Four hours later, everyone arrived at the safe zone of the Lost Land! "Wow, so spectacular!" Everyone looked at the towering building in front of them and couldn't help but sigh! Before the spiritual energy was revived, the Lost Land was a major economic city in Daxia. It was invaded by ghosts and monsters and fell! So far, it has basically retained its original appearance. The Spirit Master Association has also included this place as one of the trial areas! In the Lost Land, buildings go straight into the sky! From time to time, you can hear the piercing screams of ghosts all around. The cold ghost energy in the air! However, the spiritual energy contained here is very rich! Lin Que looked at the abandoned Ferrari on the roadside, and a small calculation suddenly came to his mind!

If he moved these small animals out and sold the parts, he would probably make a small profit!

I am worthy of it!

At this moment, the Sky Eye broadcast in the sky sounded.

"Welcome everyone to the Lost Land. Starting tomorrow, you will have a fierce competition. I wish you all good luck!"

As soon as the words fell.

The crowd exploded.

34 provinces and regions, one hundred Yuling Groups, began to disperse like flowers from the sky!

Some provinces and regions huddled together for warmth, while some powerful Yuling Groups fought alone and began to look for favorable terrain in the Lost Land.

In Tianhuang Province, Huangfu led the Huanglang Yuling Group to leave the main force.

He looked at Lin Que and hated him so much!

If there was no ban, he would pounce on him at this moment and cut Lin Que into pieces!

Now people all over the country have seen him spraying shit in the sky!

A great shame!

In Shudu Province, the six imperial spirit groups did not disperse, and all of them took Lin Que as the center.

Qin Feng glanced at Huang Fu who was staring at them, and whispered: "Lin Que, these five huskies have been staring at us, what should we do?"

Lin Que glanced at Huang Fu, turned his eyes, looked at Bei Sheng not far away, and curled his lips.

"Just stare at me, who told me to be handsome!"

Qin Feng touched his bald head, he felt that what Lin Que said was very reasonable!

Su Tang: "Lin Que, should we also find a favorable terrain to hide?"

Lin Que blinked: "Hide? Why hide!"

"There are still twelve hours until tomorrow, we have more important things to do, no hurry!"

Everyone was startled when they saw Lin Que's appearance.

They knew that Lin Que was going to use his big move again!

"Come on, come on, don't miss it if you pass by!"

"Lieren BBQ stall, Lieren Supermarket, open today!"

"Lieren Supermarket is offering 10% off for all items!"

"Buy it and you'll make a profit!"

Lin Que held a microphone and stood in the middle of the road shouting loudly.

Behind him was an abandoned mall, which was cleaned up by Lin Que and reopened as a store and barbecue stall!

There were all kinds of common snacks, daily necessities, sanitary napkins, small balloons and so on inside!

There were also lace panties!

Everything you need!

Tianyan fed back the situation on the scene to the live broadcast room!

When netizens across the country saw Lin Que's cool operation, they directly tapped 666 with their toes!

Nothing wrong with my friend!

"Awesome Tieju! Supermarkets and barbecue stalls are all in the ghost area."

"Others are going for the competition, brother, you are going for the money!"

"Xiu'er, you are the next Internet celebrity!"

"I don't know why, I suddenly feel like shopping!"

Conference room!

The presidents of various provinces and regions looked at Lin Que's detailed operation and couldn't help but shouting "WTF!"

Even Mr. Jiang, who was in the first place, was shocked and choked by the tea!

What does this kid think of this youth competition?

But don't say it, the ratings are much higher than before.

The picture turns back!

In the safe zone.

Everyone looked at the dazzling supermarket and the fragrant barbecue stall.

The body seemed to be controlled by a magical power and ran towards the barbecue stall and the supermarket.

The legs have their own thoughts.

I'm not greedy!

"Boss, how much is this box of thorny balloons?"

Lin Que rubbed his palms and smiled, "No problem, I'll give you a 10% discount, just 999!"

? ? ?

Damn, what a profiteer!

They finally understood.

The so-called 10% discount depends entirely on the boss's words, whatever he says is the price!


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