Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 109: Are you going to divorce me?

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The assistant watched Fu Xishen's tall figure walking out of the office, and the whole person was stunned.

After watching Fu Xishen disappear within his line of sight, he reacted reluctantly. The president is worried about the wife of the president, so are you going to find her?

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed, and she was awake now, but after she woke up, she was far more painful than in a coma.

She was curled into a small ball under the quilt. She only felt that someone was hitting her head with a hammer, which made her uncomfortable.

"Young lady, this is a prescription for you by the doctor, as long as you drink the medicine, you can get better." The housekeeper stood beside her bed with a bowl of dark-colored things. But the housekeeper only came to her, and the pungent and bitter smell of Chinese medicine passed into her nose. Gu Ninghuan's beautiful brows wrinkled in an instant, and she retracted her body further into the quilt, talking The voice is muffled: "You leave

Just do it, I'll drink it when I get better. "

The housekeeper listened to Gu Ninghuan's voice, but didn't believe that Gu Ninghuan would drink this bowl of medicine by himself, but Gu Ninghuan was usually easy-going and compassionate to them, but that was also the hostess of this family.

She didn't want to drink medicine, and no matter how worried they were, she dared not go up and lift her quilt and force her to take medicine.

Just when the butler wanted to continue to persuade, he saw that the door was opened, and Fu Xishen walked in with long legs.

His face is not good, especially after seeing a small bump on the bed, his face is even worse. The maid standing behind the housekeeper saw Fu Xishen's face was not good, thinking that he was going to reprimand Gu Ninghuan, and anxiously explained to Gu Ninghuan: "Young Master, Young Lady is still ill. happy,

Don't worry about the young lady. "

Fu Xi glanced at the maid without a word.

The butler put the medicine bowl on Gu Ninghuan's bedside table, and then took the maid out.

Gu Ninghuan didn't even know that the housekeeper had left. He was planning to bury his body deeper in the quilt, but he was stretched out and held out of the quilt.

"What are you doing?" Gu Ninghuan was deeply embraced by Fu Xi, his cheek resting on the man's shoulder, and the voice of his mouth was so dumb that she couldn't even hear it because of illness.

Fu Xi's deep ossified hand touched her forehead to feel the temperature of her body at this time, and the tone was dull: "Drink medicine."

"I'll wait until you go out and drink, Fu Xishen, no matter how much you hate me now, but can you look at me at this time... and let me go uncomfortably." Gu Ninghuan really thinks she Very uncomfortable.

She is now very close to Fu Xishen, so close that she can clearly smell the good smell of the man. Gu Ninghuan likes Fu Xishen's taste, but when he picked up the medicine bowl on the bedside table, her little body subconsciously wanted to escape, but Fu Xishen reached out and held her waist directly: "If you don't drink, I will Feed you personally, when the time comes

Waiting is not such a simple feed. "

She heard Fu Xishen's excessive words, struggling to lift her heavy eyelids and looking at the indifferent and serious man in front of her, she felt that he was too bad.

She is obviously so uncomfortable now, but Fu Xishen actually still threatens her, and Gu Ninghuan thinks that if Meng Jingwen suddenly ran into her, she might not have such a serious illness suddenly.

Fu Xishen forcibly put Baiyu pill on her lips, with a very pale tone but a strong force that does not allow rejection: "Drink."

Gu Ninghuan looked at her with red eyes, her lips slightly opened and she wanted to be coquettish.

But Fu Xishen's expression was even more cold-hearted, understatement: "Coquetry is useless."

Such a simple sentence blocked all the words that Gu Ninghuan wanted to escape. She could only drink the Chinese medicine on her lips with a scalp.

Drinking the Chinese medicine in one breath would not make her more comfortable. When Fu Xishen took the bowl away, she would spit it out almost immediately.

But at this moment, she was forced to put something in her mouth, and she tasted a touch of sweet and sour as soon as the tip of her tongue touched, which greatly diminished the bitterness between her lips and teeth due to Chinese medicine.

It was really delicious. Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes and touched the palm of Fu Xi’s deep space softly with his small hand: "I still want to eat."

"Can only eat one."

His refusal made Gu Ninghuan feel wronged, she gave a glare to the man with little force.

After feeding the medicine, Fu Xishen placed Gu Ninghuan on the bed. After Gu Ninghuan was free, he almost immediately reached the other side of the bed and pulled the distance away from the man.

Fu Xishen didn't want to worry about Gu Ninghuan, but she was so obnoxious that she was so resistant to avoiding him.

But in the end, he considered Gu Ninghuan's body, but he could not bear his dissatisfaction.

Gu Ninghuan was displeased when she heard the closing of the door. She was clearly watching TV shows, and her husband’s husband was taking medicine carefully, even his wife would take care of any unhappy emotions.

But Fu Xishen! Even feeding a medicine is so strong, even the preserved fruit will not let her eat too much.

Now after feeding the medicine, she left, and she didn't even care about her at all. Gu Ninghuan even thought, if Fu Xishen came back specifically this afternoon, did he want to divorce her?

First feed the medicine to coax her, then talk to her about the divorce agreement.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan's hand under the quilt slowly tightened. Does Fu Xishen really like Meng Jingwen a little more?

She closed her eyes and felt dizzy. The interweaving of dreams and reality made her tortured.

Gu Ninghuan frowned, waving his hands and not sleeping comfortably. Fu Xi was deeply aware of her uneasiness, opened the corner of the quilt, and the whole person was lying on the other side of her.

Probably aware of the familiar and reassuring taste of the man, Fu Xishen only lay down beside her, and Gu Ninghuan's soft body leaned into his arms spontaneously.

When the man saw this, he smiled dumbly and bowed his head to kiss her soft and tender cheeks, if Gu Ninghuan in the daytime seemed to be so clever at this time.

When Gu Ninghuan woke up, he only felt that his body was better than half.

One of the characteristics of youth is that it is extremely self-healing.

She sat on the bed and looked at the empty room. She vaguely remembered that Fu Xishen had returned, but then she denied her idea.

To say that the cold man like Fu Xishen deliberately came back from the company to divorce Meng Jingwen, maybe she really believed it.

But deliberately came back to feed her medicine, this is simply the biggest joke this year.  She reached out and rubbed her belly, decided not to think about Fu Xishen's man anymore, she was hungry, and when she was full she thought about what she should do next.

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