Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 105: Is the beginning or end of me and him

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Fu Xishen only spent the night with Meng Jingwen and went to the United States for a few days. Did Fu Xishen say that he would give Ms. Fu's position to Ms. Jingwen.

Oh, the relationship between them is really good. "Even if it's Lord Zhu, that's going to happen. As long as Fu Xishen and I haven't gotten divorced in a day, this Fu's family will be my deal. Even if you are young, it doesn't mean I want you to bully my maid. !"Gu Ninghuan stepped down

Stairs, step by step toward the little.

Xiao Ning was picked up by Gu Ninghuan, and she still has a shadow on Gu Ninghuan's heart. The distance between the two is good, but as long as Gu Ninghuan approaches her, she wants to run away.

Little hiding behind the housekeeper brought, do not want to be close to Gu Ninghuan.

"I don't care about you now! When Daddy Xishen comes back, I will let him take the lead for me!" Little hid behind the housekeeper, and spoke fiercely.

After hearing this, Gu Ning smiled, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes. She just raised her hand slightly, and the butler brought by Xiao was suppressed by Fu Jia's bodyguard.

As for Xiao Xiao, she was pushed out. She stood in front of Gu Ninghuan, her stature was not high, but her eyes were fierce.

Before seeing Xiao Xiao, Gu Ninghuan really felt like in social news, those hurting children were very far away from her, but after seeing Xiao Xiao, he realized that age can never represent the heart. "What do you want to do? I tell you, I know it all. Sister Jingwen said, she will soon be pregnant with the father of Xishen's father. By then, the entire Fu family will be Sister Jingwen. Fuck off!" Little voice is not loud

, But every word is clearly passed into Gu Ninghuan, and Song Ci ears standing beside her. Song Ci has always been able to endure his anger. After hearing Xiao Xiao said this, she finally couldn’t help it. She rushed forward: “You’re talking nonsense, Meng Jing’s diploma is more like our family’s Ning Huan. I can't match a single hair!

Such people also want to marry Mr. Fu, dream! "

"Then wait until Meng Jingwen is pregnant with Fu Xishen's child, at least before that, I can still pack you up, are you right?" Gu Ninghuan still smiled, Yun Danfeng lightly saw no sadness.

She turned her head and said to the maid standing in the distance: "Take the rope and tie the little one here. When will the sun get heat stroke? When will I let her go back."

Xiao Xiao heard Gu Ninghuan say that she was going to go forward with her desperately, but she was pushed away by Song Ci.

The maid got Gu Ninghuan's order, and immediately took the rope and chair, tied the little one firmly to the chair, and allowed her to expose to the temperature of more than thirty degrees. Gu Ninghuan just meant to punish Xiao Xiao for hurting others, and she didn’t want to make a life out of her. She was worried that Xiao Xiao would be exposed to problems. Every half an hour, there was a doctor to help Xiao Xiao check her body. Sprinkle ice water on the little one

So that she won't get sunburned.

Gu Ninghuan ordered such an act to protect the little life to the greatest extent, but it also prolonged the torture of the intense heat.

In the beginning, Xiaoping still had the strength to scold Gu Ninghuan, but he couldn't even say a single word after exposure to the sun.

It must be said that Gu Ninghuan thought that when he was a child, he had a little affection for his shot.

But the butler brought by Xiao Xiao did not have such good luck. He was beaten by dozens of bodyguards and broke three ribs stiffly. Only then was Gu Ninghuan and Xiao Xiao who had passed out and sent them back. Where to come.

"Ning Huan, are you unhappy these days because of Mr. Fu and Meng Jingwen?" Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan with a heartache.

Gu Ninghuan lay softly on the coffee table and nodded.

"Are you really sure that there is a relationship between Mr. Fu and Meng Jingwen?" Song Ci still didn't believe it. No matter how he looked, he felt that Mr. Fu was not like this kind of person.

Gu Ninghuan rested his chin on his arm: "I flew to Jiangcheng and walked outside the door of Fuxishen Hotel. I heard that they were..."

For the rest, Gu Ninghuan did not continue, but Song Ci already understood.

She felt that Gu Ninghuan knew that Mr. Fu was cheating, it was already a very painful thing for her, but she never thought that she had heard it with her own ears.

For Gu Ninghuan, this is undoubtedly a kind of Ling Chi, and it may not be more painful than Ling Chi.

After the body's wound time has passed, it can still be healed, but what about the pain in the heart?

"What do you want to do?" Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan, how much she hoped she could share Gu Ninghuan's pain.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes dropped slightly: "I need to think about it, Fu Xi has rescued me so many times, without him, I would have died in that car accident.    And you know, he never liked me, our marriage was one At first it was just a combination of families. For marriages among the rich, you are qualified to ask for everything. The only thing you should not ask for is loyalty to each other. Because loyalty is

There are things that only exist under the premise of two emotions, and I have no relationship with him..."

Song Ci moved his lips, trying to say what he wanted to say, but in the end he said nothing.

Gu Ninghuan is very thorough and very clear, but the truth is ultimately the truth, and knowing the truth does not mean that it will not be sad.

"Since what you think is so clear, what is the kraft paper bag handed to you a few days before the cold?" Song Ci thought of the paper bag solemnly locked in the drawer by Gu Ninghuan.

"It's the beginning or end of me and him."

United States, New York, at eight in the evening.

Fu Xishen has just finished a video conference. He has been sleeping for a few days, and the crisis that would have taken half a month to deal with has ended in seven days.

Tomorrow, he will be able to return to Kyoto.

Looking at the night outside, he remembered Gu Ninghuan and couldn't help hooking his lips.

In the past few days, he has been working at high pressure, but he has contacted Gu Ninghuan from time to time, but the little woman who was still reluctant to him at the time of the break, was ruthless and did not give him back at all.

Earlier he thought that Gu Ninghuan had an accident. Later, the housemaid at home told him that Gu Ninghuan's friends had been eating and living with her for the past few days.

Thinking of this, Fu Xi's eyes narrowed, but he just went on a business trip, and Gu Ninghuan didn't give him a half response for her friend.

Was he in Gu Ninghuan's heart, he didn't have the weight to such a degree.

"President, I have booked a ticket to return home at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." The assistant knocked on the door and said.

Fu Xishen glanced sideways at the assistant and then said: "Notify Fu's family that I will return home tomorrow, let Gu Ninghuan pick up the phone."    Assistant slightly stunned, why the president did not call to say this thing, clearly he can feel In the past few days, the president has been looking at the mobile phone, seemingly waiting for the news of the mobile phone.

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