Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 192: Who should doubt him most

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Xiao Xiao was a little uncomfortable in her eyes like Madam Meng.

In the past, when she was very close to Xishen's father, she certainly could not care about Mrs. Meng, and sometimes it would not be a big deal to talk to Mrs. Meng.

But now Xishen's father obviously doesn't like her any more. Without Xishen's father as a backing, it makes her dare not continue to rashly.

"Ms. Meng, I have no intention of talking back to Sister Jingwen." Xiao Xiao lowered her head and explained obediently. Madam Meng was even more arrogant: "You dare to talk nonsense, I heard you and Jingwen speak loudly just now! Little, since you don't like our Jingwen so much, then why not let me find you again Everyone takes care of you

how about it? "

Little suddenly raised his head, his body shook fiercely, looking at Mrs. Meng unbelievably.

She pulled on Meng Jingwen's sleeves next to her, and even brought a three-pointed cry in her tone: "Sister Jingwen, you said you would be my sister for life, I like you so much, you must not want me !"

Meng Jingwen looked at Xiao Xiao's hand holding her sleeve: "Xiao Xiao, I also want to take good care of you, but you also know that I am carrying Xishen's child in my belly.

He is my hope of marrying into the Fu family, and also our hope of a good life. In order to avoid you bumping into him, would you leave the Meng family for a while, right? "

Little loosened Meng Jingwen's sleeves, I can't believe she would say so.

Meng Jingwen said to her well before long, as long as she cooperates well with her and waits until Meng Jingwen marries Fu, she will become the daughter of Xishen’s father.

But why she did everything according to Meng Jingwen's request now, but the last thing she got was sent out of the Meng family in disguise.

"But I don't know where I should go except the Meng family." For the first time, a confused look appeared on Xiao Xiao's face.

Suddenly a trace of coldness crossed Mrs. Meng's eyes: "Little, you can rest assured that you will love the place where we are going to send you."

Meng Jingwen looked up at his mother and did not understand what she meant.

But for Xiao Xiao, now she can't even count a chess piece, just an abandoned piece.

But Meng Jingwen also did not want Mrs. Meng to do too terrific, and it would be useful to go to a small place in the future.


Fu's old house.

After experiencing the unpleasantness just now, Gu Ninghuan can finally sit down and chat with Fu Fu after a good tea.

Gu Ninghuan is holding a tea cup in her hand. She knows that Fu Mother asked her to come over today to talk about Meng Jingwen.

But now that Fu Fu is patient with her personality, Gu Ning won't ask first. "I want to leave Jingwen's child, do you know Ning Huan right? In fact, leaving Jingwen's child does not cause much trouble to you and Xishen's life, you also know Xishen I don’t like Meng Jingwen

What cares about her children. "Fu Mu softly persuaded Gu Ninghuan."

It can be seen that in her heart, she really wants to leave Meng Jingwen as a child.

"But I care, Mom, you are also a woman, and you should know how much harm this would have caused me if the child in Meng Jingwen's womb was really Xishen.

Even that child didn't need to do anything, as long as he existed enough to make me sad. "Gu Ninghuan's tone was calm, but she was not comfortable.

She still believes in Fu Xishen, but every time she sees Meng Jingwen's slightly bulged abdomen, she feels as if she is in her throat.

If Meng Jingwen's child was really born, it would undoubtedly hurt her.

She didn't want to grieve herself, nor did she want to pretend to carelessly.

Meng Jingwen’s child, no matter whether it was Fu Xishen or not, she would not accept that child appearing in the Fu family.

"I believe that Fu Xishen will never have any improper relationship with Meng Jingwen, and you should also believe him, so if it's okay, I'll go first." Gu Ninghuan finished, trying to get up and retreat.

Mother Fu nodded, she wanted to have a good talk with Gu Ninghuan, but after they had trouble with Meng Jingwen and Mrs. Meng, Gu Ninghuan had no desire to talk.

But Gu Ninghuan's words still caused a turmoil in Fu's heart.

Is it really like she said, Xi Shen really has nothing to do with Meng Jingwen?

If Gu Ninghuan, the person who should most doubt Xishen, would be so in love with him.

Then, as a mother, should she also believe in her son.

"Check it out for me. After the paternity test, who did I handle?" Fu said slowly.

"Madam, the young master is back." The maid stepped forward and said, bending over next to Fu.

Hearing the news of Fu Xishen's return, Fu Mother did not have much joy on her face.

Fu Xishen came back at this time, it must be for her to accept Meng Jingwen.

On the other side, Meng Jingwen was looking at the jewelry box in his hand, while Xiao Xiao was being taken upstairs by the housekeeper to pack things up.

Meng Jingwen did not know where Madam Meng planned to send Xiao Xiao, but she did not care so much about Xiao Xiao.

"Madam, I just received the news. Mr. Fu has returned to Fu's house." The maid walked in hurriedly, and the news was so exciting.

There was light in Mrs. Meng’s eyes, and she stood up: “After waiting so long, I finally waited for Xishen to come back. Jingwen, you are waiting for me at the Meng family, and Mom will get a fair deal for you now!”

"Mom, don't be impulsive. I'm pregnant with Xishen's children now. Xishen will be responsible for me no matter what." Meng Jingwen doesn't want Fu Xishen to be too embarrassed.

Fu Xishen must have loved her. He just couldn't accept it because he suddenly learned of her pregnancy.

She can understand Fu Xishen and is willing to wait with her children.

"Are you stupid! If Fu Xishen doesn't have the demon Gu Ninghuan beside him, I'll let you and him slowly grind.

But Gu Ninghuan's woman is very difficult to see at first glance. If you continue to grind like this, if the child is also pregnant, then you will cry! "Ms. Meng finished, and hurried out.

Meng Jingwen saw something wrong, and followed closely.

When they arrived at Fu's house, they just heard the indifferent words from Fu Xi's deep mouth: "There was no intentional explanation before because it was not worth it, but I didn't expect that you really believed that paternity test." "Xishen, what do you mean by that? I really didn't do the paternity test, and Aunt Fu wouldn't help me to forge the paternity test, so it is of course true." Meng Jingwen's eyes were almost obsessed with Fu Xishen. , In her mouth

self-mumbling.  She didn't understand why, and Fu Xishen must insist that the paternity test is false.

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