The students were shocked and the situation was very good.

Tiandao College.

Monitoring room.

Zeng Deshuai led a group of instructors to gather in the monitoring room to watch the performance of the preparatory students in the ghost den.

"You are the instructors of this year's freshmen. Take a good look at the performance of these little guys when facing the ghosts."

The instructors nodded, staring at the screen for a moment, not daring to move, for fear of missing any details.

They also sympathized with these preparatory students.

Those humanoid spirits are collectively called ghosts!

It is a kind of object born after the spiritual energy is revived and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is gathered.

The body is powerful and elusive, and likes to devour people's soul power and blood.

And immune to all soul skills.

Under the joint efforts of the major powers of Daxia, he was sealed here.

Tiandao Academy uses it as a training place for freshmen.

Zeng Deshuai looked at Lin Que fleeing on the screen and smiled coldly: "Boy, I can't trick you this time!"

At this moment, the door of the monitoring room was pushed open.

Tang Xiaohu ran in angrily, with the shoe prints on his forehead still there.

All the instructors were dumbfounded when they saw Tang Xiaohu's appearance.

What did the principal go through?

Zeng Deshuai: "Old Tang, you just recovered from a serious illness, so be careful at night. Look how much you are hurt."

Tang Xiaohu was so angry that he didn't even bother to argue. He looked at the monitoring screen, looking for something.

Suddenly, his eyes locked on Lin Que.

"You bastard, I finally caught you!"

Tang Xiaohu pointed at Lin Que: "Tell me, what's this guy's name? Let the dogs bite him!"

Zeng Deshuai looked at the shoe print on Tang Xiaohu's forehead, then looked at Lin Que, and suddenly thought of something.

Lin Que wouldn't have stabbed the principal!

This bastard actually did something he had always wanted to do but didn't have the courage to do!

Well done.


Zeng Deshuai coughed twice: "Principal Tang, his name is Lin Que, and he is the temporary worker appointed by the Night Patrol and you!"

Tang Xiaohu was stunned, looking at Lin Que on the screen in a daze.

He was stabbed by the temporary worker he appointed?

Don't you want to save face?

"Humph, Lin Que, right!"

"Publish Lin Que's location information for me, don't temporary workers remember to get more pay for more work!"

As soon as the words fell.

Everyone present was stunned.

Publishing the location information is equivalent to exposing Lin Que to everyone's sight.

99 people against 1 person.

They mourned for Lin Que!

In the den of ghosts.

Lin Que was leisurely lying in a bush, lurking, looking at a boy slowly approaching in front of him, with a smile on his face, he was ready to attack the bush.

My great sword is already thirsty.

Suddenly, a voice came from the spiritual weapon Sky Eye suspended in the sky.

"Coordinates, 857, 666, 785, Lin Que is lurking, please pay attention, all candidates!"

The boy in front of Lin Que heard the broadcast, was stunned at first, and then looked at the bush in front.

Aren't these coordinates the bush in front of him!

Oh my god, Voldemort!

What a coward!

I'm running away!

The next second, he turned around and ran without stopping.

Lin Que was completely dumbfounded.

Why did you report my position in a good game?

Damn it, it must be Zeng Deshuai's doing.

The old man is very bad!

Above his head, the spiritual weapon Sky Eye sounded again.

"Coordinates, 999..."

Lin Que's face darkened, and he said, "Please report wherever I go."

If you dare, come and bomb me!

Let's hurt each other!

At this moment, a series of colorful soul skill light bombs came over Lin Que's head.

They bombarded him like crazy!

Lin Que: ? ? ?

I was just kidding, you're serious!

Damn it!

sp: There's something wrong, I'm not kidding, why don't you believe it?

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