Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 166: Gu Ninghuan hurt her

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All of the following in the press release are all scolding against Teacher Zhang, saying that he is simply not worthy of being a teacher.

When Mrs. Zhang's wife came to find the vice principal, she just wanted to clean up the female students who seduce their old Zhang.

She didn't want to bring this matter to her husband at all.

But now the news of Lao Zhang's derailment has been put on the hot news.

If things go wrong and become social news, does that mean that her old Zhang is not only to be fired.

What's more, there is no way to be a teacher in this life.

Gu Shi stood in the office and tried her best to minimize her presence.

She has already seen the news of Teacher Zhang. The girls in the news do look at the back like Gu Ninghuan.

But when she saw her face, she and Gu Ninghuan were two people. She was now protected by Mr. Fu.

Gu Shi is not an opponent at all, and he should not be tough.

Gu Ninghuan was very satisfied with the news that popped up, and the voice of false crying stopped slowly.

Fu Xishen is enough to punish the vice principal.

Seeing the end of Teacher Zhang and the vice-principal, the class leader could not understand how to do it.

As if he had made up his mind, he walked slowly to Gu Ninghuan: "Gu Ninghuan, sorry, I misunderstood you. I apologize to you now, can you forgive me."

Gu Ninghuan is in a good mood now. She looks at the squad leader and does not want to drive him to a dead end.

"As long as you clarify the rumors you made, I can assume that this has never happened." Gu Ninghuan said, and finally chose to let the squad leader go.

The squad leader heard her say that it was like an amnesty.

Nodded hurriedly, and repeatedly promised to help Gu Ninghuan clarify, and then hurried out.

Mrs. Zhang’s wife took the phone and rushed out with her. She is now going to her old Zhang.

In a huge office, only Gu Shi was left.

Gu Ninghuan was too lazy to even look at Gu Shi, and took Fu Xishen to go out.

Gu Shi sighed with relief, and Gu Ninghuan left. Does this mean she is safe now.

As long as she can keep the reputation of Miss Gu Jiada.

Well, the loss she suffered from the vice principal today can be recovered in the future.

Gu Shi only felt that Gu Ninghuan was stupid at this time. She spent so much effort to drive the vice principal and teacher Zhang out of the school.

It does not mean indirectly that almost everyone who knows Gu Shi's identity is expelled from the school.

Now the school knows that she is not Miss Gu Jia, except for the monitor, only Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci.

The squad leader's useless uselessness only requires her to hook her finger, so that he can coax him to keep silent.

With such a thought, Gu Shi's originally uneasy heart also stabilized.

She walked out of the vice principal's office and had not yet left the school.

I saw that the entrance of the school had been surrounded by the crowd, and there was also the sound of insults and beatings.

The cursed male voice was familiar, and she waited until she squeezed into the crowd before she saw the gentle teacher Zhang. At this time, he was grabbing his wife’s hair and slaps her in the face with her hand, and she still scolded: “It’s all because of the misfortune caused by you bitch, that’s why you made things so big that led to my resignation. , Now not only can I not be a teacher all my life

, Even more scolded by the whole network teacher, you are satisfied! "

Teacher Zhang’s wife changed to the headmaster Su’s office and faced Gu Ninghuan’s spicy appearance. Instead, she cried pitifully: “This thing really has nothing to do with me. I really don’t know that Gu Ninghuan will be Fu. ..."

"Slap, you are still quibbling about things!"

Teacher Zhang's wife hadn't finished speaking yet, and Teacher Zhang was slapped again and slapped her face fiercely.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Gu Shi only felt that the dog biting the dog, whether it was Teacher Zhang or his wife, was not worthy of sympathy for Gu Shi.

But Mr. Fu's shot is really much more cruel than Gu Ninghuan.

She still shouldn't stay in school to avoid meeting Mr. Fu and causing unnecessary trouble.

Thinking of this, Gu Shi hurried back to Gu's house in a taxi.

She had just walked out of the car and the cell phone that had been in her bag rang.

Gu Shi picked up the phone and saw that Jiang had called him in January, hesitated, but still connected, and hadn't waited for Gu Shi to speak.

I heard Jiang Yiyue sneer: "Gu Shi, I really didn't think you were this kind of person. Didn't you tell me that you are Gu's granddaughter? How did the school forum say you were just a dog picked up by Gu's family!"

"What are you talking about? I'm Grandpa Gu's granddaughter. Besides, I believe in the forum posts? Who doesn't know there are rumors out there!" Gu Shi's hand held the phone tightly, and her fingertips were too much It becomes white with force.

Could this be Gu Ninghuan's revenge on her, did she actually want to break her identity in such a decisive way?

"You are still lying right now. You should go and read the forum posts yourself. I believe that after reading it, you should have no face and continue to call yourself Miss Gu Jia!"

Gu Shi, who is not Miss Gu's family, has no value for her to do something small!

Gu Shi's face turned pale when he saw that Jiang Yiyue dared to hang up his phone.

She doesn't have time to worry about Jiang Yiyue now, and she is on the school forum.

When I opened that post, the first thing I saw in my eyes was the photo of her reviewer who was Gu Yanling's.

The photo is not so clear because of its age, but in the eyebrows, it is still easy to recognize that Gu Shi is standing next to Gu Yan.

The moment Gu Shi saw this photo, her blood was condensed into ice because she was too scared. She stood there like a wooden sculpture.

The post explained in detail how Gu Shi came to Gu's house, and explained that Miss Gu's only one from beginning to end, that is Gu Ninghuan.

The appearance of this post made Gu Ninghuan's suspicion that Gu Shi was suspected of being guilty because of Gu Shi's rumors.

In order to help Gu Ninghuan to clear the rumors, he even specially transferred the post to WeChat group to help Gu Ninghuan explain.

As soon as this news came out, Gu Shi's micro-signal was completely exploded, and there was a continuous sound of information. Gu Shi knew that it was all sent by those who questioned her.

Even she saw Gu Xi's cynicism in the news.

She worked hard to maintain the lies for a few years, and was cleaned up at this moment.

Gu Shi felt that she was like a prisoner in prison without clothes, and anyone could come forward and spit at her.


Gu Shi threw away her phone and she sat on the ground.   Now her reputation has completely fallen to the bottom, all this is Gu Ninghuan hurt her!

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