The freshmen were stunned when they saw Lin Que riding away on a dragon.

We treated you as a brother, but you turned around and robbed us?

It's so unfair!

At this time.

The top leaders of Tiandao College also received the news that Lin Que was robbing everywhere.

Tang Xiaohu was stunned when he heard the report.

They already knew that Lin Que was a beastmaster, but what surprised them was.

When did the Thunder Dragon evolve into a three-clawed Thunder Dragon?

Zeng Deshuai rubbed his eyebrows worriedly: "That kid robbed old students everywhere. If this continues, I'm afraid the arrogance of this class of freshmen will be the strongest ever."

The reason why they arranged such a link was to kill the arrogance of many freshmen.

They were encouraged to practice hard, but now Lin Que has done this.

What a headache!

Tang Xiaohu's face darkened: "Where are the little guys in the top 20 of the Tianbang!"

The old student was beaten by a freshman, and he didn't even come out to help!

Are these still the students he teaches?

This is really the worst class of students I have ever taught.

Behind him, a tutor stepped out and said, "They are still practicing in the Tongtian Tower!"

The Tongtian Tower is a practice method of Tiandao Academy.

Not only does it require a high contribution value, but it also has conditional restrictions!

Ordinary students only have ten hours of practice time a month, and they have to queue up!

But as long as you enter the Tianbang, the time will be increased according to your ranking, and you don't have to queue up!

The Tongtian Tower has a total of 100 floors, and you will get corresponding rewards for each floor you go up!

The highest ranking of Tiandao Academy is Hua Fengliu, the first on the Tianbang!

Tang Xiaohu's face turned black when he heard it.

No wonder Lin Que can still be so arrogant at this time. It turns out that the top 20 people on the Tianbang are not here.

"Let the top 50 guys on the Heavenly Ranking come up to me. I don't believe that this guy is invincible."

Teacher: "Understood!"

After saying that, the teacher quickly withdrew and began to notify the top 50 students on the Heavenly Ranking to take action.

On the other side, Lin Que didn't know that he was arranged clearly again.

He was still immersed in the fun of robbery.

After some hard work, a total of 20 million contribution points were obtained.

Lin Que curled his lips: "These seniors are so poor, they only have such a small contribution value!"

The old student who was robbed by Lin Que turned green with anger when he heard Lin Que's words.

Listen to what he said, is this human talk?

These contribution points, but they saved up by eating frugally, but they were all robbed by Lin Que.

Stealing a chicken but losing a rice!


At this moment, a long spear in the sky cut through the sky and fell straight in front of Lin Que.

A deep pit was smashed into the ground, and the soul power emitted by the spear was terrifying!

Then, a figure landed on the spear, with his hands on his chest, staring at Lin Que with a cold face.

Lin Que looked up and saw the young man standing on the spear. He was slightly stunned and spoke subconsciously.

"Friend, does it hurt your feet when you step on the spear?"

Yun Yang: ? ? ?

Hearing Lin Que's words, he almost lost his balance and fell off the spear.

Do you know how to speak?

This is called the style of a master's appearance, you know nothing!

The people watching in secret poked their heads out and looked at Yun Yang with a shocked face.

"Look, isn't that Yun Yang who is ranked 37th on the Heavenly Ranking!"

"Tsk tsk, Lin Que has been robbing me all the way, which is undoubtedly a slap in my face, and now he has provoked all the guys on the Heavenly Ranking!"

"It's going to be a good show!"

"Haha, Yun Yang's soul power has already broken through level 73, teach Lin Que a lesson!"

Lin Que listened to everyone's comments.

Damn, level 73, and still a master of the Heavenly Ranking!

He must be very rich!

Yun Yang: "Boy, I heard you are awesome!"

Lin Que: "I don't know if I am awesome, but I can brag!"

Yun Yang: (→_→).

Boy, you are not good at chatting!

Your thoughts are very dirty!

"Lin Que, right? I know you!"

"Yun Huang is my sister!"

Lin Que was startled, no wonder he felt a sense of déjà vu, it turned out to be the Yun family of Shudu Province!


I beat up his two sisters, he is not here to seek revenge on me!

Yun Yang: "Don't worry, I have nothing to do with the Yun family. Not only am I not here to seek revenge on you, but I want to thank you!"

Lin Que's head was full of question marks.

I beat up his sister, and he wants to thank me?

What's wrong?

Yun Yang didn't explain anything more, jumped off the spear, and his soul power surged: "Let me see, are you really

Awesome, or just bragging! "

"Watch out for the gun!"

After saying that, Yun Yang, holding the martial spirit spear, attacked Lin Que.

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