Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 148: So I'm unspoken

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"Repeat what you just said."

"I didn't go to any club at all. I didn't pay Gu Ninghuan for a month's salary. It was because of my face that I said this deliberately... Alice, you really misunderstood Gu Ninghuan."

Pan Hui's aching tooth trembles, and when he finished talking, he had a cold sweat.

Alice did not expect that Pan Hui, who seemed so honest and honest, could actually say that.

What I didn't even think of was that she would have fallen into such a situation because of Gu Ninghuan's words.

"Drag it."

Fu Xi spoke coldly and coldly, and Alice and Pan Hui were taken down by the bodyguards.

"What are you going to do! Mr. Fu! I'm wrong, Mr. Fu, please forgive me, and I will never... Ah!" Alice's miserable voice came, and Monica standing beside was shocked.

Frightened and thankful in her heart, fortunately, she did not participate in Alice and Pan Hui.

"Warner Company will never allow anyone who is a rumors colleague to exist. Do you understand what to say when you go out?" Fu Xishen's tone was cold, with a dangerous breath.

Monica nodded hurriedly: "I understand, I will explain to Gu Ninghuan, if there are more artificial rumor interns in the future, I will immediately report to my boss."

"Go out."

"Thank you Mr. Fu."

When Monica saw Mr. Fu agree to let her go, the whole person was relieved and wanted to leave the room with a run.

Of course Gu Ninghuan didn't wait long, and walked out behind Monica, but his wrists were held lightly.

She was startled, and if Monica turned around and saw Fu Xishen grabbing her wrist, she would be all over.

But it didn't happen that Monica walked out of the room like an escape, without even turning her head back.

"You all go out."

Fu Xi opened his mouth lightly, and the bodyguards who had stood in the hotel room quietly closed the door and retreated.

In the huge hotel presidential suite, the two of them are left.

The room, which was still full of cold bloodthirsty breath, became ambiguous in an instant.

"Mr. Fu, please let go of your hand. I'm going home." Gu Ninghuan desperately wanted to clear his relationship with Fu Xi.

For her, public is private or private, especially her colleagues at Warner also eat in the banquet room under the hotel room.

How could she be held so grandly by Fu Xishen.

"Mr. Fu?" The three words formulated in this way gave Fu Xi a deep play in his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan was a little strange in Fu Xishen's light tone.

She cleared her throat: "Mr. Fu, thank you for the rectification of the Warner overall intern just now, but it is now off-duty time and my own personal time. In order to avoid suspicion, you should keep a distance from me."

Fu Xi smiled and sneered, seeing Gu Ninghuan so desperately want to draw a line with him, he was still dissatisfied.

Obviously, she was very happy not to chat with Pan Hui just for dinner. How did you get to him, she became so resistant.

He took Gu Ninghuan's hand and pulled it slightly, so that she could not control her body and fell towards him.

When Gu Ninghuan responded, the whole person was already sitting on his lap.

"Fu Xishen, you let me go! What should I do if someone sees it, so I don't know what rumors are coming."

Gu Ninghuan felt that Fu Xishen at this time was really not right, obviously in her impression.

Fu Xishen has always been a public official, and even she divorced him early in her life, but Meng Jingwen has always been by his side.

But even so, Fu Xishen never recognized Meng Jingwen's identity in public, even until she died.

She has never seen Fu Xishen admit any woman.

In the end why, Fu Xishen and her are just marriages of giants.

Why did he never marry again within a few years of divorcing her.

Is it because Fu Xishen was scared by the hysterics when she divorced.

So there has been fear of women since then, and he has fallen in love with men since he divorced her...

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen's eyes with a strange expression.

"Just chatting with Pan Hui just now, why not with me, eh?" The more she resisted, the more disgruntled his face was.

Gu Ninghuan regained his consciousness: "Look at what you said, the conversation between me and Pan Hui is nothing but a colleague, no matter how caring someone is, there is no way to make a rumor.

But don't say anything to you, even if you look at it from afar, I can be edited by the girl who likes you and slaps out 18,000 words of intern trainees to seduce President Gao Leng's words. "

Speaking of which, Gu Ninghuan is still vigorous.

Today, so many people stared at Fu Xishen. She didn’t dare to look at him because she wanted to avoid her eyes.

Who knows if Fu Xishen carried her and kissed me with other girls, hum!

"In this case, it would be better to sit down." Fu Xi's nose tip was close to her slightly bulged cheek, with a low smile in her throat.

Gu Ninghuan felt the danger in his words, reached out and shoved the man's chest, his slender legs lifted in the air, and wanted to leave.

But her struggle made the man hug her more tightly. She was picked up by the whole person and thrown on the bed. Gu Ninghuan hurriedly got up and looked at the man in front of her with vigilance: "Fu...Fu Xishen, calm down, the employees of Warner are still downstairs, I Now the identity is your subordinate

! "

"Well, so I'm unspoken."

Fu Xi's deep-skinned hands pulled the tie off his shirt and smiled on his lips. It seemed that there was evil spirit in it.

Gu Ninghuan doesn't mind having a relationship with Fu Xishen, but she really cares about having a relationship with Fu Xishen here.

She was gradually forced into the corner by Fu Xishen.

A cross in my heart, seeing a gap, the whole person rushed towards that place vigorously.

But her little trick had already been seen through by him, but the man only moved slightly, and Gu Ninghuan hit him all over.

Fu Xishen embraced her waist, and the two bodies rolled on the soft bed.

Especially at this time Gu Ninghuan was still sitting on Fu Xishen's body, and his head was his **** and excellent appearance, shaking her heart.

Who said that only men in this world will be fascinated by sex.

In the face of a handsome man like Fu Xishen, even Gu Ninghuan who met him every day couldn't help being attracted to him.

But her surviving reason forced her to look away.

Instead of looking at Fu Xishen under him, he turned his face to reveal a slender neck, and his cheeks were even more red.

"Fu Xishen, you... don't do this."

"It's obviously your initiative. It turns out that you like this position." Fu Xishen's voice was lazy.  Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, and only thought how Fu Xishen could reverse black and white so much.

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