Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 210: Don't move

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Such thoughts hovered in Gu Ninghuan's heart, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

At this time, Fu Xishen's expression was as usual, and there was no slight displeasure in his expression.

But the feeling of showing through the whole body is a kind of cold.

Gu Ninghuan confronted his questions with silence.

She leaned her head gently against the window.

When I was excited about Gu Shi just now, I didn't feel anything.

But now the emotions in my heart dissipated.

Gu Shi was also kicked out of Gu's house by Grandpa Gu.

Since the beginning of rebirth, the pressure on my heart is finally dissipated.

And probably because of mental pressure is gone.

So the physical pain is particularly clear.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she had no pain from neck to toe.

Suddenly, the originally smooth vehicle slightly bumped.

Gu Ninghuan's neck leaning on the window was implicated by this small bump.

Can't help but mumble out loud.

But immediately, he immediately bit his lip to hold back the pain from his neck.

Slowly remove your head from the car window.

Fu Xi glanced at Gu Ninghuan lightly and said: "Get off the car and buy medicine."

Gu Ninghuan said, looking at a 24-hour pharmacy outside the car.

But she was in pain all over now, and she really didn't want to buy medicine.

But since Fu Xishen said so.

Gu Ninghuan, who owes him such a big favor today, will not refute.

She obediently untied her seat belt and prepared to get off the car to buy medicine.

But as soon as my finger touched the seat belt, I saw that the driver had pulled the door to get off.

So Fu Xishen didn't ask her to get off the car and buy medicine.

The driver quickly bought the medicine back, and Gu Ninghuan thanked the driver.

As soon as I planned to reach out and take the medicine, I saw that the man had taken the medicine.

Gu Ninghuan reached for an empty hand and looked at Fu Xishen slightly.

Seeing the man had no intention to help her apply medicine.

It seems that she acted passionately, even if Fu Xishen asked the driver to buy medicine, it was not necessarily bought for her.

It may also be that he was accidentally injured on the way.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan grasped the seat belt on his chest involuntarily.

Probably a man always appears when she needs it most.

Only to make her inexplicably begin to think too much.

Gu Ninghuan looked out of the car, hoping to get to his apartment quickly.

In this way, she no longer needs to stay in the same closed space with Fu Xishen.

"This... doesn't seem to be the way to my apartment." Gu Ninghuan pursed his lips and whispered.

But Fu Xishen ignored her, his eyes fell on the tablet in his hand.

She seemed to be very attentively looking at the data on the tablet that she could not understand.

Gu Ninghuan didn't dare to bother him when he saw that he was so attentive.

I can only go to the driver and say, "Sorry, can you stop by the roadside? I want to take a taxi home."

"Young lady, I can't stop without the consent of the young master." The driver's words were embarrassing, and it was rather gentle to reject Gu Ninghuan's request.

Gu Ning Huan endured for a while, there is no way.

I can only reach out and grab the man's good-quality clothing corner, and gently tug: "Can you let the driver stop, I want to get off the car and go home."

Fu Xi looked down at her white and clean fingers, and gently pulled the corner of his clothes.

At the bottom of her heart, because of the stagnation caused by her saying that she was looking for a home, she dissipated a lot.

He opened his lips, still indifferent and indifferent: "Are you worried about being assassinated again after returning to that apartment?"

Gu Ninghuan said that the fingers that grabbed him by the corner of the garment were loose, and some were weak on the leather cushion.

"I'm afraid, will that trouble you, and send me to a safe hotel.

Also, in the hurry I came out today, the wallet was not brought, can you lend me some money? "Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone has been shut down because of no power.

She also has no way to pay by mobile phone.

Can only be somewhat embarrassed to ask Fu Xishen.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to ask Fu Xishen to borrow money, it was better than she had nowhere to go tonight.

"Follow me back to the villa." Fu Xi said faintly.

"No! Now that the two of us have agreed to a divorce, how can I still go back to your home." Gu Ninghuan refused if he didn't want to.

The fact that she moved out of the Fu's villa was blocked from the outside.

But how can this hide Meng Jingwen, Meng Jingwen must have moved into the villa to have a baby.

How could she go back to them so ignorantly?

"Then you can get off now." Fu Xi sneered deeply.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She widened her eyes and looked at the cold-faced and cold-faced man sitting next to her. She was aggrieved: "How can you be like this!

It is clear that Meng Jingwen lives in the villa, you have to take me back, you are not for my good, but to bully me! "

"Meng Jingwen doesn't live in the villa." The man's eyes were so pale that there was no trace of excess temperature.

Gu Ninghuan heard him say this, of course, he was unwilling to believe.

Meng Jingwen knew that she had left Fu's villa.

How could it be possible to live in the villa without the first time.

How could she let go of such an opportunity.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to believe Fu Xishen because she beat her heart and felt that she had already left the villa.

Then of course the villa needs a hostess.

As for the hostess, no matter how you look at it now, she feels that only Meng Jingwen is competent.

Along the way, Gu Ninghuan's expression was a little sluggish.

When the car stopped on the parking apron, the driver approached her to pull the car door,

Gu Ninghuan thanked him and got off, looking at the gorgeous villa in front of him.

It was obviously a place where I lived for so long, but I don’t know why, but Gu Ninghuan lost the idea of ​​moving forward again.

She also feared what to do if Meng Jingwen suddenly rushed out.

She used to be Fu Xishen's wife and the owner of this villa.

But now, she is about to become Fu Xishen's ex-wife, and Meng Jingwen is the future owner of this villa.

Is this the legendary Feng Shui rotation?

The man walked to Gu Ninghuan, took her hand very naturally, and walked towards the villa.

Gu Ninghuan subconsciously wanted to draw his hand back, but couldn't get rid of it.

"Fu Xishen, we can't do this. The two of us have agreed to a divorce." Gu Ninghuan stood still and insisted not to go hand in hand with Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen heard her mention the word divorce again, her beautiful brows frowned slightly.

Stepped forward to walk in front of her and couldn't help but hug her sideways.

Gu Ninghuan's heart suddenly missed a beat and just wanted to struggle.   heard the cool sound of his words: "If there is any disturbance, you will be **** and thrown by the roadside."

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