Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 212: You are so anxious to do it, eh?

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Gu Ninghuan looked up at the man indignantly.

She had no doubt at all, if she continued to refuse, the man could press her to continue the matter.

"Give me the medicine." Gu Ninghuan had no choice but to reach out and want to take the medicine in Fu Xishen's hand.

But the man remained motionless and spoke lightly: "I help you."

She reached out and grabbed the bathrobe collar tightly: "I don't want it, I can do it myself."

"Take it off." Fu Xi conceded deeply, and there was even some faint impatience in his words.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect her thin arms like this to be able to screw thighs like Fu Xishen.

But taking off in front of the man's face made Gu Ninghuan feel shy enough.

She took off her bathrobe a bit stiffly, lying on the dark sheets without a trace of her body.

Gu Ninghuan's wounds did not bleed, most of the bruises were killed by Gu Shi's killer.

Another small part was accidentally knocked when she was at Gu's house.

Fu Xi looked at the little woman lying on the dark bed obediently.

Her skin was very tender, and he kissed him a little bit heavier.

It will take at least three or five days for the traces to disappear.

Now that she has such a large bruise, I don't know how long it takes to recuperate.

Gu Ninghuan buried his chin in a soft pillow.

Although she couldn't see the man's movements, she could feel his eyes falling on her body now.

"You... you... are still on... not taking medicine" Gu Ninghuan's voice was low, with a sense of embarrassment.

Fu Xishen gave a low voice and opened the ointment in his hand, then wiped it on Gu Ninghuan.

The man's action of applying medicine starts from the woman's neck, and then slowly down.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't see how many wounds were on his back, when he took a bath before.

It's also because of taking into account the injury on the body, so I just rushed out and came out.

However, the ointment was applied to the body, but it made Gu Ninghuan feel a bit painful. At this time, there was a comfortable coolness.

But slowly, as the man's movements went down, Gu Ninghuan felt that his face was hotter.

Finally, she couldn't help but hold the pillow to cover her naked chest.

Blushing can bleed: "You can give me the ointment, I can do the rest by myself."

Fu Xishen still stretched out his hand to hold the ointment and watched her ink-colored hair spread over her shoulders. The looming beauty added a touch of temptation.

"No," Fu Xishen's eyes were dull, and he refused very directly.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him with some displeasure.

Did the man come to help her today, or did he intentionally oppose her?

She lowered her head, and the hair in her ear fell down to cover half of her cheek.

Although it seems a little unhappy, but it makes people feel that she no longer wants to continue to refuse.

Fu Xi extended his fingers and shoved her long hair off her shoulders.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and reached out to grab the ointment in the hands of men.

But Gu Ninghuan is a little girl raised in the ivory tower, even if she responds quickly.

How could there be any bargain in the hands of a man like Fu Xishen.

He just stepped back slightly, not to mention Gu Ninghuan's ointment in his hand, even if it was the corner of the man's body that had not been touched.

Instead, the whole person almost rolled off the bed because of too much movement.

"You are so anxious to do it, eh?" Fu Xishen reached out and hooked her slender waist so that she would not fall.

Gu Ninghuan's face was hot for a while, and it was obvious that her previous move was just to grab the ointment in his hand.

But Fu Xishen misunderstood how she wanted to do that kind of thing with men, how could she be so misunderstood.

Especially at this time, the man's hand on her waist was so hot that her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

Before he could react, he was directly pulled back into his arms by the man.

The bathrobe that Fu Xishen was wearing covered his perfect body.

Instead, it was Gu Ninghuan, at this time there was no shelter in his body.

After experiencing the farce just now, Gu Ninghuan also gave up the idea of ​​continuing resistance.

It's embarrassing to be embarrassed, anyway, the two of them are now husband and wife, but just taking a medicine naked, there is not much relationship.

But even comforting himself like this, Gu Ninghuan's thoughts are still higher and higher as the man's fingers move.

Gu Ninghuan was relieved when Fu Xi slowly screwed on the ointment cover slowly.

She could hardly wait to get up and leave, but her shoulders were caught by the man, and the man kissed her directly before she could respond.


The scream of a female scream came from the VIP ward of Kyoto First Hospital.

"Whether you doctors will treat the disease! Can you lighten up!"

"The analgesic dose was increased for me! Why did I use so few anesthetics? Are you quack doctors worried that I have no money to pay?"

"I tell you, it was the mistress of the Gu family who made me like this, so the Gu family must cure me! I don't lack money to see a doctor!"

"Tap lightly! Fool!"


Gu Shi shouted like crazy after coming out of the operating room.

Xie Yu stood outside the door of the ward, and the whole person listened to Gu Shi's curse with great headache.

Obviously she saw that others had undergone surgery, and all looked quiet and weak.

But Gu Shi seemed to have undergone surgery without any injuries.

Instead, he scolded the doctor, nurse, nanny, and all the people she saw.

Xie Yu stood outside the door and said that he had escaped a disaster, but his ears were still torn.

The doctors and nurses ran out early after helping Gu Shi prepare food.

The nanny who took care of Gu Shi didn't stay long, but found an excuse to buy things and slipped away.

All of a sudden, the entire VIP ward was left with only Jie Yu and Gu Shi.

Gu Shi saw the people around him going out one by one, and never returned afterwards, and felt more and more angry at the bottom of his heart.

In her view, it was the group of people who felt that she had been kicked out of Gu's house, so she could ignore her.

So in the room, Gu Shi, who could not see a living person, began to abandon her disguised upbringing for so many years.

Immediately, he began to yell and swear, and what he said became more and more ugly.

"Are you annoying or not, since you can treat the disease well, I will help you to leave the hospital if it is not cured." Xie Yu listened for a long time and saw Gu Shi cursing more and more.

Finally I couldn't help but walked in and said to Gu Shi.  Gu Shi saw that Xie Yu appeared, and a twisted smile appeared on his face, which became cruel because of his anger.

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