Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 172: Am I rejected?

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At first, Mother Fu did not want to control the affairs between the juniors, but Meng Jingwen used the Xiaoxiao to deliberately calculate Gu Ninghuan at the Fu family. She didn't like it very much.

As long as Gu Ninghuan is Xishen's wife, she will protect her one day.

Meng Jingwen looked up and looked at Mother Fu: "I understand, I will not try to force anything."

Hearing Meng Jingwen say this, Mother Fu felt relieved. I believe that after she and Meng Jingwen said these today, she would be able to converge a little bit maliciously to Gu Ninghuan.

In the end, Meng Jingwen didn't make biscuits, she took Xiaoxiao out of Fu's old house.   "Sister Jingwen, what's wrong with you? Why did you leave Fu's family so early today, I didn't tell my grandmother the joke that I specially remembered yesterday." Xiaomin was held by Meng Jingwen, and some didn't understand why she left so quickly today.


Meng Jingwen's face was ugly, and his teeth squeezed out two words: "Shut up!"

Xiaoxiao looked at her sunken complexion, and with a deep sigh in her heart, did they fail to please the Fu family?

But how could it be possible that Aunt Fu liked her very much before, but why suddenly she changed.

She remembered it, it seemed that Gu Ninghuan changed after coming. Is it really like Gu Ninghuan said, only to please her can get Fu family's like?

Little bit her lip. Before being found by Xishen's father, she was sent to an orphanage by relatives at home for a while.

She doesn't like the social life there, and she doesn't like the kind of life that can't see hope.

But Meng Jingwen won't take care of her all her life. If she married someone other than Xishen's father, she wouldn't have such a comfortable life even if she wouldn't be sent back to the orphanage in the end.


Gu Ninghuan drove to Fu Family, and hadn't entered yet, he met Song Jinnian in the parking lot.

It is really surprising to see Song Jinnian here.

Gu Ninghuan hasn't said hello to Song Jinnian, but he has seen her first.

He stretched out his hand and caressed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and walked to her: "Mr. Fu is not in the company."

Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised, Song Jinnian didn't seem to know the news of her marriage.

In this case, how did she know that she came to Fu Shi to find Fu Xishen.

Song Jin smiled young, as if seeing through her careful thoughts: "The famous lady who never touched the business, what can Fu Fu do besides looking for Mr. Fu?"

"Brother Jinnian is really clever." Gu Ninghuan smiled lightly.

She turned around and took out her phone and pressed Fu Xishen's number.

Gu Ning Huan did not trust Song Jinnian, but she felt that she had come, so of course she still had to make sure.

After the phone was dialed, it was quickly connected, and then the man's cold voice sounded. Just hearing his voice, Gu Ninghuan couldn't help raising his lips.

"what's up?"

"Are you in the company now?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

"Not here."

"Oh." Gu Ninghuan said, still a little unhappy in his voice.


Fu Xishen asked briefly, Gu Ninghuan heard that there was some noise in his voice, presumably at a dinner.

She couldn't trouble Fu Xi deeply, and Gu Ninghuan forcibly revived: "It's okay, I'm just asking. I have dinner, bye."


Gu Ninghuan cut off the phone and knew that she should call Fu Xishen before dining.

She did not expect that it would happen so coincidentally, she happened to come to Fu Xishen for a meal, but the man was just not there.

In this case, Gu Ninghuan can only go back.

She turned around and stretched out her hand just to pull the car door, when she saw a fair-skinned hand with three points of anger, and pressed the door that she had not opened.

Gu Ninghuan looked up and saw Song Jinnian's stunning face.

Song Jinnian's face was morbid white, but his lips were blood-like red. He didn't look like Su Muzhe's kind of light.

Instead, his **** and cold breath was heavy, and it was also because of this that Song Jinnian was never liked by the Song family.

No matter how he picks out his skin, his inherently bad temperament still makes the Song family unhappy.

"Is Brother Jinnian doing something?" Gu Ninghuan had doubts in his eyes, and in all fairness, she couldn't find any reason why Song Jinnian stopped her.

"I asked Song Ci to have dinner. If you are okay, come together." Song Jinnian withdrew his hand and his arm hung naturally on his side.

It was obviously an ordinary problem, but for some reason, Gu Ninghuan felt a trace of tension from him.

Then Gu Ninghuan thought that he was thinking too much. Like Song Jinnian, she was almost a man soaked in blood during her captivity.

Even if murder was a blink of an eye for him, how could he be nervous because of a question.

"Okay." Gu Ning agreed cheerfully.

If she went back now, it was nothing more than making the maids busy preparing lunch.

In this case, it is better to go back after eating.

Song Jinnian saw her promise, her tight lips kept showing a faint smile.

"But where are we going to eat?" Gu Ninghuan asked while watching Song Jinnian, who was wearing a seat belt.

"Red Square." Song Jinnian threw out two words.

As soon as Gu Ninghuan heard the place, he instantly got his spirit and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

In this place, the Red Square, the food is very delicious, especially the sweet and sour loin there, it is simply a must.

When they arrived at the Red Square, Song Ci had not yet arrived.

She and Song Jinnian were sitting in a quiet box drinking tea, and by the way, chatting with each other.

During the chat, Gu Ninghuan suddenly remembered that she and Fu Xishen had confessed that night, but Fu Xishen finally ignored her.

Gu Ninghuan felt strange at the thought of this matter. Fu Xishen should not like her whether she liked it or not.

Now that Song Jinnian is here, and he is also a man.

Similarly, Song Jinnian is the same cold-blooded man as Fu Xishen, maybe Song Jinnian can guess Fu Xishen's idea. Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan put down the cup in his hand and looked at Song Jinnian very seriously: "Brother Jinnian, I would like to ask you one thing, that is, my friend recently confessed to her boyfriend, but waited for the night to pass, that boy and also

No positive answer was given to her, so was she rejected or was it rejected? "

Song Jinnian looked closely at the teacup in front of her, her lips and lips were somewhat smiling, and her tone was even more lukewarm: "Friend?"

"Cough! Of course I am a friend. Although many people call themselves by friends now, but I am not that kind of person. In short, you don’t care about these details, you will answer me directly. There is no reply, you are cold-blooded like you. , For cold people, does it mean rejection?"

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