The moment Vice President Xuanyang appeared.

Jiuyuan and others found the backbone.

"Vice President Xuanyang, the Night Patrol is too bullying. Please help us." Yue Buqun was like a child being bullied, asking adults for help.


Do you still have some shame?

The villain complained first?

Lin Que couldn't beat Yue Buqun. If he could, he would have defeated Yue Buqun long ago.

This man deserves to be beaten more than Yang Xiao.

"Please ask the Vice President to do justice for us!"

Jiuyuan and others also bowed their hands and said.

Only Ying Lao stood aside and didn't speak.

"Lin girl, do you believe me?" Vice Dean Xuanyang looked at Lin Huan and asked.

Lin Huan hesitated for a while and nodded.

Vice Dean Xuanyang smiled with relief, threw his white robe, and his face became serious.

"Where is the security department?"

"See Vice Dean Xuanyang!"

One figure after another appeared in the field. The difference was that this time the leader was not Guo Feng, but an old man in black robe and gray hair.

A soul power of level 72!

Yue Buqun showed a cold smile on his face.

Even if you are a daily envoy, you are not allowed to run wild after entering Canglan Academy.

"What should be done to the elder Yue Buqun of the inner dean for favoritism and perverting the law?" Vice Dean Xuanyang asked.

"He should be executed!"

The old man in black robe had long been a shrewd person, and naturally understood what Vice Dean Xuanyang meant, and answered decisively.

"Execute immediately!"

Vice Dean Xuanyang shouted coldly.


Behind the black-robed old man, the security personnel stepped forward and bound Yue Buqun with black shackles.

"Vice Dean Xuanyang, you can't do this to me!" Yue Buqun roared, and his soul power cut off the shackles, soaring into the sky, and was about to escape.

"Stop him!" Vice Dean Xuanyang said.

Jiuyuan and others looked at each other, nodded, and rushed out one after another.

"Yue Buqun, surrender."

"Get out of here!"

The soul power on Yue Buqun's body turned into countless sword shadows, forcing Jiuyuan and other inner court elders to retreat.

"Sixth soul skill, sword sweeping thousands of miles!"

Yue Buqun's soul power was desperate, turned into sword shadows all over the sky, and came to fight Lin Que.


Jiuyuan and others flashed and blocked Lin Que's sky. The soul power on the five people turned into an air shield, and they blocked the sword moves together.

The remaining power dissipated.

Yue Buqun had disappeared long ago.


Lin Que narrowed his eyes. Yue Buqun's target just now was him. Jiuyuan and other elders all came down to block him.

The sword move was blocked.

At the same time, it also blocked Lin Huan and Tang Lin's sight and movement trajectory.

Lin Huan and Tang Lin saw all this and didn't say much.

"We will chase him now."

Jiuyuan rolled his eyes and said he was going to chase him.

"No need." Vice Dean Xuanyang shook his head and sighed, looking at Lin Huan.

"Lin girl, this matter is considered that my Canglan Academy owes you an explanation."

Lin Huan smiled coldly: "I shouldn't have any expectations of you. Canglan Academy is really great."

"This place is beyond the reach of my Lin family. Lin Que, let's go!"

Lin Que did not hesitate and followed Lin Huan's footsteps.

At the same time, Su Tang and others also stood up and followed.

"And me!"

Qin Feng trotted to catch up. Just kidding, he just poked Yue Buqun's ass. What if Canglan Academy settles the score later?

Just thinking about it is dangerous.

Let's run away first!

Vice Dean Xuan Yang was anxious.

Lin Que and his group of children are all very talented. If they all leave, Canglan Academy will suffer a great loss.

Moreover, if Cang Lao comes back and knows that Lin Que has left, things will be serious.

"Wait a minute!"

"Lin Que, the academy is willing to pay a thousand spirit stones as compensation, and I will personally increase your monthly supply by ten yuan. How about it?"

Lin Que paused.

It was not because of Vice Dean Xuan Yang's words, but because the system gave a choice.


System prompt.

Choice 1: Leave Canglan Academy and make enemies with Canglan Academy. The task reward is a bundle of Dali spinach.

Choice 2: Lead Mo Qingcheng and others to join the Night Patrol. The task reward is a box of Dada chewing gum.

Choice three: accept the settlement of Vice Dean Xuan Yang, extort a lot of money, wait for Cang Lao to return, and the task reward is a box of invincible eggs.

Damn, are the task rewards so improper now?

Lin Que pondered in his heart, if he left like this, he would undoubtedly stand on the opposite side of Cang Lan Academy. When the time comes, Cang Lan Academy will sue Lin Huan, and that matter

The situation has really gotten out of hand.

"I can stay, but I have one condition!" Lin Que said after taking a deep breath.

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