The food is so delicious.

"Oh my god, it smells so good!"

"Let's have some kidneys to replenish our body!"

"Leeks without vinegar are soulless!"

Lin Que and his five companions set up a barbecue grill in the room, drinking beer and eating skewers, feeling so comfortable.

On the other hand, in the corner, Yuan Qing's clothes were torn into strips and his face was covered with turtles.

Without comparison, there is no harm!

It's fine if you hit me.

You also eat my food, drink my drinks, and eat in front of me!

That's fine, but you don't let me eat!

You're all bad guys!

"Brother, what's the order?"

Lin Que shook the chicken wings in his hand, drank a sip of Yongchuang Tianya, and burped unconsciously!

There are still good people in this world!

Yuan Qing grabbed the roasted chicken wings and started to eat them voraciously.

"Child, is it enough?"

"No, child!"

"Not enough, I still have more!"

"Look how hungry the child is!"

Lin Que put the burnt skewers on the plate in front of Yuan Qing, with a layer of undissolved salt on them.

These are the finished products of Murong Qingyue's failed roasting just now.

"My roasted ones are not bad!" Murong Qingyue was so moved when she saw Yuan Qing crying while eating!

Lin Que shook his head and smiled.

Sister, don't be confused by the superficial phenomenon!

Yuan Qing didn't want to either!

He bought all these ingredients with his own money, and the Night Patrol won't reimburse them!

Instead of dumping it in the trash can, it's better to eat it all!

Well, I bought it myself, I must finish it even if I die!

Cough cough!

Yuan Qing coughed.

Girl, the salt is not yours, you really don't want to put it in!

"Come and rinse your mouth with a bottle of beer!"

Lin Que couldn't stand it anymore, so he opened a bottle of Brave the World and handed it to Yuan Qing.

"Drink this bottle, and I'll take you to Brave the World!"

Yuan Qing took the beer and blew it directly into the bottle, a small whirlwind, and drank it all!

No bubbles left!

Too good at blowing!

Yuan Qing: (?ˉ?ˉ?).


"Feeling good now!" Lin Que smiled.

Yuan Qing nodded, touching his swollen belly with satisfaction.

This is not fat, this is love!

"Then tell me, what news have you heard." Lin Que clapped his hands, and everyone was excited.

Yuan Qing did not dare to laugh, and explained the situation with a serious face.

"There are two major forces in the City of Sin, the Axe Gang and the Yuchi Family!"

"These two major forces control the dark side of the City of Sin. Due to the Night Patrol and the Spirit Control Association, they dare not be too presumptuous!"

"According to the intelligence, the Yuchi Family seems to have mastered the specific location of Ancient Loulan."

Lin Que frowned.

Surname Yuchi?

Isn't that the royal surname of the ancient Western Regions?

"You guessed right, the Yuchi Family is the descendant of the royal family of the Western Regions!" Yuan Qing guessed what Lin Que was thinking and explained.

"Why, knowing that the Yuchi Family has clues, the Night Patrol did not send people to inquire, they would not dare to not even give the Night Patrol face?" Xiang Qian said.

Su Tang analyzed calmly: "Didn't you notice that since we entered the City of Sin, those people have no awe of the Night Patrol's garrison soldiers?"

Xiang Qian was stunned, it seemed to be the case!

"The situation in the City of Sin is complicated. Most of them are desperate criminals. They dare not provoke the Night Patrol, but they are not afraid either."

Yuan Qing smiled bitterly: "The influence of the Yuchi family in the Western Region has been deeply rooted for a long time. Unless the two special envoys come in person, it will be useless!"

Due to the geographical reasons of the Western Region, the heavy weapons of the Night Patrol Army cannot enter at all. Some powerful spirit masters also have to suppress ghosts and spirit ruins.

There is no extra manpower at all.

Unless these forces do something wrong, they will face the raging anger of Daxia!

If you don't move, it's fine!

Once you move, it will be thunderous!

"Is it so difficult to get the news?" Lin Que said, stroking his chin.

Yuan Qing: ? ? ?

I feel like you are insulting me!

"If you can do it, go ahead!"

Lin Que snorted coldly: "I'll go ahead if I do!"

"Just watch!"

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