The two of them were arrested and sentenced to death.

The Spirit Control Association.

In the interrogation room.

Lin Que's hands were bound by the spirit lock, and his soul and physical strength were all sealed.

In front of him stood a man wearing the uniform of the Spirit Control Association.

"Name, age, what do you do?"

Lin Que was illuminated by the glaring light of the desk lamp, and subconsciously used his hands to block the light.

"I said 20 centimeters, 20 centimeters, 20 centimeters, don't you understand? How many times do I have to say it again?" Lin Que roared angrily.

Sun Xiang and Liu Mang looked at each other.

"Is there a name called 20 centimeters?"

"There should be."

Lin Que: ? ? ?

I see that you two have good looks. Could it be the legendary fighter plane among the sand sculptures?

Who have you seen named 20 centimeters?

Well, since you all call it that, I can only accept it silently.

"20 centimeters, please tell me your profession." Sun Xiang asked.

"I am a plane shooter!" Lin Que said.

"Please answer my question."

"Report, my profession is a plane shooter, a big plane shooter!" Lin Que shouted in a high voice, almost sending himself away in anger.

"Is there a profession of plane shooter?"

"Yes, isn't the Night Patrol specializing in the 20-centimeter caliber cannon to shoot planes?"

"That makes sense."

Lin Que covered his face. Where did Gao Maolin send these two funny guys?

Being with them, he felt that his IQ was greatly insulted.


"88!" Lin Que said casually.

"Okay, 88!"

"Hey, good son!" Lin Que laughed out loud, these two silly kids.

"Brother Xiang, I feel like this guy is playing tricks on us, but I have no evidence." Liu Mang said.

Sun Xiang nodded, he also found out.

"No, I'm telling you, buddy, how did you get into the Association of Spirit Masters?" Lin Que laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, and couldn't help asking.

"Listen carefully, Gao Maolin, the president of the Association of Spirit Masters, is our brother-in-law. We got in through the back door. We have a strong relationship, right?"

Sun Xiang patted his chest and said proudly.

Lin Que was a little surprised, it turned out that he was such a relationship person.

This sand sculpture can be explained.

At this time, in Gao Maolin's office.

Gao Maolin was looking down at the night view of Cangtong Town with a proud look on his face.

Fang Chang stood aside, respectfully serving tea and water to Gao Maolin.

"When that guy hands over the stuff, and makes it into medicine and puts it on the market, it will be a huge fortune!" Gao Maolin could already imagine him swimming in the ocean of money.

"Congratulations, President Gao." Fang Chang flattered him.

"President Gao, how are you going to deal with Lin Que?"

"No hurry, I have asked someone to interrogate him. If he still doesn't confess, I will torture him." Gao Maolin said.

"Who will interrogate him?" Fang Chang suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You also know him. He is the younger brother of the woman I keep outside. He is an absolute confidant and can be trusted to do things." Gao Maolin smiled.

Fang Chang's mouth trembled.

Those two idiots...

"Let's just torture them."

Gao Maolin was about to say something when he heard the red phone on the desk ringing wildly.

The two were stunned.

The person who can call this red landline phone is the top of the Spirit Control Association.

Gao Maolin didn't dare to neglect it, and quickly put down the teacup and answered the phone with a flattering face.


"Alpaca Gao Baldy, you want to die, don't drag me into it."

Before Gao Maolin could speak, there was a roar from the phone, which made Gao Maolin's head buzz.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Because it was a landline call, Gao Maolin didn't know who the other party was at all. The only thing he knew was that the other party was a higher official than him.

"I'm Zhu Xiaotian!"

As soon as the words fell.

Gao Maolin felt like he was struck by lightning.

Zhu Xiaotian, the president of the provincial spirit master association, his immediate superior!

"President Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

"Fuck you!" Zhu Xiaotian was full of swear words.

"Baldy Gao, did you catch a young man named Lin Que?"

"Yes." Gao Maolin didn't dare to hide it. For some reason, a sentence that Lin Que had said before rang in his mind.

If you are in the underworld, you will always get hurt.

Could it be that it is going to work?

"You idiot!"

"Now, immediately, immediately, please get Master Lin out to me. If Master Lin loses a hair, I will chop you up and feed you to the turtles!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.



Gao Maolin was stunned. Before he could come to his senses, the phone on his desk and the phone in his pocket rang one after another.

He was like a bell.

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