The young man was so angry that he was about to die.

A group of candidates looked at Lin Que, gritting their teeth.

Listen, is this what a human being would say?

Lin Que avoided everything that had anything to do with humans.

"Damn you, you robbed our ghost spirit origin, and now you're thinking about our soul jade spirit weapon!"

"Are you still a human being?"

"Brothers, let's go together and teach this guy a lesson!"


After that.

The candidates rushed towards Lin Que in a swarm.

Ye Ni and the other two were also among them.

Yang Dianfeng: "Didn't you say that you and Lin Que are as close as brothers?"

Ye Ni held the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword and rushed forward without looking back: "Being as close as brothers doesn't prevent me from playing landlord and dividing the property!"

Yang Dianfeng: !!!

That makes sense!

Sure enough, in front of money, all feelings are shit!

Looking at Lin Que in front of him, Yang Dianfeng silently picked up the trash can beside him.

"Beat Lin Que, play landlord, and get rich!"

On the high platform, Master Mo and others looked at the preparatory students who were in a mess, and had no intention of intervening.

"I said, you guys, don't you really care?"

Master Mo glanced at Lin Que: "Don't you want to see the skills of the ninth temporary worker of my Tiandao Academy?"

Temporary workers have always been the most secretive existence of Tiandao Academy.

Each of them is an extremely evil genius with proud skills!

Listening to Master Mo's words, a group of instructors clasped their fists and cast their eyes on Lin Que.

Lin Que looked at the powerful preparatory students with a calm face, his hands in his pockets, not panicking at all!

Just when everyone was only one body length away from Lin Que.


In the void behind Lin Que, five Vulcan Gatling machine guns were neatly arranged, loaded with bullets, and locked onto the preparatory students!


The originally heroic and high-spirited preparatory students saw the Vulcan Gatling guns appearing, and their feet hurriedly braked, and sparks came out.

The brakes stopped in front of Lin Que.

They didn't dare to breathe!

These five Vulcan Gatling guns are all automatic.

On the high platform, a group of instructors saw Lin Que's operation and were all stunned!


"Isn't this the latest thermal weapon developed by the Night Watch? Where did this kid get it, and five of them!"

"I think these guys are going to be finished!"


Lin Que showed a harmless smile on his face, looking at Ye Ni and Yang Dianfeng who were in the front.

"Hey, you two are here too!"

Ye Ni and Yang Dianfeng were devastated at this moment.

Damn it, Lin Que, you have no martial ethics!

You even brought out the Gatling gun when you were fighting. If you have the guts, let us all fight you alone!

Ye Ni: "Brother Lin, listen to my explanation. I'm here to help you. You have to believe me!"

Yang Dianfeng: "Me too!"

Lin Que looked back: "What about you guys!"

The students were sweating and trembling!

Looking at the muzzles of the five-gun Gatling guns, their faces turned green with fear.

"Lin Que, no, Brother Lin!"

"We were just joking with you. We will be classmates in the same school in the future. We will see each other every day. How could we possibly beat you up!"

Lin Que pursed his lips: "What are the things in your hands for?"

Ye Ni quickly picked up the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand and peeled an apple for Lin Que: "Peel the fruit!"

Yang Dianfeng raised the trash can in his hand: "Ye Ni peels the apple, I use the trash can to collect the trash!"

"I use the mace to scratch my itch!"

"I use the double knives to shave my hair!"

"I use the stick..."

Lin Que was stunned by the various excuses!

The girl who danced the steel stick dance with a stick, come here, let's have a good chat.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I, Lin Que, am not an unreasonable person!"

"Ten B soul jades per person, let's let this matter pass, otherwise, I can't control myself!"

Lin Que took out a red button and his right index finger was about to click it tremblingly.


"Wait a minute!"

"Ten B-level soul jades, we'll give them to you!"

Lin Que's face regained its composure, his hands stopped shaking, and he looked very energetic!

"You should have said it earlier, you made me work so hard!"

"Come on, come on, line up!"

"For those who don't have soul jades, I support WeChat and Alipay here!"

"We don't support Huabei installment payment!"

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