Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 175: Has eroticism failed?

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Gu Ning Huan kissed very lightly, as if afraid of disturbing the dreamer.

She didn't know why, before she had pierced the window paper with Fu Xi, she would usually suppress his liking very well.

But since she said that she liked Fu Xishen, she found that she couldn't help it. As soon as she saw Fu Xishen, she would want to kiss him, and she would want to hold Fu Xishen and say that he liked him.

She had heard before that she liked this emotion, even if she covered her mouth, she would run out of her eyes.

She thought, she is the same to Fu Xishen now.

Gu Ninghuan kissed Fu Xishen. The touch was so real that she couldn't help but stretch her hand to pinch her waist. The slight pain made her pull back her own wisdom.

When she realized that the man in front of her was real, she couldn't help but stretch her hand and suddenly pushed away the man in front of her.

Fu Xishen hadn't responded yet, Gu Ninghuan had pushed him away and fell to the other side of the bed.

"How did you come back!" Gu Ninghuan couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground. She didn't restrain herself, and she was addicted to the beauty of the man again.

Looking at Gu Ninghuan's panic, Fu Xishen's face was very ugly.

Yesterday evening, he was still sitting in his arms, his eyes sparkling and said he liked him.

Why today I just kissed him and it became such a big reaction.

Is she because of the flowers sent by Meng Jingwen.

"I don't know about the flower in advance." The man looked at Gu Ninghuan, his voice not high or low.

Gu Ninghuan was secretly annoyed, and suddenly heard Fu Xishen say this only to remember the afternoon flowers.

Suddenly, I just felt the anger that had dissipated in my chest, and now I had the urge to ignite again.

But this is not Fu Xishen's fault, she will not change the hatred of Meng Jingwen to him.

"Well, I know you don't know." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Trying hard to create an attitude that is neither salty nor light.

But after she said that, she felt that Fu Xishen's displeasure was more intense.

Gu Ninghuan did not like the atmosphere in the room at this time. She stood up: "I'm going to take a shower first."

"Ma Li said on the phone that you didn't come back for dinner, where did you eat?" Fu Xishen looked at her sideways and didn't like Gu Ninghuan hiding from him like that.

Since Fu Xi asked deeply, Gu Ninghuan said very honestly: "I ate with Song Ci and Jinnian brother."

Song Jinnian! The illegitimate son of the Song family?

Fu Xishen's brows were deeper. Gu Ninghuan said yesterday that he liked him. It was indeed that he, who had few mood swings, changed his mood in a flash.

Even his heart became soft because of Gu Ninghuan's words.

But I like you. These four words are not the first time he heard Gu Ninghuan say it.

Even, the last time he saw Gu Ninghuan in front of him, he spoke to other men.

The scene at that time was even more gorgeous than yesterday, and more suitable for confession.

Fu Xi lowered his eyes deeply and liked these two words. For Gu Ninghuan, it was something he could say casually.

But for him, it is not.


When Gu Ninghuan came out of the bath, Fu Xishen was reading in bed.

His hair was slightly damp and he had obviously washed it in the bathroom next door.

Gu Ning looked up at his collarbone exposed to the air and couldn't help but stick out his pink tongue and licked his lips. Really, I really wanted to kiss Fu Xishen.

Actually think about it, she hasn't heard of Song Jinnian's relationship, maybe he is not so accurate or maybe.

But even thinking of Gu Ninghuan in this way did not follow her heart. She was really in love with love in her last life.

Otherwise, you will not even know that you don’t love Ji Zixing, and you will be confused and ruined by the house they used.

Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes. She was not in a hurry. Both she and Fu Xishen could waste their lives for a lifetime. She would definitely make Fu Xishen like her.

With such thoughts, she reached out and lifted the corner of the thin quilt.

Because he wanted to keep a distance from Fu Xishen, Gu Ninghuan curled up and lay on the corner of the bed, and his long black hair was scattered on the pillow, which was very smooth and beautiful.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and planned to sleep like this for a night.

But suddenly it felt that the man reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her whole body into the middle of the bed.

She hadn't responded yet, a shadow pressed directly up.

Gu Ning opened his eyes in a panic, facing the man straight and covered with a thin ice handsome face.

The distance between the two could not be said how close they were, but Fu Xishen's dangerous eyes made her tremble.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ninghuan's voice was small, revealing a somewhat pitiful meaning.

She didn't know how to make Fu Xishen unhappy.

The man's eyes were cold, and he leaned over and shrouded her under him: "Why are you not happy?"

"I'm not unhappy." Gu Ninghuan thought about it seriously. Today, when she was not happy, it should only be when she saw Meng Jingwen's bouquet of roses.

But she didn't get angry with Fu Xishen, but she confessed voluntarily, but Fu Xishen didn't give her a little response. From this point of view, she should really be unhappy.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan's face sank, and his head was turned away, which was regarded as a silent resistance. Gu Ninghuan only moved the small face, the man’s long fingers had already clasped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him, coldly speaking: "I was so affectionate yesterday that I like me so much, I am so cold today. I didn’t look at me once,

Gu Ninghuan, do you like me for only one night? "

She froze for a moment, but didn't expect that Fu Xishen thought of her like this.

But Gu Ninghuan was also very wronged, and she clearly did everything according to Song Jinnian.

Why Fu Xishen is not happy again, don't cold-blooded animals know cold-blooded animals best? "Since you all know that I like you, then you haven't given me any response. How do I know if you are happy or disdain about me, and of course I can only keep a distance from you." Gu Ninghuan The more you speak this tone

The more wronged it is, the more troublesome love is.

Faced with her grievances, Fu Xi's deep outlines were slightly invisible and the coldness in her eyes subsided.

He closed his eyes, and his tall, tall body pulled away from her.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, a little panicked, she just complained Fu Xishen a few words, is he angry?

Has her passion failed?  Gu Ning looked at Fu Xishen, who was lying beside him, and he returned to his usual calmness and indifference, and could not see the slightest harshness just now.

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