The next morning, Lin Que and his companions took a transport plane back to Cangtong Town!

Lin Que wanted to visit Yuchi Tianhai, but was rejected by Lin Huan.

"I'll let you know if there's any news!"

After that, he took Yuan Qing back to the Night Patrol Division!

As for Lin Que and his party, they were picked up by Master Ying and returned to Canglan Academy!

There are still two weeks before the opening of the Daxia Youth Championship Fengyun Cup!

The entire academy entered a tense atmosphere!

After all, this is the first time that two teams from Canglan Academy have broken through to the national level except for Lin Yuan's era!

"That man is back!"

The moment Lin Que and his companions stepped into Canglan Academy, a deafening shout spread throughout the academy.

It spread from the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard!

"Lin Que is back!"

"Damn, it's really Lin Que, hurry up, bring me my white T-shirt, I want an autograph!"

"Don't squeeze me, I want to see the man who can take on a hundred people!"

Lin Que was stunned when he saw the cheers of the crowd!

When did he become such a popular star?

"Don't be surprised, your deeds have spread throughout Canglan City!"

"Not only you, the Hunting Blade Yuling Group has become the idol of the entire young generation of Canglan City!"

Old Ying explained for the Hunting Blade Yuling Group.

Lin Que and others only then reacted.

Old Ying was also a little shocked, looking at Lin Que, a teenager in his early 18s, his eyes were full of disbelief.

In just half a year, the Hunting Blade Yuling Group was re-presented to the eyes of the people of Canglan City, shining brightly!

Canglan City hasn't produced a provincial top 20 team in 20 years!

Because of Lin Que, two teams directly qualified this time!

For Canglan City, it is undoubtedly a great joy!

Moreover, Lin Que's performance in the tropical rainforest is simply brilliant!

One person crushes a province's genius!

The youth competitions in other provinces are still going on, and the Shudu one ended two days in advance!

This is the first time in the history of Daxia!

"Where are the fans of Fatty, come out quickly, I'll sign for you!"

Xiang Qian touched his handsome mushroom head and narcissistically made a very handsome move.

"Hey, isn't this the fat guy who farted into the sky?"

"Yes, except for Lin Shuai, they all seem to fart into the sky!"

"So disgusting!"

"If it weren't for Lin Shuai, I would turn from a fan to a hater!"

Some girls said with disgust.

Su Tang: (# ̄~ ̄#).

Murong Qingyue: (;′⌒`).

Hou Feng: ┻━┻︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻.

Xiang Qian: ___*( ̄皿 ̄)/#____.

"Brother Lin, don't stop me. I'm going to get justice today!"

"Add one!"

Xiang Qian and Hou Feng grabbed Lin Que's left and right arms and roared angrily.

It looked like a shooter being led by Ming Shiyin.

Holding you two?

Come on, it's obviously you who are holding my hands!

What courage do you have? I hope you have some idea in your mind!

Don't dig your own grave!

"Okay, you can arrange it yourself. I have something else to do. I'm leaving first!"

Old Ying shook his head and smiled. It's so good to be young!

The news that the Hunting Blade Yuling Group had returned soon reached the ears of the Qingcheng Yuling Group and the Crazy Battle Yuling Group.

The meeting room of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group!

Mo Qingcheng, Qin Feng and others gathered together!

"Lin Buxiu, you said you have something good for us, where is it?"

Tian Yu looked left and right, but didn't see the treasure that Lin Que said!

"Lin Buxiu, if you want to lie to me, I will stab you with a gun!" Qin Feng said with a fierce look in his hand, holding the Overlord Spear.

"Don't worry, the good stuff will come soon!" Lin Que grinned.

The next moment, a green oversized bucket was placed in front of everyone.

Su Tang and others looked at the bucket that Lin Que took out, and their faces turned red.

That water was exactly the bath water they used in the ancient Loulan ruins...

My God, where can I comment? It's terrible!

By the way, your urging for more is not good enough, I don't even feel the pressure.

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