reached level three.

Ye Xiaoshu had deep doubts about his martial arts talent.

"No matter, I have skill points anyway, so just go harder!"

"System, add more!"

[Consumption of 700,000 skill points, upgrading...Upgrade completed]

[Juque Qianjun Sword (Tongyuan)]

The giant sword will be unsealed when its full power is exerted. This sword will gain the strength bonus of this technique when using other types of sword techniques (lasts for 60 minutes → this effect will last until the end of the battle).

Current strength bonus is 100%

(Additional effect: When using [Giant Que Qianjun Sword], you can change the move into [Breaking Army and Opening the Sky], which consumes all the power of blood to double the damage caused.)

"Break the army and open up the power of the sky?" Ye Xiaoshu read out the name of the skill on the panel.

A memory about the use of the technique was transferred to Ye Xiaoshu's mind, and his body showed proficiency in the technique for no reason.

With the new move, Ye Xiaoshu closed the panel and walked towards the inside of the factory.

Along the way, he saw many patrolling robots.

These robots have guns hanging on their bodies and appear to have extremely low intelligence. They will only walk according to the designed route.

At this time, the robot's eyes turned from red to yellow and became motionless.

Ye Xiaoshu understood that Anjie took action to control these patrol robots.

He took advantage of every opportunity and slipped from the side.

There is a faint smell of paint in the air, mixed with the smell of lubricating oil. There are few people here, all robots are working and patrolling.

This is a highly mechanized factory with no human involvement.

Intelligent AI has developed to such an extent that only one or two mechanics are needed to stabilize the operation of the entire factory.

Before entering the center, Ye Xiaoshu first went to the warehouse. According to the conversation records on his mobile phone, he found the corresponding shelf number in the warehouse and walked slowly towards the shelf.

The items stored here were all robot parts. Ye Xiaoshu was not prepared to be polite and pocketed everything on the way.

Even if you sell them for scrap metal, you can get a lot of money, not to mention these are precision parts.

"Hey, it's great. I can bring so many local products every time I travel." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

If the members of the Five Fingers under Jiuquan heard this sentence, they might not be so angry that they would be able to live on the spot.

After a while, Ye Xiaoshu walked to the corresponding shelf, waved his hand, and took everything away.

It can only be said that they are worthy of the Five Fingers. As mercenary leaders, they are burning, killing and looting all over the world, so they have a lot of good things on hand.

Spiritual cores, gold and silver jewelry, auxiliary materials for cultivation, and various rare metals were divided into several containers and filled.

There are more than a dozen runes alone, but the quality is a bit poor, far inferior to Ye Xiaoshu's ancient runes.

They put their property here with confidence because they are very confident in the security of this industrial zone.

It's a pity that he met Ye Xiaoshu, a top hacker, and a bionic man who can exert his hacking abilities at any time.

These treasures are just the appetizer, the real good stuff is all in the assembly plant.

In the headset, Anjie reminded: "Master, we have planned a route for you. Please go southeast. You can directly enter the assembly plant."

Ye Xiaoshu: "I got it, help me monitor it at any time, and let me know if anyone comes."

Anjie: "I obey your orders, my master."

Ye Xiaoshu followed what she said and walked towards the assembly plant unimpeded.

Anjie changed the directions of all the surveillance probes along this path, leaving a path that no one could discover.

The route recommended by Anjie was the freight channel. Ye Xiaoshu used mimicry to turn into a box and stayed quietly on the freight track.

After a while, a robot used a clamp to pick up the box he had turned into.

The robot had never carried such heavy materials before. It lost its balance and fell directly to the ground.


The robot nearby saw this scene and decided to start providing support based on the code stored in the chip.

The two robots got on together, then Kankan lifted the box and walked towards the interior of the assembly plant.

‘Is it really that heavy? ’ Ye Xiaoshu complained in his heart.

After actually entering, Ye Xiaoshu looked around.

From raw material casting, chip loading, core inlaying, to final assembly, an armor is completed.

The completed armors were placed in the same place and lined up. Ye Xiaoshu couldn't help but be moved by the cold aura of the steel soldiers.

He could have felt the power of the 'Terminal Killing Cannon' at that time. Each set of terminal armor could use all the energy in its core to deliver this fatal blow.

If they were all launched towards him at this moment, Ye Xiaoshu was not sure whether he could resist this attack.

"This thing is too scary. It's safer to leave it here for safekeeping."

"The people of Eagle Country should thank me properly."

Ye Xiaoshu reached out and tried to take the armor away through the incubator, but failed.

The system prompts:

[This item is being manipulated by a living creature and cannot be placed in the incubator]

Anjie noticed Ye Xiaoshu's movements through the camera and reminded: "There are remote operation components in the terminal armor, I can crack it."

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "How long will it take?"

Anjie replied: "It will take 30 minutes. During this time, I can seize the control authority of all the AI ​​in the entire assembly plant for the master."

"But during this period, I cannot provide hacking support to you."

Ye Xiaoshu said: "It's okay. I can adapt to changes. Then I'll leave it to you to seize the authority."

Anjie: "Accept the order."

Although you can't get the armor, you can get it from the production line.

After a storm passed, the production line was directly kidnapped. They were more bandits than bandits!

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