Half an hour later, Nie Qiuling rushed to Zhehai.

"Where's the lady?" Nie Qiuling asked doubtfully as soon as she arrived.

The two of them obviously went out together, why is Rou Mengyao missing?

"I left. I said I would be back in a few months." Ye Xiaoshu replied, and he continued: "Let's not talk about it for now. I called you here this time because I want you to help take a look at this dragon."

The members of the superpower team focused on Nie Qiuling.

They have seen how powerful Commander Ye is, but they just don't know how powerful the friends he invited are.

Nie Qiuling stretched out her hand, and the water elemental power condensed in her hand.

After a while, a ball of light blue water appeared out of thin air and flew towards the silver candle.

"Water superpowers, did you see that water polo? There is no color in it." The team leader exclaimed.

"Is there any explanation for this?" the girl next to him asked.

"Only a person whose affinity to the water element has reached its limit can possess such pure water powers. This means that she ignores any damage from the water element."

After the team leader finished speaking, although they still didn't understand, they were greatly shocked.

Immune to a series of elemental powers, he is capable of commanding an entire faction!

The team leader said with admiration:

"Just like we in China study martial arts, Western countries are committed to studying magic. I heard that the leaders of their religions only have 87% elemental affinity."

"This adult is really not simple."

After the water ball touched Yin Zhu's body, it suddenly spread out and swept over the entire dragon's body.

Nie Qiuling frowned slightly, and her expression rarely changed.

"No...there's something wrong." She said, a pair of dragon horns condensed from her blue hair.

Some scales appeared on her temples.

His aura changed and he was as majestic as a royal family.

"Oh my god... dragon-shaped beast! Dual-attribute superpower!" The team leader couldn't hold himself any longer and took a slight step back.

They didn't understand 100% elemental affinity before, but they know the dual abilities very well.

This is a one-in-a-million physique. A person with two superpowers has twice as many spiritual skills and total spiritual power as an ordinary person.

There were rumors that a strong man with dual powers managed to break out of a heavy siege at the same level.

He just killed all the incoming enemies at the cost of minor injuries.

Moreover, this girl is a dragon-shaped beast-transformer, the strongest being in the beast-transformation system.

After Nie Qiuling checked Yin Zhu's condition, he turned back to Ye Xiaoshu and said:


[Negative emotion value from everyone +56000]

Is there any more royal method?

Is there any law anymore?

A woman who combines beauty, strength, talent, and temperament is actually Commander Ye's maid?

Only then did they realize that Nie Qiuling's maid outfit was not a decoration.

"How is the situation with Yin Zhu?" Ye Xiaoshu asked.

Nie Qiuling replied softly:

"It's not optimistic. All the internal organs are damaged and vitality is cut off. It seems that something has pulled away the origin of life."

"Even if Qiu Ling uses Nuwa's rune, it can only offset part of the loss of longevity."

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "How long can I live?"

Nie Qiuling: "About a month."

Yin Zhu: "..."

When the bad news came, Yin Zhu became dull.

He knew in his heart that he was just holding some unrealistic fantasies.

Nie Qiuling said:

"Only by transforming into a dragon can you have a chance of survival!"

"A hundred years ago, the dragon became a dragon, a thousand years after that, it became a dragon, and a thousand years after that, it became a dragon."

"He has thousands of years of cultivation in his body, and he can transform into a dragon when the time is right."

Ye Xiaoshu rubbed her hair helplessly:

"I called you here just to ask you how to transform into a dragon. Let me see you go round and round again."

Nie Qiuling explained patiently:

"We must tell the young master its current situation before we can talk about transforming into a dragon."

"If you want to transform from a dragon into a dragon, you have to go through two thunder tribulations. For a mortal creature like this to transform into a dragon, it is an enemy of destiny and requires three thunder tribulations."

"Thunder tribulation comes from the laws of heaven and earth. This force needs to be resisted by the physical body. In a physical state like its own, it cannot survive the first thunder tribulation."

This is a dead end.

Yinzhu needs to transform into a dragon to be able to return to his vitality and survive, but transforming into a dragon requires his body to reach its peak.

"Young Master, forget it."

"Being able to cultivate into a dragon has already exhausted the blessings of this old slave. If this old slave dies in the East China Sea, the young master can just peel off his skin and cramp."

"At that time, the old slave can also turn into a weapon to accompany the young master for a while..."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and patted his big head, and said with a smile:

"Don't be so sad. Since you call me Young Master, I must find a way for you."

If Yin Zhu could really turn into a dragon and step on the dragon's head to fly into the clouds, let alone his combat power, he would be full of strength.

"Come on, eat this!" Ye Xiaoshu took out a few golden melon seeds from his pocket.

These melon seeds have the effect of permanently improving damage reduction. It is unclear whether they have any effect on the laws of heaven.

Seeing that the young master still hadn't given up on him, Yinzhu couldn't help but feel a little moved. He opened his dragon's mouth and ate the seeds.

A faint golden light circulated among the scales, adding some hope of life.

Looking at Yin Zhu's condition, Ye Xiaoshu shook his head slightly, turned around and asked:

"Qiu Ling, tell us about the thunder tribulation in detail."

She opened her mouth and said slowly:

"If you obey, you will become a mortal, if you go against it, you will become an immortal. If an ordinary beast suffers a catastrophe from heaven, it will be the time to transform."

Modern people do not understand this knowledge. Nie Qiuling has recovered most of his past life memories and is very familiar with this aspect.

After all, she was the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea in her previous life.

She continued:

"The first one is the Thunder of Xuanxia."

"This dragon is an ice attribute born in water, and is a beast of Xuanyin."

"Xuanxia's thunder is easy to deal with. As long as you absorb the laws of heaven and repair the wounds when you are injured by the thunder, your cultivation will reach the sky in one step."

To put it simply, it is to absorb the power of lightning while being struck by lightning.

Heavenly calamity is both a punishment and a gift.

"The second one is the punishment of thunder and calamity."

"This calamity is the most dangerous. Countless monks have fallen to this thunder calamity."

"This calamity can be blocked by external forces, but... if someone blocks the calamity for him, the power of the thunder calamity will be multiplied several times."

From Nie Qiuling's tone, we can hear the danger of this second lightning disaster.

Ye Xiaoshu asked with a smile:

"That is to say...if someone helps resist the second thunder tribulation, it will be possible to transform into a dragon?"

"Exactly." After Nie Qiuling finished speaking, his pupils paused: "Master... Do you want to help? Absolutely not!"

"The danger of thunder catastrophe is immeasurable. Only 10% of the monks can survive the thunder catastrophe. You must not do it!"

"Qiu Ling's heart is young master. If something happens to the young master..."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and rubbed her hair, and said confidently:

"It's different. I'm a loser. There's nothing I can do about ten thunder tribulations."

Nie Qiuling: "Hang... arm?"

She was confused and had no idea what nonsense her young master was talking about.

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