The night is coming.

The bright moonlight is scattered all over the earth.

In the depths of a bamboo forest, colorful soul power fluctuations are heard, and an E-level ghost knocking ghost is desperately fleeing.

"First soul skill, soul-splitting!"

Suddenly, a figure leaps into the air.

Under the moonlight, the outline of Lin Que's facial features is revealed.

Lin Que's martial soul Chi You merged his arms, and the blue-red soul power fist prints rushed towards the knocking ghost.


The knocking ghost had no way to retreat, and was smashed to the ground by the fist print, turning into spots of light and disappearing, leaving only a piece of white soul jade, lying quietly on the ground.

Lin Que landed on the ground and picked up the knocking ghost jade on the ground. The remaining ghost energy on it flowed into his body along his arm and was absorbed.

Lin Que grinned.

Two hundred thousand in hand!

Five figures swarmed behind him!

"Tsk tsk, Lin Que, are you a monster? Killing an E-level knocking ghost with one punch!" Yuzhou smacked his lips. Even he was shocked by the power of that punch just now.

Is this guy really level 11 soul power?

So abnormal!

"It's normal. I only used one-third of my strength." Lin Que said with a smile.

Yuzhou's old face turned black, pointing at Lin Que and said, "Captain, can I beat him? He is pretending to be cool in front of me, so much!"

Listening to Yuzhou's words, everyone laughed.

"Haha, the guy who was a rookie not long ago has now become a veteran!" Chu Li was in a good mood. He had recruited a little monster!

"I still remember when Lin Que just joined the team, the vice-captain laughed at him!" Keke smiled sweetly and hugged Lin Que's arm affectionately.

"Hey, Keke, be careful, Lin Que is my future brother-in-law." Mo Xiu quickly pulled Keke away and educated him in a serious manner.

"Lin Que, if you don't restrain yourself, I'll tell Qingcheng."

Lin Que shrugged: "I can't help it, I'm handsome, how about I wear a mask next time I go out?"

"Yuzhou, do you still want to beat him up? Let's team up and beat him together!"


As they said, Mo Xiu and Yuzhou smiled lewdly and walked towards Lin Que with their hands rubbed.

"Don't come over here, otherwise, I'll call someone!" Lin Que was stunned and stepped back.

The next moment, he felt his body getting heavier and his movements became sluggish.

Not good!

Lin Que turned around mechanically and saw Fei Bo waving at him with a smirk on his face.

"Second soul skill, gravity magnetic field!"

"I'm holding it down, you guys hurry up!"

"Fei Bo, go to hell...ah!"


After a while, the whole bamboo forest echoed with Lin Que's screams.

"Captain, do you want help?" Ke Ke said reluctantly.

"Of course I have to help!"

Chu Li nodded seriously, rolled up his arms and said loudly.

"You three make room for me, I'm here!"

As he said that, Chu Li pulled out his belt.

Look at the brand, it's Seven Wolves!

He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

I remember when Lin Que first joined the team, he gave him a heavy hammer, but he couldn't retaliate because of his captain's identity.

Now it's finally his turn.

"No hope!" Ke Ke sighed, holding his forehead, and silently prayed for Lin Que in his heart.

What a pity!

"Hey, try harder!"

Lin Que lay on the ground, his skin turned as bright and hard as black iron.

Black iron body!

"Fuck, no more fighting!"

Chu Li threw the seven wolves to the ground fiercely, stepped on them twice in anger, and turned back to pick them up and tied them around his waist again after walking a few steps.

No way.

Branded goods, expensive!

Mo Xiu and others also lost interest.

Lin Que's terrifying body could not be shaken at all without using soul power.

Even if soul power was used, it was not certain that he could beat him.

Of course, they were just joking with each other, and using soul power was not a possibility.

"Don't want to fight anymore?"

Lin Que stretched his body, yawned, and said in a mean way: "No, I'm going home to sleep."

"By the way, Captain, don't forget what you promised me, come to Canglan Academy tomorrow to serve as our sparring partner!"

Lin Que came to the Mu Blade Yuling Group this time, not only to make extra money, but also for the Lie Blade Yuling Group he had just formed.

The Lie Blade Yuling Group had just been formed, and the teamwork was extremely poor.

If they wanted to compete with the old Yuling Group in the autumn hunting in half a month, they had to improve their teamwork.

Otherwise, no matter how strong their individual strength was, they would still be a mess.

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