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The Shadow Island Spirit Control Group is confused!

Where the hell did this armed helicopter come from?

And bring Gatling!

Why don't you be such a rogue!

Cheating is not as blatant as yours, right?

"Big gray chicken!"

Xiang Qian emerged from the soil and looked at the Apache fighter plane in the sky with excitement.

"Can this classmate grow up peacefully?"

The woman in green, led by Shadow Island, stood up.

Lin Que was so powerful that even Ying fell into his hands. What they did was not enough to fill Lin Que's teeth.

What's more, with this Apache fighter plane, they are living targets, and any assassination skills are useless!

"It's a dream!"

If he had come a little later, he would have become a polished commander.


Seeing Lin Que's attitude, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and they all fled towards the distance.

"Let you run thirty-nine meters first!"

Lin Que grinned, flipped the operating lever, and pressed a red button!

"Patriot missiles, launch!"

Ten shark missiles flew out, burning blue flames, like sharks in the ocean, locking onto the target and chasing after them with their bites.

One breath!

All Shadow Islands are eliminated!

At the same time, the Hunting Blade Spirit Taming Group's ranking soared to first place on the youth competition ranking list.

Number of eliminations: 25!

Lin Que glanced at the satellite bracelet.

There are still eight teams left in the tropical rainforest. According to the speed of shrinking the safety zone, they will have to wait until at least tomorrow.

too slow!

Talent is a must!

"I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After Lin Que dropped six bottles of Happy Life Water, he flew an Apache fighter plane and disappeared from the sight of the six people.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the Happy Life Water in his hand and his face turned blue.

The scene of her fart jumping into the sky after drinking it before was still vivid in her mind.

The same is true for Su Tang and others.

"Everyone, do you want to drink it?" Tian Yu rolled his throat and looked at the green Happy Life Water with fear in his eyes.

"I won't drink it even if I die!" Xiang Gan coughed up a pool of blood and said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Yueyue, give me a sip of milk quickly!" Hou Feng said.

Murong Qingyue had a gloomy look on her face. She was soft and weak and pushed Hou Feng into the sky.

"Die to me!"

Su Tang was also a little hesitant, should he drink or not?

Just when Su Tang was hesitating, he heard a snapping sound and turned around to see that Xiang Qian had already opened the can.

"The injury will heal after you drink it, it doesn't matter if you fart or anything like that!"

Xiang Qian muttered something in his mouth and drank the whole life happy water without leaving a drop.


Xiang Qian's soul power reached a peak, breaking through to level twenty-four!

"I suddenly... flew away!"

Before Xiang Qian could be happy, a fart sent him into the sky. His entire facial muscles were distorted and he could not speak clearly.

Seeing Xiang Qian break through, he also flew away.

Everyone did not hesitate, they all made up their minds, opened the Happy Life Water, raised their heads, and drank it all!

Puff puff!

The next second!

Five soaring cannons, flying in the sky!

It’s not engine oil that’s burning!

Very environmentally friendly!

Lin Que was driving the Apache and his eyes lit up as he looked at the figures passing by the window.

"Oh, we met by chance!"

Tian Yu was blown away by the wind.

"Lin Que, you bad old man!"


There is an extra shining cross star in the sky!

"It's okay, Bengbeng is used to it."

Lin Que twisted his neck, looked at the flashing dots on Apache's radar, and smiled cruelly.

It's dark and the werewolves are coming!

The Apache fighter plane swooped and slid, its target was a group of spirit warriors sleeping next to the beach!

The Little Tigers were lying leisurely in the sand sunbathing, listening to the sound of the waves in their ears, so comfortable!

"Team Wang, do you think there will be airdrops in the tropical rainforest?" Xiao Ming asked, looking at the Apache fighter jet hovering overhead.

"Young man, wake up, this is not a thrilling battlefield, nor is it Peace Elite, this is a youth competition!"

"I just don't think about it." Wang Hu said.

"Then what is this plane for?" Xiao Ming asked puzzledly.

"Child, there are no airplanes in this world!"

Wang Hu patted Xiao Ming's shoulder and said seriously.

This is the junction of a ghost domain and a spiritual ruin.

Either a ghost or a monster!

Where did the plane come from?

Even if there is one, it’s just a duster!

"Captain Wang, don't you feel your head is buzzing?" Xiao Ming said.

Wang Hu was stunned for a moment, then raised his head

When I saw the fully armed Apache fighter jets, I was stunned...

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