Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 143: The dirty reputation of Peripheral Girl

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After the news came out, the WeChat group almost exploded.

In recent years, things that are unclear to college students and married tutors have been highly concerned in the society.

Even Beijing University, known as the top university, was unavoidably found a few cases, but Beijing University is absolutely forbidden for students and teachers to fall in love.

Once discovered, neither teachers nor students will stay.

And if the top universities like Beijing University use this reason to get rid of their names.

Then no matter what university in the country there will be no place for them.

Gu Ninghuan has always been unconcerned about such headless news.

In an era where even photos and videos can be forged by looking at angles, what credibility can be achieved with just a few rumors.

But Gu Ninghuan did not want to believe the rumors, but it did not mean that the rumors would let her go.

She glanced casually at the chat log and found that there were not many people who directly suspected her.

Gu Ninghuan was already at the top level because he changed his makeup and hairstyle.

Some time ago, in the school flower selection of the Beijing University Forum, she even relied on a photo taken by someone else to win the name of the Beijing University school flower with the advantage of crushing others.

Besides, she didn't treat herself seriously in daily wear and tears, and this time the final score was a very high score.

All these factors collided, almost made her the most suitable for the gossip.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to explain, but was afraid of getting darker.

She simply closed the chat page in the group, and she didn't worry about others' conjecture.

When I went downstairs to dinner and went to work at Warner as usual, I sat down and saw a thick stack of information directly on her desktop: "This is the information to be used for the meeting at three in the afternoon.

Gu Ninghuan looked up at Alice and nodded to know.

Alice looked at Gu Ninghuan so well, and smiled coldly: "Gu Ninghuan, I now find that looking pretty is really good."

"What do you mean?" Gu Ninghuan didn't quite understand. Alice glanced up and down at her: "This skirt on your body is a new model made by a big French brand. It hasn't started selling in China. The wife of the president of Warner was still nagging last time and said she helped her daughter a lot. Can't buy

By this skirt, you a little intern got it very well. "

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, and all the skirts at home were ordered by Fu Xishen.

She was not very clear about the way she came, and there was no explanation for Alice's question.

She came to Warner only for an internship, just to get in touch with the job she will face in advance.

She doesn't plan to change her clothes for the eyes of others.

In those days when she was wronged for the comfort of others, she had spent enough of her life in front of Gu Shi and Ji Zixing. She should never go on in this life.

Seeing that Gu Ninghuan didn't answer, Alice was more firm in her inner thoughts. It seems that the post in the forum last night was really true.

This intern named Gu Ninghuan really had an improper relationship with the senior management.

When the document was processed, Gu Ninghuan moved his neck, which was almost half-stiff.

Although the time was a little tight, the documents were all processed before leaving get off work at noon.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the extra document on the right hand side, which was given to her by Alice just now, and it seems that overtime will be completed at noon.

She got up and took the empty coffee cup and walked to the pantry. Before pushing the door in, she heard Alice’s charming voice: "You remember to hand over the work to Gu Ninghuan in the afternoon! Don't do it yourself, she still doesn't know how long she can practice here, when it can be used Should still be used more

. "

"Relax, Alice. It's really easy to have a few intern like Gu Ninghuan."  "But I heard that Gu Ninghuan was born in Beijing University before, but it was not a film and television major. At that time, I was still a little worried. I just thought it was a yellow jacket with no strength. Now when I look at the personnel department, it is because of her strength that I let

She came in. "

The voices of the other two women are very young, and Gu Ninghuan can’t recognize them just by listening to them, but she should not have a deep relationship with her.

Gu Ninghuan is mentally prepared for the old staff bullying the interns. Besides, to do more work, it is not unbearable for her.

She didn't want to make trouble for such a thing. "She really has a little skill, otherwise how can you seduce the company's top management, you see how she wears gold and silver every day, a small piece of jewelry on her body is almost worth our three-year salary!" Alice sneered. Tone of voice

Both are disgusted by Gu Ninghuan.

"So what do you mean, Gu Ninghuan is a high-level mistress of our company?" A curious voice sounded, a little surprised in his words.

Another voice was a little uncertain: "Are you talking about the truth? But I read Gu Ninghuan's resume. She lives in Gu's villa and should be a relative of Gu's family.

Since it is related to Gu's family, he will not be a mistress anyway, and Gu is not short of these pieces of jewelry money. "

Alice took a sip of the tea in her hand slowly: "I said that you are too naive, and you are either Gu and live in Gu's family or Gu's family.

Anyway, Gu's family is not a big man. Isn't it possible to take a few cats and dogs to play with? Gu Ninghuan is more than just being a mistress. I heard that she has sold before. "

"What? What looks so beautiful, why is it so dirty!"   "It turns out that Gu Ninghuan is the legendary high-education female, really can't see it. It is estimated that the male colleagues in the office who hold her as a girl are important. Broken, they are afraid of a sudden and beautiful woman when they think about it, they are actually two thousand a night

color. "

Alice couldn't help laughing: "I look at Gu Ninghuan's clothes and I know that she sells more than two thousand every night, but we should go and find out where she sells another day, or go..."


The door of the pantry was kicked by Gu Ninghuan, and she walked with cold face and stood in front of Alice: "Who said you sold it?"

Alice saw Gu Ninghuan kick in the door suddenly, a panic flashed in her eyes.

But after looking at the intern sign hanging on her neck, she suddenly got angry.

It's ridiculous that she needs to be afraid of something. Gu Ninghuan, who is a waiter in Israel, will sooner or later because of the decay of sex, how can she be compared with her regular employees.

"What am I saying wrong? Gu Ninghuan, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me!

Warner’s rules for accepting interns are not for non-film majors, and even many film and television interns in foreign universities are rejected!

I was an intern at the beginning of the examination and took three years to get in. You told me, why did you intern here? Not relying on your beautiful face! "Alice's words were full of disdain.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how she entered Warner.

But just because she doesn't know how to get into Warner, should she bear Alice's rumors behind her.  Should she be willing to accept the dirty reputation of peripheral women? Never possible!

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