Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 184: Meng Jingwen's child is not mine

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The maid did not know what happened, but when she saw Gu Ninghuan's shoulders shaking on the floor tiles, she also realized that Gu Ninghuan was crying.

She immediately threw away the vacuum cleaner in her hand and reached out to try to support Gu Ning.

But when the maid's hand touched Gu Ninghuan's arm, she whispered: "Don't touch me, I can stand up by myself."

The maid heard that she obediently stepped back and distanced Gu Ninghuan, but the worries in her eyes had not dissipated.

Gu Ninghuan struggled to get up and stumbled up the stairs until he pushed open the door of the bedroom. It collapsed on the ground like he was exhausted.

Even if the child in Meng Jingwen's womb was Fu Xishen, she had survived even death in her previous life, and she would not be afraid of any difficulties in this life.

She is not afraid of the truth, but she is just sad, she is sad to wait for this fact.

Holding her knees and crying for a while, Gu Ninghuan stopped her tears. She took out her phone and pressed Fu Xishen's number.

It took a long time for the man to connect: "Ning Huan?"

"Are you in the company?" Gu Ninghuan said, only to find his voice was dumb.

Fu Xishen still has such a low and pleasant voice: "Well, are you coming? I will send a driver to pick you up."

"Okay." Gu Ninghuan hung up after agreeing.

Fu Xi looked down at the call that had been cut off, only to feel that Gu Ninghuan was not right.

Even if she simply said two sentences, they added up to only six words, but it felt extremely strange to him.

Could it have happened to Gu Ninghuan that he did not know?

Thinking of the possibility of this, Fu Xishen frowned deeply.

He picked up the phone and pressed Shen Rui's inside line to prepare him to investigate whether Gu Ninghuan had anything to do in school today.

But just after picking up the phone, he saw Shen Rui pushing the door in, and his mother was standing behind him.

"President, my wife said I would like to see you." Shen Rui saw the condensed face of Mrs. Fu and withdrew a cup of coffee, then retired consciously.

When Fu saw her in the office, only she and Fu Xishen were left. Then she took the document out of the paper bag and threw it **** the transparent coffee table.

Fu Xi looked up at Fu Mother deeply and waited for her to speak.

"Meng Jingwen is pregnant with your child, do you know this?" Fu Mother asked lightly.

There was no first time to find Fu Xishen because she understood her son's personality. He said that he should not have illegitimate children, that is, he really would not have children.

But she could not let the children of Fu family be so abandoned by Fu Xishen.

"The child she is pregnant with is not mine." Fu Xishen dropped the phone in his hand, a bit impatient.

This is the second time that nothing happened between him and Meng Jingwen, but he was questioned more than once by the people he valued.

Hearing this answer, Mother Fu was not surprised.

If she didn't see the paternity test in person, she might really believe what Fu Xishen said.

But now the paternity test is in front of her, and even in order not to let anyone do anything, she specifically ordered the doctor to send it to the Fu family immediately after the test results came out.

She took confidential inspections throughout the entire process, including Meng Jingwen's sampling.

With the greatest ability to eliminate the possibility of all parties involved, the inspection report made under such circumstances can be said to be very credible. "How do you explain this paternity test, it shows that you are the father of Meng Jingwen's child! Xishen, I know you don't like Meng Jingwen, and I also know that because of Ning Huan, you don't want illegitimate children, but he is you after all of

Bone blood, how do you have the heart to deny his existence! "

Fu mother looked into Fu Xishen's eyes, full of disappointment.

Fu Xishen's face sank completely: "Mom, even if I'm your son, you don't have the right to help me to do a paternity test without me knowing it." Is the Meng family making things big? Is it embarrassing to watch Ning Huan grasping Jingwen's pregnancy? Or should you watch Jingwen killing our Fu family?"

The well-maintained face is full of sadness, and every word is the mother's vision for the son.

Fu Xishen's eyes moved from Fu's mother to the document in her hand: "Meng Jingwen's child has nothing to do with me. I will deal with this matter.

"I will take care of this matter. I will go to Ning Huan, you can not marry Meng Jingwen, you can not want the child, but I absolutely do not allow you to hurt him." Fu mother did not move so much that Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen Divorce thoughts.

Even she thought that if Fu Xishen didn't want to recognize Meng Jingwen's children, she would never allow Fu Xishen to harm Fu's blood in order to preserve her marriage.

Fu Xishen pressed the inside line and said coldly: "Send a car to take my wife back."

Mother Fu was so choked that Fu Xishen was so oily and salty. She closed her eyes and calmed down her mood: "I've taken Jingwen to the Fu's old house. From today on, she will stay at Fu's home and give birth to you. You Don't try to do anything to her."

After talking, Fu mother turned and left.

When she walked out of Fu Xishen's office, she saw Gu Ninghuan sitting outside and drinking tea quietly.

Mother Fu was surprised when she saw Gu Ninghuan appearing outside Fu Xishen's office.

But Gu Ninghuan was very calm when he saw Fu Mother, and the peace was so disturbing.

"Ning Huan, what's the matter with you when you come to Xishen?" Fu Mother felt that Gu Ninghuan must not know the news of Meng Jingwen's pregnancy.

Otherwise, at this time, she would not be so calm.

Gu Ninghuan stood up with a calm and calm smile on his lips, and approached Mother Fu with a voice that only two people could hear: "It is to prove that someone is pregnant."

Mother Fu heard the words and slowly tightened her hand holding the purse. She pressed the hard purse into a few traces: "Ning Huan and Xishen are working. You will disturb him when you go in. If you come back, please Fu family, shall we speak slowly?" Gu Ninghuan shook his head with a chuckle: "That person is a matter between me and Fu Xishen, and it should be resolved by both of us. Mom, you can rest assured, I It’s not going to make a fuss with Fu Xi. That’s just to make others read jokes, right?


Mother Fu looked at Gu Ninghuan inquiringly, but felt that for a moment, she seemed to know her again.

Before the marriage, she was still like a rose with thorns. At that time, she was reluctant to marry Fu Xishen.

And she was very dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law, such as Gu Ninghuan, who had no tutor.   But in the end, Xishen chose her among so many girls who looked better than her, better than her family, and better than her education.

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