Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 187: Sitting in a man's arms

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She didn't reach out to hug her.

Gu Ninghuan raised his chin, and under the dim interior lights, she could not see the expression of the man clearly.

But she didn't know why, she just wanted to be close to him.

It's because of his face, not just because of his face.

She sat aggrievedly on the carpet in the car. The maid's car drove very steady, but it was still a little bumpy.

Originally sitting in the position, the good suspension system in the car will not make people feel any.

But Gu Ninghuan sat cross-legged in the car, his body flicked back and forth with the subtle impact of the mistress.

This uncontrolled feeling made Gu Ninghuan feel very unhappy, but she didn't want to sit in a proper position.

So she moved her body, and the whole person leaned on Fu Xi's deep legs, reaching out to hold his calf more tightly to maintain the balance of the body.

She hugged tightly, the summer clothes were thin, and her soft body just stuck to his calf with no gaps.

Fu Xi lowered her eyes, and saw that her neckline revealed the harsh white, her throat rolled up and down, and her tone was also impatient: "Release."

"Don't let go of you, I... I will fall." Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen with dissatisfaction, but gripped his leg even more tightly.

Fu Xishen stretched out her hand to carry her collar and easily carried her to her lap.

He felt that if he continued to let Gu Ninghuan hold on like this.

"Gu Ninghuan, are you seduce me?" The man's hand squeezed her face, rubbing her delicate skin with fingers with thin cocoons, making Gu Ninghuan just feel hotter and hotter.

She sat on Fu Xi's deep legs and stretched out her fingers to unbutton the buttons of the two shirts, only to feel that the temperature on her body was too hot.

I knew she wouldn't drink so much spirits, and now it's me who is uncomfortable.

But why did she drink so much wine, Gu Ninghuan looked dumbfounded, as if she couldn't remember.

"Why didn't you speak, just now it's quite noisy?" Fu Xishen's voice was cold, forcibly interrupting Gu Ninghuan's thoughts.

Gu Ninghuan turned to look at Fu Xishen, feeling that she had been uncomfortable because she had drunk too much.

Now the man actually said of her so fiercely, she suddenly felt very wronged.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes slowly turned red, and there was also a sobbing tone in his tone: "If you don't want to be with me, just say so, what are you fierce! I don't want you anymore, who is as bad as your temper, who is rare!" "

After talking, she struggled and slid down the man’s leg, her tiny nose wrinkled, and her bright eyes covered with mist.

Fu Xishen didn't want to worry about drunk Gu Ninghuan.

He did not like Gu Ninghuan to treat him as a stranger before he was close to him after drinking.

So Gu Ninghuan was relieved for him.

However, after Gu Ninghuan said the words "don't want him", Fu Xi suddenly felt an irritable anger that rose from the bottom of his heart.

Even if he knew Gu Ninghuan at the moment, he was only talking in a hurry, but he still felt annoyed.

Gu Ninghuan climbed his seat with his hands and feet, but didn't want to move away from the seat immediately afterwards.

The man's dangerous eyes stared at her, his eyes cool: "What did you just say, say it again."

Gu Ninghuan was so stared by him that he felt a little fluffy in his heart.

And under the influence of alcohol, she can't remember what she said just now, just looked at him so weakly.

"Buckle button"

"Master, you're home."

The sound of the maid's finger knocking on the partition in the car sounded, and Fu Xishen took Gu Ninghuan out of the car with a cold face.

Gu Ninghuan got off the bus and was blown by the cold wind, and his broken mind recovered a little.

The alternating hot and cold feelings made her feel a little uncomfortable, curled up and drilled into Fu Xi's arms.

Fu Xi looked down at the little woman who cleverly hugged him at this moment, his face eased a bit.

When Gu Ninghuan took him back to Fu's villa and hadn't gone upstairs yet, Gu Ninghuan clamored for a bath.

The maid also wants to make up for it: "Master, if you give me the young lady, let me take a bath for her."

It was reasonable for the maid to say this.

Who doesn’t know that apart from studying abroad for a few years, Master Fu didn’t give him a maid in order to train him.

At other times, the young master has always been a group of maids at home, how can such a young master serve others.

But Mrs. Shao is drunk like this, of course, she can't let her take a bath alone, otherwise what should happen if something happens.

"No need to."

Fu Xi returned lightly, holding Gu Ninghuan upstairs.

Gu Ninghuan wriggled restlessly in Fu Xi's deep arms, clutching the man's shirt with his small hand, muttering in his red lips: "I'm going to take a bath... you let me down... woo woo, I'm hot."

Gu Ninghuan twisted in Fu Xishen's arms and almost slipped off the man's arms.

Fu Xishen saw that her body slipped and her heart sank. Her hand holding Gu Ninghuan's body was tighter. At the same time, she raised her hand angrily and patted her back slightly: "Be gentle, otherwise you will make trouble again." Throw you out."

Gu Ninghuan was unhappy to hear Fu Xishen say this, but was afraid that the man would really throw her out.

She didn't want to be thrown out, it was so cold outside.

Fu Xishen took Gu Ninghuan into the room and walked straight to the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan had a faint smell of wine, he was not disgusted, but when he thought about the reason for her drinking, he was a little unhappy.

Just want to wash her well, coax her to sleep, and let her rest well.

Fu Xishen put her on the ground and reached out to open the faucet. The warm water flowed out. He carefully reached the bathtub and filled it with water while trying to reach the temperature.

I don't want Gu Ninghuan to have any discomfort because of the water temperature.

Gu Ninghuan tilted his head and looked at his handsome side to the extreme profile, his heartbeat slowly lost his rhythm.

He really looks good.

She carefully moved closer to his side, the tip of her nose was close to the man's body, and it was fragrant.

The clean and clear fragrance of the man made Gu Ninghuan hold back and kissed the man's profile directly.

Fu Xishen, who concentrated on checking the water temperature, didn't expect Gu Ninghuan to come over to kiss him suddenly.

Always breathing steadily, he couldn't help but mess up a bit, he reached out to push Gu Ninghuan away.

During the day, she clearly resisted his kiss, if now he really did something to her while she was drunk, wouldn't she hate him more.

But Fu Xishen hadn't had time to push her away, Gu Ninghuan's soft body pressed towards him.

The two fell on the cold tiles in the bathroom, Gu Ninghuan sat in his arms, his red lips moved from the man's cheek to his lips.   Black and white eyes looked directly at him, with emotions in his eyes that the men could not understand.

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