Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 122: Run after finishing

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When Gu Shi walked to the hotel, he wanted to listen to Uncle's words to help convince Grandpa Gu.

But they were almost there, but I saw Gu Ninghuan and Grandpa Gu at the door of the hotel. It was really annoying to watch the two of them stand and talk together.

At the same time, she also felt that Gu's family was too vicious. She was clearly framed by Gu Ninghuan and had not been out of prison for long.

Grandpa Gu forgot about the injuries she had suffered, and actually talked and laughed with Gu Ninghuan.

"Yes! But how did Gu Ninghuan stay with an old man, don't..." Gu Shi frowned slightly, and was a little puzzled in his words. Jiang Yiyue, who stood beside her, heard Gu Shi say this, and disgust appeared in her eyes: "Gu Ninghuan was just a playmate that your family adopted from a young age, but she wears a big line all day long and wears more jewelry than you. Expensive, wouldn’t it be someone else

Keep it up! ”  ” In January, you must not talk nonsense, I believe that Ning Huan is not such a person, the jewelry on her body must be loaned to her by others, or she bought it by working alone. "Gu Shi seemed very nervous, and was a little flustered for Gu Ning.

release. But what she said made Jiang Yiyue more certain that Gu Ninghuan was engaged in the industry of "three abuses": "Gu Shi! You are too simple, so you will always be bullied by Gu Ninghuan. Look at her on weekdays The car you drive here has the lowest price

There are less than seven million!

What's more, Gu Ninghuan wasn't a rich man like you. What qualifications does she have to know rich people and let them lend her money? "Gu Shi shook his lips, it seemed that he didn't think Gu Ninghuan would actually do something like this: "No, we must have misunderstood something, Ning Huan must not do such a thing, I want to go up Ask her, ask her whether she is

Why be with that old man! ”   finished, Gu Shi took a step forward, but was pulled back by Jiang Yiyue forcefully: “Gu Shi, don’t stop being stupid anymore, you go up now, Gu Ninghuan will definitely not admit it In this case, what else do you ask.


After finishing speaking, Jiang took out his mobile phone in January and happened to take a picture of Gu Ninghuan standing in front of Grandpa Gu. Even she had not forgotten to take the luxury car around Grandpa Gu.

"What did you do in January, you quickly deleted the photo, otherwise Ning Huan would have no way to be a man if it was sent out!" Gu Shi said anxiously, but Jiang Yiyue put the phone behind him. She bitterly persuaded: "Gu Shi, can you not be stupid, have you forgotten Sitong? She just offended Gu Ninghuan, and was raped by Gu Ninghuan, and then she Hit her upside down to get her in

It’s not because you couldn’t get out of the police station until now! Gu Ninghuan is so cruel, do you still have to take into account the past sentiments?

Moreover, since Gu Ninghuan was picked up from the garbage dump, then you should pierce her true face in front of Gu's family, so that she can't stay at Gu's home! "

Seeing Jiang Yiyue mentioned that Gu Family Gu Shi's face flashed unnaturally: "No, I don't want to touch Gu Family about things between me and Ning Huan."

Jiang Yiyue didn't know why, and clearly Gu Ninghuan did so many ethical deeds, but Gu Shi has been reluctant to tell Gu's family what Gu Ninghuan did.

Why should Gu Ninghuan always be shielded like this!

Gu Ninghuan returned to Gu's house, but Fu Xishen hadn't returned. She took the book about business administration that her brother had found for her and went to the study.

She really didn't know anything about business. Today, I was lucky to find Huicheng's land antique news.

At the same time, it was also because the last generation of Huicheng discovered that the antiquities were too loud, so Gu Ninghuan connected everything together.

Next time, I won't necessarily be so lucky. I thought of Gu Ninghuan's open book.

Anyway, from now on, she should have a good knowledge of books, hoping to help her brother protect Gu family as soon as possible.

When Fu Xishen came home, the night outside was already dark. He walked upstairs and saw the door of the study was hidden, and there was a faint light.

He pushed open the door of the room, the thick carpet sucked in the footsteps of the man, his cold eyes fell on Gu Ninghuan, and saw her sleeping on the books.

Fu Xishen stepped forward and glanced to see that she was reading an entry-level book on business management. Why was she suddenly interested in doing business?

Gu Ninghuan, who had fallen asleep, only felt that there was a shadow in front of her eyes. She opened her eyes, saw Fu Xishen standing in front of her, and said softly, "Are you back?"

Fu Xishen saw that there was no clearness in her eyes, and she knew how conscious she was now.

He pointed his finger at Gu Ninghuan's eyebrows, and he gave a light hum.

Fu Xishen was right, Gu Ninghuan didn't wake up at this time.

After hearing Fu Xishen's answer, she didn't react and didn't even change her posture, so she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

When the man saw Gu Ninghuan's appearance of being so obedient and clever, his heart had already softened into a piece, and the tender touch from his fingertips made him unable to pull away. He slid down Gu Ninghuan's eyebrows to her red and slightly curled lips. When he was about to withdraw his fingers and hug Gu Ninghuan back to bed, she was sleeping, just like what she felt, with a pink tongue. Stretched out,

A round of Fu Xishen's fingertips.

Then, as if she had encountered something new, she touched it carefully with the tip of her tongue before slowly closing it back.

Fu Xishen: "..."

At this time, how much he wanted to reach out and wake up this little woman who ran away after finishing, and let her be responsible to herself.

But when he saw Gu Ninghuan, who was sleeping sweetly at this time, his hand still stopped helplessly in the middle of the air, and still hugged her.

Gu Ninghuan would enjoy it even in her sleep. She found a comfortable position in Fu Xishen's arms and slept deep.

Gu Ninghuan in her sleep only felt that she had slept quite well at first, but then she seemed to have fallen into soft cotton, and she slept not so well.

She could feel someone licking her lips, making her breathing uncomfortable, Gu Ninghuan was not happy, and she sobbed her small hand and wanted to push away the things that pressed on her lips.

But the outstretched little hand was caught by someone, and she pressed hard, making her unable to resist.

Fu Xi looked deeply at the gasped little woman in her arms, only to feel more tight.   Fu Xishen suddenly raised a bit of anger, but Wen Xiangrenyu couldn’t do anything in his arms. His nose was surrounded by Gu Ninghuan’s unique sweet fragrance, which made the man reluctant to let go.

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