The butler of the Yun family was in a hurry to get out of the way.


The left arm of the Yun family butler was cut off, and blood was gushing out!

He was sweating all over his head, enduring the pain, releasing his soul power without caring about his life, and fled to the distance!

The Night Traveler saw all of this!

It's not that he didn't take action, but the distance was too far, and the Yun family butler's soul power was not low, so he couldn't split himself!

"Human, spare me!"

The three-headed ghost python trembled, and there was no arrogance at all!

The Night Traveler didn't say anything, and waved the martial soul Seven Killing Sword in his hand. The dazzling sword light cut off the other two heads of the three-headed ghost python!

This time, the three-headed ghost python did not regenerate!

Lin Que frowned: "Isn't the ability of the three-headed ghost python regeneration!"

"Lin Lang, remember, there is no eternal ability in this world. The power of this human is far greater than that of the three-headed ghost python. With one sword, the power of the three-headed ghost python is insignificant to him!"

Hongye explained carefully to Lin Que.

Lin Que nodded!

It's not that the regeneration ability of the three-headed ghost python is not good, it's that the Night Wanderer is too strong!


The Night Wanderer's martial soul Seven Killing Sword slashed, and the sword light completely killed the three-headed ghost python, and its life force was annihilated!

A piece of red soul jade lay quietly on the beach!


The owner of the seaside park saw the three-headed ghost python being killed, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he cheered!

The Night Wanderer grasped the void, and the soul jade of the three-headed ghost python was directly sucked into his hand.

The martial soul Seven Killing Sword put away the soul palace!

"Disciple of Canglan Academy, meet Lord Night Ranger!"

"Shadow Island Shadow, meet Lord Night Ranger!"

Lin Que and others stepped forward and saluted respectfully to the Night Ranger.

The Night Ranger nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Lin Que, who was in the lead: "You are the younger brother of the Day Ranger, Lin Que?"

Lin Que was stunned: "Do you know me?"


The Night Ranger smiled heartily: "The new captain of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group, the first person to break the rules in the history of the Youth Competition!"

"How can I not know the fierce man who rides a fire-breathing crocodile and sweeps across the entire tropical rainforest alone!"

Lin Que scratched his head!

Why do you always keep harping on this joke!

Isn't the Ansai waist drum amazing?

"By the way, where is my sister?"

Lin Que had been contacting Lin Huan before, but he never got a response!

A trace of stiffness flashed in the eyes of the Night Ranger, which was fleeting!

"She has something to deal with, and the Night Patrol can't spare any manpower for the time being. Isn't it enough for me, the Night Patrol, to come here in person?"

Lin Que smiled awkwardly, looking at the three-headed ghost python soul jade in the Night Patrol's hand, and moved his lips!

The Night Patrol noticed Lin Que's eyes, understood, and threw the soul jade in his hand to Lin Que!

"Here you go!"

Lin Que hurriedly caught it, looking stunned: "This?"

"If you hadn't fought to the death to stop it, the passenger wouldn't have escaped smoothly. This is a reward for you!" said the Night Patrol.

What Lin Que did was worth far more than a B-level soul jade!

He was still a little shocked in his heart. This Lin Que, with a soul power of level 30, plus these little guys, actually blocked the attack of a B-level ghost monster!

There are talented people in every generation!

"Thank you, Lord Night Patrol!"

Lin Que's face was happy, and the third soul skill was in hand!

The Night Walker was about to say something when the headset on his ear vibrated and his face changed.

"The Night Patrol team is on the way. They will take over here. Please stay for a while. I have something else to do. I will leave first!"

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Que and others to speak, he turned into a sword light and soared into the sky!

"So handsome!"

Xiang Qian and others looked at the Night Walker flying into the sky with admiration in their eyes!

"Don't be crazy about it. Recover your soul power first!"

Lin Que rolled his eyes at Xiang Qian, took out dozens of coins of good and evil, and threw them into the sky!


Dozens of coins fell to the ground, all of them were negative demons!

Lin Que's face froze!

Damn, are you kidding me?


System prompt: Brother, don't you know that the time for good luck and stinky shit has passed? You are cheating your teammates!


The night sky above was once full of stars, but now it was covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning!

"Run quickly, Brother Lin was struck by lightning and his physical condition exploded!"

Xiang Qian and others saw the dark clouds above their heads and ran away without looking back!


Thunderbolts fell one after another, locking onto Lin Que!

"Fuck you!"

Lin Que cursed and disappeared into the void!

At the exit of the ghost ship cave, Qin Feng, covered in green snake phlegm, finally crawled out of the ruins!

"The world outside,

It's so beautiful!"

However, before he could appreciate it for a moment, not far away, Lin Que ran towards him with thunder and lightning like Ponyo chasing Sosuke on the sea!

"Don't come over here!"

Qin Feng was so scared that his nose was running, and he dug his hands back!

The world outside is too scary, I want to go back!

Lin Que shouted: "Good brother, I'm coming!"

"I'm running towards you, you are the sea of ​​stars!"


Before Lin Que finished singing, he felt like he was stepping on air, a look of fear appeared on his face, and his eyes slowly moved to look at the soles of his feet!

A deep pit suddenly appeared on the sand, and Lin Que paused on it for 0.0001 seconds before falling into the pit perfectly!

It's over!


The thunder and lightning hit the sand pit, and there was a miserable howl!


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