The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.

Lin Que said, "Well, can we fight one-on-one?"

The five Titan apes, the leading one, Lin Que directly called him Dahei, has reached the middle stage of C-level!

The other four are at the peak of D-level!

The lineup is a bit difficult to deal with!

Dahei looked at Lin Que and said, "The patriarch said that you are a bad human. Let us fight in a group, not one-on-one!"

Lin Que's face turned black. This patriarch is not a good person!

I curse him to raise the price of vegetables!

"Do it!"

Dahei raised his fist as big as a sandbag and hammered the ground heavily. Suddenly, a magma chasm surrounded Lin Que!

The other four Titan apes jumped up, their demonic power attached to their fists, like rocks, and smashed down at Lin Que!

Titan ape skill, petrification!

Lin Que looked at the Titan ape that was attacking, holding the magic knife Thousand Blades tightly in his hand, and a wicked arc appeared at the corner of his mouth!

The next second!

The blood-red soul power turned into a blood-colored mist, gradually filling the whole place!

Lin Que was completely surrounded by the blood-colored mist and disappeared!


The four Titan apes entered the blood-colored mist and hit nothing. With a powerful force, they smashed a deep pit three or four meters high in the ground!

When Dahei saw the blood-colored mist that suddenly appeared, his huge beast pupils shrank. There was a dangerous breath in it!

Just as it was about to go to rescue, it heard a light shout from the blood-colored mist!

"Bloody wind and rain!"

Then, four huge figures were thrown out, with knife marks all over their bodies!

He fell heavily to the ground!

In the blood mist, Lin Que came out carrying the magic knife Thousand Blades!

Dahei was stunned. Even if Lin Que was abnormal, their Titan Giant Ape clan had amazing defense, and this human cut it all with one knife!

Looking at the blood-colored light filled with the wound, it seemed to be poisonous!

There was something wrong with the blood mist!

"Come here!"

Lin Que stood in the blood mist and hooked his finger at Dahei!

This upgraded blood mist is so awesome!

For any enemy who enters the blood mist, he can devour one-third of the opponent's attributes and use them for himself!

Moreover, the poison in the blood mist seems to be very strong!

The four gorillas haven't recovered yet!

"Despicable human!"

Dahei gritted his teeth and said, the demonic power on his body soared into the sky, scaring away the birds and beasts!


Dahei pounded his chest angrily!

Lin Que frowned, he felt the magnetic field around him was changing!


Suddenly, the gravity of the whole venue began to change, Lin Que's blood mist was directly squeezed and dissipated by the gravity magnetic field, Lin Que's whole body was bent by the pressure, and the magic knife pierced into the earth!

Titan Giant Ape's second skill, Titan Magnetic Field!

Release, it can change the surrounding magnetic field and increase its gravity by twenty times!

"Give me light!"

Lin Que roared ferociously, and in the system space, the Tiga helmet was taken out and put on his head!

Tiga Helmet: Wearing it will enhance all attributes by 30%, and the body will be ten meters larger!

Titan Giant Ape: ? ? ?

Miracle reappears?

Ultra transformation?

Lin Que posed as Tiga appeared, don't ask why, the answer is that he turned into light!


Lin Que's golden-level body was released, and he punched the Titan Giant Ape!

Dahei, who was still in a daze, was hit by Lin Que's punch!


No injuries!

Lin Que:...

Are you a V8 player?

Not even losing blood!

Hongye said, "Lin Lang, this Titan Ape's body has reached the platinum level. You can't break its defense with strength alone!"

Platinum level!

Damn, are these monsters' levels increased by cheating?

So strong!

The Titan Ape glanced at Lin Que, raised his right arm, and punched Lin Que in the chest!

Third skill, Titan's Fury!

A powerful force exploded behind Lin Que with a sonic boom!


Lin Que was directly knocked away, drew an arc in the sky, and fell to the ground, with the Tiga helmet on his head shattered!

Coughed up a mouthful of blood!

Broken ribs!

"Human, you lose!"

Dahei looked at Lin Que who was lying on the ground and said coldly.


"The game has just begun!"

Lin Que stood up with all his strength, picked up a devil fruit in his hand, and bit it!

Boom boom boom!

His heart began to tremble violently, and the devil blood in his body boiled and was completely released!

The devil blood's amazing repair ability began to reassemble and splice the broken ribs!

A devil energy between soul power and ghost energy surged!

Chi You's martial spirit tore through the void and floated out of the chaos.

Come out, guard behind Lin Que!

"The game has just begun!"

Lin Que wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Dahei with his blood-red pupils, smiling evilly!

Dahei trembled all over!

The Chiyou martial spirit bathed in darkness behind Lin Que, his soul throbbed, and he had an urge to worship!

"Playing tricks!"

Dahei spoke in human language, his demonic power swept through him, and he launched the Titan's Wrath again!

"Soul Devouring Slash!"

Lin Que swung his sword, and the blood-red sword light directly destroyed Dahei's Titan's Wrath. The sword forced Dahei to retreat again and again, and the ground was trampled into a chasm!

After retreating dozens of feet, Dahei stabilized his body, looked at his hands, and they were full of knife marks!

"Come again!"

Lin Que raised his sword, bathed in dark magic energy, and walked towards Dahei step by step, his eyes full of bloodthirstiness!

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