The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.


Three hurricanes shattered the missiles and exploded 300 meters away from Luo Tianyi.

"Damn it!"

Luo Tianyi lowered his head and looked at the broken D-level spiritual weapon in his hand, with a painful look on his face.

He blocked the missile at the cost of a spiritual weapon.

His other four teammates did not have such conditions.

The ending is predictable!

"Lin Que, I..."

Bang, bang, bang!

Before Luo Tianyi could say anything harsh, Lin Que fired a barrage of bullets.

The Gatling gun equipped by the Apache dropped bullet shells one by one, and the muzzle was emitting blue flames.

Luo Tianyi's face changed drastically. He retreated frantically without caring about the consumption of soul power, and he had no temper at all.

You can be as strong as you want, but I have a Gatling gun!

The dense trajectory chased Luo Tianyi.

Luo Tianyi's level 39 soul power was not in vain. With agile speed, he kept sliding and dodging in the air.

He didn't take much damage.

"Damn it, this bastard is so good at dodging after I opened up his Ren and Du meridians!" Lin Que muttered.

Luo Tianyi screamed in his heart.

If he didn't dodge, he would be standing there and letting you hit him!

"Lin Que, come here!"

Luo Tianyi guessed that Lin Que had no missiles, otherwise he would have shot one at him long ago.

"This is the first time I've heard such a cheap request."

It must be arranged!

Void teleportation!

Lin Que activated his soul skill and put the Apache into the system warehouse at the same time.

Flashed to the top of Luo Tianyi's head!

Luo Tianyi:? ? ?

He wanted to slap himself twice at that time.


Lin Que grinned, and under Luo Tianyi's dull eyes, a fiery red soul jade was integrated into Chi You's martial soul by Lin Que.

In an instant, a fiery red light shone brightly.

At that moment, Luo Tianyi seemed to see a giant on the earth.


"Nine Palaces of the Fiery Hell!"

Lin Que shouted softly and punched Luo Tianyi in the chest, like hitting a tennis ball, hitting him in a straight line and falling to the ground.


Lin Que punched Luo Tianyi to the ground.

At the moment of landing, with Lin Que as the center, the ground collapsed and turned into a red flame ruin, presenting a nine-square grid.

One after another, flames and light pillars shot up into the sky, scorching hot!

Luo Tianyi had just landed when he was hit by the erupting fire pillar again, suffering a secondary injury, and the whole person was roasted black.

The air was filled with the aroma of barbecue.

Sprinkle with cumin, and it's probably ready to be served.

"Lin... killing is against the law!"

After Luo Tianyi finished speaking, he tilted his head and fainted.


Just after Luo Tianyi fainted for a while, two sounds of breaking through the air came from the sky.

The law enforcement team is here!

"He has lost his combat effectiveness. We are going to take him out of the rainforest. Please cooperate!"

The two members of the law enforcement team looked at Lin Que with helplessness in their eyes.

Because of this guy, the official made three unprecedented explanations.

This is the first time in history.

"No combat effectiveness?"

"Take a closer look!"

As he said that, Lin Que took out a can of life happy water and gurgled it into Luo Tianyi's mouth.

The next moment.

The life happy water played an important role. The powerful vitality repaired the burns on Luo Tianyi's body, and his soul power was also restored by half.

Luo Tianyi slowly opened his eyes, and what came into view was a can of green soda.

This color, so familiar!

Suddenly, his stomach growled.


A stream of shit-yellow gas erupted from under Luo Tianyi's buttocks, turning into a gas column, leading Luo Tianyi to break through the atmosphere.

"Look, this is still not capable of fighting?"

Lin Que had already closed his sense of smell, pointing at Luo Tianyi who was flying into the sky.

Two members of the law enforcement team were lying under a big tree.


"Tsk, no ability to bear it at all!"

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